The Hope of Elantris

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<The Hope of Elantris
The Hope of Elantris cover.jpg
by ?
Follows Elantris
Released January 2006

The Hope of Elantris is a short story written by Brandon Sanderson and published, in January of 2006. It was initially released as an e-book for sale on Amazon and eventually released on Brandon Sanderson own Template:Bws.

The book is set in the world of Elantris occurring at the same time as certain events in the book but centers on different characters. Brandon Sanderson, commented that "if you haven't read the novel Elantris, this contains major spoilers. Might I suggest reading the book first? This story won't work at all for you if you haven't."


After Elantris' restoration Raoden sits alone in his palace noting the cities new found wealth. Ashe, Sarene's Seon, floats in through an open window to inform Raoden his wife will not be attending their dinner, that she is pregnant and "it's his fault." Raoden settles in to listening to Ashe's testament to his whereabouts during the last hours before Elantris' restoration.

Everyone has a role in New Elantris; Matisse looks after the children of the Roost but on this night they cannot find the will to sleep. Outside, many of the adults have begun drawing Aons. Matisse ushers the children to bed with threats of doing more school work if they wanted to stay up. As Matisse observes many of the adults outside surrounding Galladon, Idotris claims Aons are useless before Matisse leaves the Roost. Searching out her adoptive father, Dashe, he explains to her that Galladon is having the Elantrians practice Aons in the new form that he and Raoden discovered in Elantris - adding the chasm line.

Watchin Galladon lecture the Elantrians, Ashe floats up behind Matisse and Dashe. He had come with a message for Karata, but Dashe informs him she's in the library and with Galladon otherwise pre-occupied Ashe delivers his message from Sarene to Dashe about the shipment of weapons coming into New Elantris. After Dashe leaves to organise men to collect the weapons Matisse asks to borrow Ashe for a moment.

Back at the Roost Ashe helps a young girl to sleep and after he's done with his story he speaks to Matisse outside. She apologizes for taking his time to which he comments that he is pleased to do so again since Sarene was a child. Mareshe calls out to Matisse looking for Dashe. She warns him not to wake the children. Mareshe lets slip that Galladon and Karata have disappeared now too. Suddenly, New Elantris erupts into distant screams; Ashe flies away to see what is happening while Taid - the adult supervisor of the Roost - runs to investigate himself.

On the verge of following, Idotris is stopped by Matisse, ushering him inside to wake the children. Crossing the street Matisse finds two lanterns when Ashe comes back to inform her that a Fjordell army has invaded the city. And they are heading her way. In the midst of her dread Matisse snaps herself to action, realising that the soldiers will be following the cleaned up streets to find the Elantrians and taking the children to the dirty parts will be safer. Ashe is sent to find Dashe.

They flee the Roost, Idotris quieting the children whenever they cried, all staying close to the little lantern light they had. From behind the harsh tongue of Fjordell is raised and Matisse turns to see three soldiers pursuing them. Horrified by the realisation that these men would kill the children she tells them all to run. Ashe comes back to distract the soldiers so that Dashe can charge them unseen. Urging the children on again Matisse whirls around wishing she could do something to help Dashe. He fights bravely but is overwhelemed by numbers and a weakened Elantrian body. He takes a sword to the chest and sees Matisse, mouthing "run" to her. Matisse screams, drawing the attention of the soldiers.

Ashe tries to motivate her but an idea occurs to her that she sends Ashe on to find Idotris and tell him to lead the children to the library where Galladon and Karata will be. Hoping it will work she begins drawing Aon Ashe, the symbol for light. The soldiers advance after a slight hesitation but are blinded by a brilliant light when she completes the symbol with the chasm line. Then she runs. Into Elantris proper and all the sludge she picks her way through the streets until she finds herself surrounded by Fjordell soldiers. One of the soldiers grabs her but a well placed kick causes him to slip on the sludge and release her. Her leg now damaged and unhealing she limps away from the soldiers still fighting to upright themselves. Finding Dashe's body and the blaze of New Elantris in flames she realises she's gone in a circle.

Dashe repeats the mantra of a Hoed, already his mind broken. Instead of running from the approaching soldiers, Matisse holds on to Dashe's body, not wanting to flee. The Fjordell soldier interrogates her as to the location of the children, threatening her with pain before something happens: the ground shakes and suddenly Matisse feels warm, her skin turning silvery and her wounds healing. The Fjordell man is taken aback but still intent on causing her pain. The life of Elantris is returning and she is to die at this man's hands. With her healed, so was Dashe, and he announces such before killing the Fjordell man with the sword that had impaled him not long ago.

Ashe finishes his story; Raoden understands that Ashe wanted to stay with the children until the crisis was over with, explaining his absense. Raoden then inquires to Ashe which of the two Seons he sent Dashe for his services he gave to Matisse, expecting it to be Ati. Instead, Matisse has been given Aeo which Raoden considers equally appropriate.

Aeo means bravery.
