
From The Coppermind
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Abilities Cytonics, inhibition fields
Species Taynix
Homeworld Detritus
Universe Cytoverse
Introduced In Defiant

Praline is an inhibitor taynix who flies with Kimmalyn in the Battle of Evensong. The slug is somewhat reserved, as they are still getting to know Kimmalyn.[1] They enjoy being scritched, and they stay quiet during moments of high g-forces unless the forces are particularly strong.[1][2]

When Praline and Kimmalyn began working together, Kimmalyn initially named the slug Prellen after her grandmother. However, her friends thought she was saying Praline because of her accent, and the name stuck. During the Battle of Evensong, Praline and Happy flew with Kimmalyn in the slug box in her ship.[1] Kimmalyn went to one of the inhibitor stations near Evensong in an attempt to rescue the slug trapped within, and Praline was able to relay some impressions of the slug's emotions to Kimmalyn. Praline and Happy communicated with the slug to tell her they were there to rescue her, but they had difficulty convincing her. They did manage to secure the slug's help in allowing their ship to hyperjump within her inhibition field.[2] Praline was with Kimmalyn for the duration of the battle.


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This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Truthwatch3r (talk) 20:19, 25 May 2024 (UTC)