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Spouse Vivenna's mother
Children Vivenna, Ridger, Fafen, Siri
Relatives Denth[1], Shashara
Ancestors Vo
Abilities Royal Locks
Titles King of Idris
Residence Bevalis
Nationality Idrian
Homeworld Nalthis
Universe Cosmere

My friend, I must admit a weakness in myself. I will never be able to send Vivenna to be a hostage in that dragon’s nest of a city.

—Dedelin's confession to Lemex via letter[2]

Dedelin (aka King Idris) is the king of Idris on Nalthis.[3]

Appearance and Personality

I didn't do it based on personal preference, no matter what people may think. I did what will be best for Idris when this war comes.

—Dedelin to Vivenna[4]

Described as old,[5] Dedelin wears simple, austere clothing despite being the King of Idris. He has the Royal Locks and usually keeps his hair black, though his control of his emotions is imperfect and sometimes a tinge of the red of anger or the white of fear will appear.[3]

He worships Austre, God of Colors, and considers the God King and the other Returned abominations. In accordance with these beliefs he considers Awakening and the owning of Breath other than one's own wrong.[3]

He is an astute ruler and capable of putting the good of his kingdom before his own personal wishes and beliefs: he sends his daughter to honor the treaty with Hallandren, and he funds the purchasing of Breaths despite his Austrism-given convictions. He is also shown to be thoughtful and decisive as he ponders over the political and military implications of the treaty and seeks council; however, once his mind is made up, he acts decisively and cannot be persuaded to renege on his position. He is also a man of passion, however controlled, as seen in his streaks of red anger and the way he allows his love of Vivenna to dictate his response to the treaty.[3]


More than twenty years before the events of the Pahn Kahl rebellion, Dedelin made a treaty with the Hallandren Court to keep it from invading Idris. This treaty said that he must send his daughter to marry the God King of Hallandren when Vivenna reached her twenty-second birthday. But although she was raised, educated, and trained for this purpose, he could not bring himself to let her go and decided to send Siri instead.[3]

Prior to the time when he sent Siri to T'Telir, Dedelin sent Lemex there as his spymaster. He agreed to send Lemex funds to purchase Breath in order to further his role as an information source, unaware that Lemex was already embezzling money from him.[2]


Dedelin's children are Vivenna, Ridger, Fafen, and Siri.

His chief friend and military adviser is General Yarda.


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