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The cosmere is a distinct universe totally separate from our own,[1] in which several of Brandon Sanderson's epic fantasy books take place.


As the cosmere implies a simultaneous existence of the ten Shardworlds (planets with mentionable Shardic Influence), cosmere books are connected by an overarching story.

Once there was the mysterious power Adonalsium, whose true characteristic is still unknown. Due to unrevealed happenings in the cosmere the Shattering took place, which splintered Adonalsium in - suggestedCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content - sixteen Shards each one of them holding a part of the original power of Adonalsium. They then inhabited the ten Shardworlds across the Cosmere inter alia being responsible for the several magic systems on each planet.

In addition to the ten core worlds, there are also untold number of other inhabited worlds in the cosmere, with either no Shardic Influence, or only a Splinter of a Shard. While the cosmere has the same structure as our universe, with galaxies, solar systems, and the like, all of the Shards and Shardworlds are located within the same compact dwarf galaxy, so there are much fewer stars and solar systems than in our own.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content

Time flows the same on all Shardworlds unless it is being manipulated by an external force such as Bendalloy or Cadmium.[2]

Note that there is no need to know anything of the Cosmere to enjoy the Cosmere books and series separately, since its story is told in background.

Other Relations

The structure of the Cosmere is explained by the Realmatic Theory.

The character Hoid and the organization Seventeenth Shard are speculated to be integral part of the Cosmere's narrative beside the story of the Shards and Shardholders.


Up until now, nine of confirmed ten planets of the main story cycle are knownCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content and connected to published and announced books. There are several other worlds now known.

World Shards Books
Ashyn Unknown The Silence Divine
Braize Odium The Stormlight Archive
Nalthis Endowment Warbreaker, Nightblood
Roshar Honor, Cultivation The Stormlight Archive
Scadrial Preservation, Ruin, Harmony* Mistborn series (including Mistborn Adventures)
Sel Devotion, Dominion Elantris & sequels, The Emperor's Soul
Taldain Unnamed Shard held by Bavadin White Sand
Yolen Unknown Dragonsteel
Threnody Unknown Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell
First of the Sun Unknown Sixth of the Dusk

Bibliography of the Cosmere

Publication Title Series
2005 Elantris Stand-Alone
2006 The Hope of Elantris Short Work
2006 Mistborn: The Final Empire Mistborn series
2007 The Well of Ascension Mistborn series
2008 The Hero of Ages Mistborn series
2009 Warbreaker Stand-Alone
2010 The Way of Kings The Stormlight Archive
2011 The Alloy of Law Mistborn Adventures
2012 The Emperor's Soul Short Work
2013 Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell Anthology
2014 Words of Radiance The Stormlight Archive
2014 (forthcoming) Sixth of the Dusk Short Work
2014 (forthcoming) Shadows of Self Mistborn Adventures
Unpublished The Silence Divine Stand-Alone
Unpublished Nightblood Warbreaker sequel
Unpublished White Sand
Unpublished Dragonsteel

