Summary:Tress of the Emerald Sea

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This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Tress of the Emerald Sea. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

Part 1

Chapter 1: The Girl

Plot Summary

Chapter 2: The Groundskeeper

Plot Summary

Chapter 3: The Duke

Plot Summary

Chapter 4: The Son

Plot Summary

Chapter 5: The Bride

Plot Summary

Part 2

Chapter 6: The Inspector

Plot Summary

Chapter 7: The Father

Plot Summary

Chapter 8: The Stowaway

Plot Summary

Chapter 9: The Rat

Plot Summary

Chapter 10: The Sprouter

Plot Summary

Chapter 11: The Thief

Plot Summary

Chapter 12: The Crow

Plot Summary

Tress, with Huck, walks cautiously across the stilled spores to the Crow's Song. Other sailors from the doomed ship also try, but fail due to haste or being shot by the attacking Captain. Tress gets a vine to grow by the Crow's Song and clings to the side until crew members throw her a rope and pull her aboard. Captain Crow declares there's no use for an inspector, so Tress makes herself useful scrubbing the deck, where she falls asleep.

Part 3

Chapter 13: The Cabin Boy

Plot Summary

Tress and her first thought is of Charlie, and how naive she was to undertake this quest, but she still thinks of him trapped and alone somewhere. First watch mess is announced, and Laggart explains second watch will be next, and the captain says Tress is third watch. When this is never called, Tress suspects this was a kind of joke.

She notes the crew is somber. She recognizes Hoid after he helps her with a bucket of water for the deck. He talks nonsense. The crew looks normal enough based on her experience that she wonders how they wound up as pirates. Hoid reveals to the reader that he was cursed by the Sorceress and lost his senses. Huck returns and confirms that they are sewing their first pirate flag and are new at it. She wonders if this is why they are cheerless.

Chapter 14: The Dougs

Plot Summary

Chapter 15: The Quartermaster

Plot Summary

Chapter 16: The Corpse

Plot Summary

Chapter 17: The Carpenter

Plot Summary

Chapter 18: The Other Corpse

Plot Summary

Chapter 19: The Cannonmaster

Plot Summary

Chapter 20: The Helmswoman

Plot Summary

Chapter 21: The Pirate

Plot Summary

Part 4

Chapter 22: The Idiot

Plot Summary

Chapter 23: The Assistant Cannonmaster

Plot Summary

Chapter 24: The Cursed Man

Plot Summary

Chapter 25: The Prey

Plot Summary

Chapter 26: The Sharpshooter

Plot Summary

The Crow's Song crew scramble to respond to the strike from the pursued ship. Crow is able to sniper the man loading the cannon, and commands Ann and Tress to get below and repair the hull. Tress has to locate her rose spores and the iron/steel tools (which through experimentation she learns pull/push the roseite crystals.) She is able to plug the hole adequately when the seethe returns. They report back to the deck.

Chapter 27: The Spore Eater

Plot Summary

Crow has shot two more of the enemy crew members and orders sabres out for the boarding crew. Salay confronts Crow over this order, claiming the right to engage the enemy, and pointing out there were in this for Freedom, not murder. After a tense moment, Crow assents. A companion of one of those Crow killed raises a weapon toward her. Crow responds by shooting herself in the head, and green vines emerge from her face, stopping her own bullet. She boasts of the sinking of Oot's Dream. The other crew tackles the man who threatened her, and she heads belowdeck.

Chapter 28: The Extra Good Listener

Plot Summary

Tress asks Dr. Ulaam how Crow was protected by the vines, and if that's why the crew is so afraid of her. He theorizes that as a spore eater, Crow is host to a rogue verdant essence which protects her, but should have killed her some time ago. He guesses she only has weeks left based on how much water she drinks. Tress puzzles over how this fits in with the plot to become deadrunners. She then asks Ulaam (contrary to her presumed nature) about midnight essence, which Hoid gave to Weev. She tries to ask Hoid about the sorceress, and the is able to decode that a familiar or talking animal might be able to mediate a discussion of the curse.

Chapter 29: The Familiar

Plot Summary

Tress interrogates Huck about being a familiar and the Sorceress. He tells her he is kind of but not exactly a familiar, and gives tips on finding loopholes on the secrecy surrounding curses by the Sorceress. He points out that Crow's interest in Tress is likely not good. Tress asks him to spy on Crow again, but the closure of his previous access point and the cat indicate Crow is on to them. Tress recalls Ulaam saying the midnight essence can be used for spying. Just then, Salay enters and says they must discuss who Tress really is.

Chapter 30: The King's Mask

Plot Summary

Tress has also been grappling with who she really is, but lets Salay in to talk. Salay says she knows Crow meant for Tress to leave at the last port but Tress chose not to. Tress decides to trust Salay with the facts, such as how she swapped Laggart's ordnance. But the more she says, the more convinced Salay is that Tress is some kind of elite and secretive royal assassin (King's Mask). Salay reveals that Fort and Ann are meeting later that night, then ascribes this revelation to Tress' wily skills. After Salay exits, Huck offers to spy on Crow, but Tress feels bad since he said it would be dangerous. She retrieves the midnight spores and prepares to water them.

Chapter 31: The Midnight Essence

Plot Summary

The narrator offers an overview of the Luhel bond. Midnight spores differ from other colors of Lumar's rogue aethers in utilizing a the Luhel bond, which is close to how aethers are supposed to work, symbiotically. It is not like the Nahel bond, which exchanges "consciousness and anchoring to reality" rather there is an exchange of physical matter.

Tress feels water leaving her body as the midnight essence grows and coalesces into a face which requests more water. Tress agrees and the midnight essence adopts a simulacrum of Huck from her mind. Giving it more water, she controls and then inhabits the midnight essence. In Crow's quarters, they read Crow's research about possible cures from the verdant aether spores by something or someone named Xisis. She uncovers that Crow had secret meetings with Weev about locating Xisis, but he turned to blackmail which is why she killed him. Further reading reveals Xisis to be a dragon living under the Crimson sea, though reports are apocryphal due to the dangers of the Crimson. The midnight essence fights Tress on reading further, and then approaching footsteps coincide with Huck severing the tie to the midnight essence. He had acted on Tress' increasing dehydration. She recuperates and plans to meet with the other officers.

Chapter 32: The Liberator

Plot Summary

Entering the secret meeting, Tress is introduced as a King's Mask by Salay. Fort and Ann aren't so sure. They point out that if she were a Royal agent, they'd be in trouble for deadrunning. Salay doubles down on her rationales. Tress considers saying she is a Mask to prove she's not, but cannot bring herself to extinguish their hopes. She brings out the deadrunner cannonballs, and explains how Crow wanted to bind them to her will. Fort suggests persuading Crow to sail a less populated sea, like the Crimson. Tress knows that this is exactly why Crow came up with the deadrunner plot, but avoids disclosing the depth of her knowledge lest it further confirm their King's Mask theory.

Chapter 33: The Liar

Plot Summary

Tress approaches Crow, who asks her why she's really here. Tress says it's to see the world and meet people, and worries about how much she's needing to lie. She decides to share that she hopes to save someone from the Sorceress. Crow laughs at the idea of Tress sailing the midnight sea, but says she'll sail the Crimson sea if Tress can get the crew "on board".

Chapter 34: The Tosher

Plot Summary

The narrator relates a local tale of the Tosher (King's excrement engineer.) The tosher started requesting 2 potatoes, and then they made cornbread instead of potatoes for servants. He asked why, and was referred up the chain of command to the king, who said there were no potatoes due to a blight. But even before the blight, they had stopped buying potatoes because when the tosher asked for 2, then all the servants wanted 2, and the potato bill doubled. So he learned that while hes free to make choices, hes not free to determine the consequences.

Tress feels discomfited by her discussion with Crow. She asks Ulaam if midnight spores leave any residue. Ulaam reassures her on this point, and Tress describes how she thinks she got the better of Crow but now wonders if she were being manipulated. Ulaam explains that the dragon will require a trade for curing Crow. The dragon is known for acquiring slaves who are able to work with spores. Tress realizes her choices are propelling her toward a consequence not of her choosing.

Part 5

Chapter 35: The Lover of Tea

Plot Summary

Tress contemplates escaping when Crow's Song stops to supply before attempting the Crimson Sea. She remains determined to rescue Charlie, and Hoid is the only lead she has, and her current crew is committed to sail the Crimson Sea. Also, if she left, Crow would probably resume the deadrunner agenda. At port, she thinks about what Charlie means to her and struggles to picture him in her mind. Before she can decide whether to leave, Crow sends for her and informs her that Tress won't be allowed to go ashore. She cradles a cup she got from the rug merchants and says it was her first official plunder. Crow offers Tress an opulent tea and reflects on how most people never really live, not knowing how it is to be one step from death. Tress wonders how this life is changing herself. They discuss ethics versus fate, and Crow reveals she knows Tress changed the cannonballs, but that Laggart probably hasn't caught on. Tress states she is as interested in protecting the crew from becoming deadrunners as she is in her quest to rescue her friend. The Captain is amused by the irony of saving them to then expose them to the dangers of the Crimson Sea. It is the only place on Lumar where rain fall is unpredictable as to time or place, activating red spikes. Tress asks if the Midnight Sea also has these rains. It doesn't, but the Sorceress's monsters can attack without any water from their prey or the sky. The crew returns and Crow dismisses Tress.

Chapter 36: The Explorer

Plot Summary

Chapter 37: The Scholar

Plot Summary

Chapter 38: The Apprentice

Plot Summary

Chapter 39: The Chicken Keeper

Plot Summary

Chapter 40: The Chef

Plot Summary

Chapter 41: The Philosopher

Plot Summary

Chapter 42: The Guide

Plot Summary

Chapter 43: The Musician

Plot Summary

Chapter 44: The Fallen

Plot Summary

Chapter 45: The Protector

Plot Summary

Chapter 46: The Informant

Plot Summary

Chapter 47: The Poet

Plot Summary

Chapter 48: The Nightmare

Plot Summary

Chapter 49: The Martyr

Plot Summary

Chapter 50: The Murderer

Plot Summary

Chapter 51: The Dragon

Plot Summary

Chapter 52: The Sacrifice

Plot Summary

Chapter 53: The Survivor

Plot Summary

Part 6

Chapter 54: The Valet

Plot Summary

Chapter 55: The Hypocrite

Plot Summary

Chapter 56: The Traitor

Plot Summary

Chapter 57: The Maligned Fashion Expert

Plot Summary

Chapter 58: The Monster

Plot Summary

Chapter 59: The Prisoner

Plot Summary

Chapter 60: The Sorceress

Plot Summary

Chapter 61: The Man

Plot Summary

Chapter 62: The Hunter

Plot Summary

Chapter 63: The Pilot

Plot Summary

Chapter 64: The Hero

Plot Summary


Plot Summary


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