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(Two more chapters)
(Couple of chapters)
Line 169: Line 169:
* [[Polunsky Ansel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Polunsky Ansel]] (mentioned only)
Bastille tries to explain guilt, something Alcatraz is struggling with. She struggles to explain it properly though, and refers to matricide and cannibalism instead.
Never having seen or heard of a Gak before, believing it to just be a word used when you are surprised, Alcatraz quickly gets caught up on Gak's and their history. Bastille explains how Gak's need straw to help with digesting their prey, who being humans, now use soap a lot more which causes terrible things for their stomachs. A renowned explorer, [[Polunsky Ansel]] therefore was able to broker a truce, which means a Gak caught touching straw has to perform a service for the person who caught them.
Alcatraz, playing for time, engages the Gak in a battle of puns, with the most strawsome puns being needed for success. The Gak strawggles to keep up with Alcatraz's excellent puns, and eventually admits defeat. However all this means is that the Gak will let them choose who it gets to eat first, and Alcatraz immediately offers himself.
== Chapter 10 ==
== Chapter 10 ==
Line 178: Line 184:
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
Despite not being a classic chosen-one type of person, Bastille still has faith in Alcatraz and his abilities to save them.
Not being happy with Alcatraz offering himself up so easily, Bastille walks away as if in disgust, but moves towards the downed Dragonaut, looking for anything to assist them before Alcatraz gets eaten by the Gak. Alcatraz manages to distract the Gak long enough to get himself close to the Dragonaut, by explaining how Biblioden is trying to destroy the world, or more specifically, the Free Kingdoms.
The Gak, having had enough moves to attack them, but Alcatraz reaches out and touches the glass dragon, giving it the power needed to lift off, escaping the Gak. Despite the dragon not having an engine, or wings, Alcatraz keeps his hands in contact with the glass, enabling him to do the impossible and fly the ship to the Worldspire.
== Chapter 11 ==
== Chapter 11 ==
Line 189: Line 201:
* [[Blackburn]] (mentioned only)
* [[Blackburn]] (mentioned only)
Realizing that they don't get paid more for writing big, fancy words, Bastille decides to do the complete opposite and use short words for a bit. She describes them approaching the Worldspire, and getting shot down.
Scrambling from the wreckage, they come across a group of Librarians led by Etna, who immediately engages Alcatraz in a lens battle while Bastille is left to fight off the other Librarians. Bastille makes short work of the Librarians, her Crystin shard offering more than the Librarians could face against.
Meanwhile Alcatraz is engaged in his first ever direct battle using Oculator's Lenses. Etna adds several pairs of lenses to her attack, but Alcatraz manages to barely hold off her attack using just his Oculator's Lenses. Knowing he has to do something to fend off the attack, Alcatraz uses the Slantviewer's Lenses. He marks Etna as his target and then uses the lenses to send her attack right back at her. The beams between the two explode, sending all parties flying. Alcatraz and Bastille falling through the air, see that they are falling towards a pack of circling sharks. Bastille screams at Alcatraz, who puts his arm towards the tower before they suddenly stop falling.
== Chapter 12 ==
== Chapter 12 ==

Revision as of 10:14, 11 December 2022

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Bastille Versus the Evil Librarians. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

Author's Foreword

Bastille calls Alcatraz an idiot, and apologizes for the previous books ending. She explains how she will finish the story because he refuses to, and reminds the reader how she was mostly absent from The Dark Talent due to being unconscious. She gives a quick summary of the infiltration of Highbrary, and claims Alcatraz is a hero, despite what he claims.

Chapter 1


Bastille awakes on the Penguinator, confused as the last thing she remembers is the battle of the Librarians against the Free Kingdom of Mokia. She is confused as to why she is in pajamas, but grabs her sword and exits the ship to find herself in a library.

Alcatraz is strapped to an altar ahead of her, so Bastille rushes to rescue him as a Knight of Crystallia does. Bastille fights off many Librarians trying to reach Alcatraz, while an airship with Biblioden escapes.

Kazan Smedry and Draulin meet up with Bastille at the altar, where they find a mentally broken Alcatraz, and a dead Attica Smedry. The group goes to escape the library, as it is counting down to self-destruct, and no one stopped the countdown.

After meeting up with Folsom and Himalaya, Kazan explains to Bastille how the Smedry Talents are broken due to Alcatraz, and they have to escape without his Talent for getting lost. While trying to figure out what to do, they see the self-destruct mechanism is hot magma, that starts to pour in through a hole in the wall.

Chapter 2


Bastille explains how Alcatraz's plan is to show to the world that he is a straw man, someone without integrity. She on the other hand does not wish to do the same.

Escaping from the magma that was filling the main chamber, the group entered a tunnel looking for a way out, led by Himalaya. Coming across a room full of clothing, Bastille took the opportunity to get dressed rather than continue to run around in pajamas. Catching up with the others who had continued on, with some of the reformed Librarians sorting a rack of infant bodysuits by alphabetical order.

Discussing the situation with her mother, Bastille finally learns about the death of Leavenworth Smedry at the hands of Biblioden, who is also somehow still alive. Trying to get assistance from Alcatraz who was still somewhat catatonic, she asked for a miracle. Alcatraz finally reacted to Bastille, and started to snore.

Chapter 3


People who read the note at the end of The Dark Talent would know that Leavenworth Smedry survived, so Bastille explains that at this moment in time, she was unaware of him being alive.

The reformed Librarians are unable to deactivate the self-destruct mechanism, as there is a password that comes from a book that they should have read. However, like most people, they knew it was a good book, but just never actually read it.

Trying to think of a way out of the rapidly approaching magma, Bastille identifies a ventilation system. Leading the way, they cross a bridge rapidly being consumed by magma. Reaching the massive fans that make up the ventilation system, a group ahead of evil Librarians break the bridge over the fans. Bastille jumps down to the fans, stopping the blades with her Crystin sword. She finds controls to override the fans, and flips switches to cause the fans to run in the opposite direction and generate lift.

Following Bastille, the group jumps into the air above the fans, and are flung up and out of the Library. Bastille lands in a classic superhero pose, definitely not in the mud like her mother. The Librarians have put up a glass veil, to hide the fact the Library is being destroyed. Alcatraz finally awakes, and informs them that Biblioden has harnessed the power of the Incarna.

Chapter 4


Bastille explains how when she first met Alcatraz, she was mean to him because she was jealous that he was an Oculator. However, Oculator magic is genetic and there was no way she could become one.

Alcatraz explains how their cousin Dif Smedry was actually Biblioden in disguise. Biblioden had killed Dif many years prior. Bastille getting mad writing this part, broke her typewriter with her sword and had to grab a new one. Bastille tries get Alcatraz to accept that his fathers death wasn't his fault, but he is insistent because he told Biblioden to kill his father and not himself.

Kaz presents the briefcase full of Oculator lenses he had managed to keep a hold of, but Alcatraz is not too keen on trying any of them out. Bastille learns that since Alcatraz broke the Talents, they can no longer burn off the excess energy, and that is why Biblioden wants to give everyone powers, to kill them. Alcatraz shows off this energy, by powering a pair of lenses with a mere touch, as opposed to the normal method of needing to wear them.

Draulin wants to get Alcatraz and the other Smedrys to safety, as is their job. Bastille is for going to the Worldspire to defeat Biblioden and stop him from accomplishing his plan. Unable to decide on a course of action, she just sets the group off down the hill they are on.

Chapter 5


Bastille starts by explaining she lied about her typing. She goes on to explain the setup for what could be a fart joke, but isn't. She shows off her literary license, something Alcatraz does not have. The license in question says on it how she threatened a book place, demanding they give her one, despite no such license existing.

Pulling Alcatraz along with her, Bastille comes across a bookmobile. A traveling arsenal for Librarians to use to spread misinformation in the Hushlands. Convincing Alcatraz to try some of the lenses that she was carrying, which ends with them finding a new type of lens that shows the perspective of the person you are looking at, as if the lenses themselves were flipped around like some sort of mirror.

An Alivened proceeds to show itself and Bastille frantically tries to think of a way to defeat it, before the timely intervention of a dumpster truck driven by Himalaya. Bastille uses this distraction to defeat a sniper that was nearby, before Alcatraz grabs her and apologizes in advance. He then proceeds to use the Windstormer's Lenses, and due to him being so charged because of the Talents being broken, sends them flying into the air.

Flying quickly through the air, they cover a lot of ground, leaping over whole continents. The lenses, getting very hot (like Bastille's neck when she presses her mouth to his ear) cause Alcatraz to have to turn them off, sending them plummeting back towards the Earth.

Chapter 6


Alcatraz believes he is responsible for every evil thing that has happened so far, and so Bastille claims he is being arrogant. She then proceeds to list several other people who also failed to save Attica, including Alcatraz's grandpa and uncle.

Continuing their journey around the globe, with bursts of the Windstormer's Lenses to keep them from hitting the ground, they cover a large distance with the help of Alcatraz accidentally breaking their flight path on multiple occasions. Aiming for the Worldspire, Bastille tries to direct him, but bumps him to hard, sending them off course and sending the lenses he had been using flying. They fall towards the ocean with no way of avoiding it, hitting the water.

Chapter 7


Finding themselves in the ocean, Bastille makes use of her Crystin powers to keep herself and Alcatraz from drowning. Swimming towards the nearest stretch of land, located in completely opposite direction to the Worldspire. Climbing up on the beach, they discover the remains of the flying glass dragon they originally flew when leaving the Hushlands with Alcatraz for the first time. Deciding to check up on the surviving lenses they still had in their possession, Alcatraz explains that with the build of energy he is experiencing after breaking the Talents, that he can now power other things besides lenses. Alcatraz then decides to surprise Bastille, and falls to his knees and weeps.

Chapter 8


Alcatraz's usefulness finally started to get to Bastille, he couldn't stop thinking about his fathers death and his role in it. Bastille does a nice transition back to the present, where she is feeling defeated and tries to help Alcatraz. Bastille tries to learn more about how the Talents broke, and Alcatraz explains that the Talent hates him now.

His attitude getting to her, Bastille grabs Alcatraz and growls at him using her number thirty-seven growl, out of a possible fifty-two. This helps Alcatraz, and he starts to open up and explain what happened at Highbrary. How Biblioden is alive and had been pretending to be Dif. Bastille refuses to accept that Alcatraz is worthless, and she storms off to relieve herself, despite Alcatraz insisting she can't write about relieving ones self.

Noticing the grass nearby moving, before a Gak emerges. Bastille runs screaming back towards Alcatraz, trying to warn him of the Gak, but he believes she is just Gakking. Bastille uses a nice money making word, before the Gak looks towards them.

Chapter 9


Bastille tries to explain guilt, something Alcatraz is struggling with. She struggles to explain it properly though, and refers to matricide and cannibalism instead.

Never having seen or heard of a Gak before, believing it to just be a word used when you are surprised, Alcatraz quickly gets caught up on Gak's and their history. Bastille explains how Gak's need straw to help with digesting their prey, who being humans, now use soap a lot more which causes terrible things for their stomachs. A renowned explorer, Polunsky Ansel therefore was able to broker a truce, which means a Gak caught touching straw has to perform a service for the person who caught them.

Alcatraz, playing for time, engages the Gak in a battle of puns, with the most strawsome puns being needed for success. The Gak strawggles to keep up with Alcatraz's excellent puns, and eventually admits defeat. However all this means is that the Gak will let them choose who it gets to eat first, and Alcatraz immediately offers himself.

Chapter 10


Despite not being a classic chosen-one type of person, Bastille still has faith in Alcatraz and his abilities to save them.

Not being happy with Alcatraz offering himself up so easily, Bastille walks away as if in disgust, but moves towards the downed Dragonaut, looking for anything to assist them before Alcatraz gets eaten by the Gak. Alcatraz manages to distract the Gak long enough to get himself close to the Dragonaut, by explaining how Biblioden is trying to destroy the world, or more specifically, the Free Kingdoms.

The Gak, having had enough moves to attack them, but Alcatraz reaches out and touches the glass dragon, giving it the power needed to lift off, escaping the Gak. Despite the dragon not having an engine, or wings, Alcatraz keeps his hands in contact with the glass, enabling him to do the impossible and fly the ship to the Worldspire.

Chapter 11


Realizing that they don't get paid more for writing big, fancy words, Bastille decides to do the complete opposite and use short words for a bit. She describes them approaching the Worldspire, and getting shot down.

Scrambling from the wreckage, they come across a group of Librarians led by Etna, who immediately engages Alcatraz in a lens battle while Bastille is left to fight off the other Librarians. Bastille makes short work of the Librarians, her Crystin shard offering more than the Librarians could face against.

Meanwhile Alcatraz is engaged in his first ever direct battle using Oculator's Lenses. Etna adds several pairs of lenses to her attack, but Alcatraz manages to barely hold off her attack using just his Oculator's Lenses. Knowing he has to do something to fend off the attack, Alcatraz uses the Slantviewer's Lenses. He marks Etna as his target and then uses the lenses to send her attack right back at her. The beams between the two explode, sending all parties flying. Alcatraz and Bastille falling through the air, see that they are falling towards a pack of circling sharks. Bastille screams at Alcatraz, who puts his arm towards the tower before they suddenly stop falling.

Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14


Chapter 15


Chapter 16


Chapter 17


Chapter 18


Chapter 19




Bastille's Afterword

Alcatraz's Afterword


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