Survival Shard

Revision as of 10:30, 4 February 2016 by Shroom (talk | contribs)

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This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.
Survival Shard
Vessel Unknown
Slivers Unknown
Splinters Unknown
Status Unknown
Residence Unknown
Universe Cosmere

The Survival Shard is one of the sixteen Shards of Adonalsium. Virtually nothing known about this Shard, like its intent or the planet it resides.

The one hint to its existence is a cryptic quote that Brandon signed in a book. Responding to the question "Give us the name of a Shard's intent we have not seen before," he wrote, "there is one who just wants to hide and survive."[1] Presumably, this refers to surviving Odium's onslaught, where he Splinters--and kills--Shards.

The Shard's intent is only tangentially related to their desire to hide. The desire comes from their knowledge of events in the Cosmere.[2]


  1. Give us the name of a Shard's intent we have not seen before
    17th Shard forums - 09 December 2012#
  2. [[17s-{{{1}}}:{{{2}}}|That shard is well aware of what is going on in the Cosmere, and is smart enough to try and just get away from it all.]]392615
    17th Shard forums - Jan 26th, 2016[[Special: WhatLinksHere/Cite: 17S-{{{1}}}/{{{2}}}|#]]
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