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{!{settlement |image=Luthadel by GuiFerr.jpg |ruler=The Lord Ruler |dominance=Central |nation=Final Empire |world=Scadrial |universe=Cosmere |books=Mistborn Era 1 }}

There weren't any other cities like Luthadel.


Luthadel was the capital city of the Final Empire on Scadrial. It was governed by the Lord Ruler for over a thousand years. After the Collapse, Luthadel became the capital city of the New Empire.


Map of the Final Empire


//central dominance
Luthadel lies in the middle of the Central Dominance, therefore being in the center of the Final Empire.[2] A week journey to Arguois Caverns, and Arguois Caverns closer to Luthadel than Pits of Hathsin.[3]
Imperial highroad: flat and packed earth, leading to Fellise.[4]
Allomantic road between Luthadel and Fellise. Consisted of bars of metal (bronze) that were stuck in the ground, Mistborn could use them to Push and Pull in the air. Made the trip twice as fast as a man on horseback. Fellise a short distance south of Luthadel.[5]
In six months one could travel from one border of the Final Empire to the other. Because Luthadel lies in the middle of the Final Empire, each place in the empire can be reached within three months.[6]
At least two days riding to Valtroux. Two week trip to Arguois caverns/Holstep by canal, sixteen hours running with pewter. To the north.[7]

TO DO: include information form TFE map.


The weather around Luthadel generally is rather warm and dry. Heavy rainfalls can occur occasionally,[8] but they are not very common. Likewise, Luthadel rarely sees any snow,[9] or else it is just an icy slush.[10] Because the city is located quite far inland, strong winds or storms are unlikely.[2]

... careless flakes floated down from the sky, like leaves dropped from some unseen tree.

—Description of an ashfall

The frequent ashfalls have a big impact on Scadrial's climate. To compensate for the planet being placed very close to the sun, seven Ashmounts fill the air with thick clouds of ash. These clouds block sunlight and so prevent the planet from becoming too warm to live. Most of the Ashmounts are located relatively close to Luthadel,[2] but as a side effect the fallen ash has to be carted and piled out of the city[4] or thrown in the River Channerel,[11] lest the city would get buried.[11] The ashfalls are not constant, they happen occasionally in a pattern that is similar to rainfalls. It is remarkably easy to wash ash out of clothes.[9]

Another unique weather phenomenon is Scadrial's mist. It is not present during daytime, but as soon as the sun sets the mist starts to appear out of nothing like ghosts, slowly growing larger and extending their influence.[12][13] This mist shows some unnatural behavior, which is why there is a lot of superstition and fear surrounding the mist among skaa and nobles alike.[14] It looks like twisting vines in the sky curling back and forth, seeming to be somehow alive.[12] Ambient starlight diffused by mist was enough to see most nights.[14] As might be expected the mist is wet, even moist enough to let lichen to grow on stones,[15] and soft rain at night makes no difference compared to the all-present mist.[5]


The dry plants, the angry sun, the smoky-black sky.


The landscape around Luthadel is barren save for scrub and weeds, and the grounds are reasonably flat with small hills.[4] The soil below contains lots of minerals and metal traces that can be burned when ingested via ground water.[11][16] In some places in the Central Dominance the underground consists of granite.[17] Outside of the cities there is only wilderness:[12] brown hills, scraggly trees and rug of weedy underbrush.[18] Wild animals are rare, although mistwraiths can be found outside the city, but they are mostly scavengers and thus relatively harmless.[4] Due to the climate and particularly the ashfalls it is difficult for plants to survive, most species are brown or white, but when cultivated it is also possible for plants to become red, orange and yellow,[12] yet the normal plant is considered to be brown.[14] However, the climate is good enough for a birch forest to grow.[17] The sun always casts a poisonous red light over the land.[19]

by Isaac Stewart
Map of Luthadel


The River Channerel runs straight through Luthadel.[20]
Fellise acted as a small suburb-style city an hour outside of Luthadel.[3]
Luthadel had a city wall (was the only city in the Final Empire[21]). Even more suburb-style cities than only Fellise.[4]
The Cracks: one of many skaa slums.[19]
Commercial district was for fortunate skaa and less fortunate nobles, tried to ignore each other. Luthadel had a lot of squares, and the larger ones often had fountains.[22]
A lot of shops at Kenton Street, also/especially for Nobles.[12]
Sootwarrens slum. Every few decades or so, new sections were added, and the city wall expanded due to the effort of skaa labor, thanks to canals stone was cheap.[18]
Steel gate is main city gate (actually multiple gates).[15]
The Twists is one of the most impoverished skaa slums. A certain part of it was almost completely deserted.[13])
Separate sections for industry and living, even in slums.[23]


Most buildings are constructed of stone blocks, with peaked wooden roofs or tile roofs for the rich, and are packed closely together, generally being three stories high.[11] Only a few buildings have a flat roof, because this means needing to shovel ash off occasionally.[19] Large basements are uncommon.[24] Many skaa live in large packed tenements, in exceptional cases these could get six stories high.[25] Contradictory to noblemen's stone houses with a lot of small rooms, wooden skaa tenements consist of large rooms with a central hearth because this is the most efficient way to look after a large population with limited resources.[26] From the outside houses and shops look the same.[11]

The grounds of Luthadel are reasonably flat with small hills,[27] and the streets are paved.[28] Notably, Luthadel has some kind of sewer system (probably leading sewage to the river), indicated by sewer grates in the streets,[5] and buildings have rain gutters[29] and metal chimneys.[14] In some places city clocks can be found.[30] It is a dark city, covered and stained by ash, all buildings are darkest at the top but rainfall carries stains down.[28] During the day it looks scorched by soot and oppressive by red sunlight, but at night the mist makes everything obscure.[14]


Kredik Shaw

Kredik Shaw in the center of Luthadel

Central in Luthadel lies Kredik Shaw, the Lord Ruler's palace. Being several times the size of any nobleman's keep, it is by far the largest building in the city. Befitting its name, being Terris for "The Hill of a Thousand Spires", the entire palace is an asymmetric collection of wings, towers and enormous black spires, straight or twisted, needle-like or wide, tall or taller. The variety gives the building a twisted, off-center symmetry, almost in balance, but not quite.[11][19][31]

Around Kredik Shaw the grounds are wide and open, nothing but a flat space paved with cobblestones surrounds it. There is no outer wall around the complex, neither tree or foliage nor any building close to distract one's eyes from the disturbing architecture.[31]

Notably, the entire palace represent the city of Luthadel being spiked by massive metal spears.[32]

// also include storage cavern and well of ascension in this section? Yes

Kredik Shaw isn’t simply a palace, but a capstone. Built to hide something. This.

Vin upon discovering Luthadel's cache[33]


Spread throughout Luthadel are about a dozen monolithic keeps, built with spearlike spires and deep archways, and most open grounds in the city belong to these keeps. A noble family that can afford to own a keep in Luthadel is considered a Great House.[11]

Keeps look like ghostly, looming silhouettes at night with bronze or copper sheetings on their roofs, and have a defensive wall with normal armed guards around them, but this is often more artistic than actual fortification.[14] Prominent in especially the ballrooms are intricate stained-glass windows, often showing mythology dedicated to the Lord Ruler and the Deepness with a dark lake, portraits of famous noblemen, or depictions of exotic animals and distant landscapes. Each of these is an extravagant, detailed marvel of resplendent color, sparkling light across the floor.[34] During balls some keeps are illuminated from the outside, using limelights (quicklime stones that can be heated to brilliance without melting them) and mirrors to deflect their radiated light toward the building.[35]

Without doubt, Keep Venture is the finest of all keeps in Luthadel.[36] However, Keep Elariel has a ballroom separate from the main hall with a ceiling of stained-glass windows,[6] or Keep Lekal is shaped like a pyramid from the inside with four tiers of balconies and its stained-glass windows are smaller but by far more intricate.[34] Keep Hasting consists of a tall round central keep, surrounded by six auxiliary towers, each set off from the main building a short distance and connected to it by walltop walkways, and the ballroom at the top of the central tower can be reached by a skaa-powered pulley platform system.[37]


Luthadel is home to many squares and open crossroads. One of the most prominent of these is the Fountain Square, being large enough for tens of thousands of people. It has a central patio raised five feet above the ground that contains four bowl-like fountains. The square is located in central Luthadel, on the road from the Steel Gate to Kredik Shaw. Every time the Lord Ruler decided to perform executions, these would be held at the fountain square. The prisoners were forced on their knees beside a fountain each, where they got beheaded by an Inquisitor, and their blood streamed in the fountains coloring them red.[38] Later this general area became known as the Square of the Survivor.[39]

Another large square is the Fourwell Crossroads, located in Luthadel's commercial district in the southwest, where more fortunate skaa and less fortunate nobles mix on the streets. In each corner a well can be found, and the square's center is dominated by a fountain with a massive copper statue depicting the Lord Ruler, standing dramatically in cloak and armor, the defeated Deepness represented by the water at his feet.[22]


Creation and Early History (0-1022 FE)

Every few decades or so, new sections were added, and the city wall expanded due to the effort of skaa labor, thanks to canals stone was cheap.[18]

Skaa rebellion (1022 FE)

As tension between Great Houses grew, Inquisitors hit more skaa thieving crews than usual, and killed more often instead of capturing them and executing them later.[37]
State of upcoming house war. Skaa army attacked. Luthadel Garrison left the city.[15]
Only two thousand of seven thousand skaa soldiers left.[7]
The majority of the Luthadel garrison stayed out of the city to hunt for rebels. As a result, Luthadel's walls and gates were less guarded.[38]
Skaa soldiers who survived were led to Luthadel in smaller groups, and stayed in hiding there.[38]
Update on rebellion. With the Garrison gone, nobility became the main focus.[13]
More and more noble families were leaving Luthadel.[10]
House Venture hosted the last ball before the Collapse, at which all nobles were securing bonds with their faction. The house war officially started when House Elariel attacked House Venture at this evening.[36]
The Lord Ruler did nothing to stop the house war, as if he wanted it to happen. "Like a wildfire, left to blaze and renew a field."[25]
Kelsier destroyed the Pits of Hathsin. Last executions.[29]

Collapse (1022 FE)

When the garrison was out to hunt rebels, Luthadel's walls and gates were understaffed because only ten percent of the garrison stayed behind, which wasn't enough to prevent the Collapse from happening.[38]
Church of the Survivor was born / Kelsier's plan.[23]

Siege of Luthadel (1022-1024 FE)

Battle of Luthadel (1024 FE)

// Intro, lead-up
Vin and Elend (and company) left Luthadel towards Terris. Straff's army withdraws[40] Koloss start fighting even more than usual, and get enraged and attack Luthadel. Jastes Lekal abandoned them, allowing them to enrage. Clubs orders messengers away, archers to the wall, securing river grates, battalions to form positions. Once attack had started, Straff's army headed back towards Luthadel. Vin turned around back to Luthadel.[41]

// Positioning, should also go to intro
Straff's army was at the north of Luthadel, koloss army at the northeast.[41] Cett's army at the west.[42]

// Battle strategy for defense, should probably go to intro
Twenty thousand troops defending Luthadel. Five out of eight gates within quick reach of koloss. This means only a couple thousand guards at each gate. Divided into twenty battalions, Penrod assigned noblemen to be in charge of them but they were not necessarily capable. Clubs in charge of city defenses. One of the 'crewmembers' at each gate. Keep Venture was the main command post of the defenses. Divisiveness between Dockson leading the 'crew', and nobles in charge.[40] Breeze has Soothers in nine battalions to keep their spirits up. A lot of men fighting were not older than 16.[41]

// Battle at the gates
The battle started when the entirety of the koloss army charged for the Pewter Gate in the northeast, closest to their camp. The koloss had no access to real siege equipment, but some of them carried small uprooted trees to batter the gates of Luthadel, other than that their only weapons were large blades. The men defending the city met the koloss with arrows and rocks, but only the smallest koloss seemed vulnerable to them, most of them just continued to charge. In fact, the koloss picked up the thrown rocks and threw them back at the defenders.[41] After a while the koloss realized that there were enough of them to attack multiple gates at the same time, so they split up to target the Zinc Gate in the east and the Tin Gate in the north as well, and not much later they also crossed the River Channerel to target the Steel Gate in the northwest.[41]

The Steel Gate was guarded by only a thousand men as it was the furthest of the gates the koloss would reach, with the addition of Sazed.[40] These thousand men formed battalion sixteen and were led by lord Culee, yet when the battle started Culee left with six companies of one hundred men to reinforce the Pewter Gate at King Penrod's orders. This left Captain Bedes in charge of the remaining four hundred men, of which one hundred were positioned on the wall and the other three hundred in the courtyard. The defense went well until the koloss corpses started piling up outside the wall, allowing the largest koloss to jump onto the wall, killing many including Captain Bedes. This is when Sazed stepped forward and kept the soldiers together. The gate soon fell, but the remaining soldiers still managed to hold the square at the gate. Around this square a group of skaa had gathered to watch the fighting, believing that the Lady Heir (Vin) would show up soon near the Holy First Witness (Sazed) and put an end to the fighting, but they also helped by pulling wounded to safety. Then, in a brief moment while the koloss were rebuffed, Sazed noticed that only one of the door gates had actually given in, so by tapping an enormous amount of strength and weight from his Feruchemical metalminds he managed to charge the door, close it, and reinforce the gate. The soldiers then formed up with their backs to the gate and killed all remaining koloss in the courtyard.[41][43]

In the meantime the first the Zinc Gate and then the Pewter Gate had already fallen.

Zinc Gate first to break. Some civilians, skaa, starting to gather around the gates to watch the fighting, waiting for the Lady Heir to show up and stop the koloss, or else Holy First Witness. Koloss corpses piling up outside the walls, which allowed largest koloss to jump onto the wall.[43]

// Battles at each gate
Steel Gate: thousand men, Sazed in charge, furthest of the five within reach of koloss.[40] Battalion 16, led by lord Culee. Six companies (600 men, of 1000) ordered to reinforce the Pewter Gate by Penrod's orders. Of 400 left, 100 at wall and 300 at courtyard.[41] Captain Bedes took over from Culee once the latter went off to reinforce Pewter Gate. Bedes killed by a koloss, Sazed took command, tapping enormous amounts of strength from his metalminds.[43] Gate had fallen, but they still held the square. Faithfuls had started pulling wounded to safety. Only one of the door gates had actually broken, so in a brief moment of koloss being rebuffed, Sazed stormed up to the gate and managed to close it again, using weight from his metalminds. Soldier formed up around the gate, killing all remaining koloss on the courtyard, and then reinforced the gate again. Barely fifty men remained at this point. Gate was giving in now. Bystanders motivated the soldiers to keep fighting, for them. However, eventually all of them fell, and just when Sazed's metalminds ran out, Vin came to the rescue.[42] Tin Gate: Tindwyl.[41] When gate was lost, they retreated towards Keep Venture, but the soldiers including Tindwyl were killed before the could arrive there.[44] Pewter Gate: Ham, would hit first, Clubs would send reinforcements[41] Zinc Gate: Breeze[43]

// Retreat
After the Zinc Gate, the Pewter Gate, Steel Gate, Tin Gate broke, in this order. So 4 in total. Main breach at the Tin Gate. Once the gates were lost, the defenders fell back to other positions. Clubs ordered soldiers at Zinc Gate to retreat to Keep Lekal where Ham was preparing and leading the defenses, or to come with Clubs to Keep Hasting. However at that moment the koloss who had come in from the north took them by surprise and killed Clubs. Koloss also attacked Keep Venture, and killed Dockson. Keep Lekal fell.[42] Penrod stayed sheltered in Keep Hasting. Penrod denied access to the keep to Sazed and refugees.[44]

// Vin ends the battle
Vin discovers how to control koloss and saves the day.[44]

Capital of the New Empire (1024-1026 FE)

As soon as Elend Venture was crowned emperor of the New Empire, he appointed Ferson Penrod as king of the Central Dominance and thereby regional ruler of the empire's capital, Luthadel. The Luthadel Assembly was left in place, with the addition that Emperor Venture had imperial veto.[45]

Elend took the bulk of his army and set off to unify all the Inner Dominances under the New Empire. As the Deepness was most dense near the Outer Dominances and slowly got stronger towards the Central Dominance, Elend sent all residents of the remote cities where he took control to Luthadel, where they would work the fields in a desperate attempt to grow food.[46] This was done because only the area closest to Luthadel still got enough daylight to grow food due to the increasing amounts of mist and ash, and as a result growing food became a very laborious effort as well.[45] The resources found at the secured storage caches in Statlin City and Vetitan were sent to Luthadel, via the canals that ran throughout the entire Inner Dominances and provided the most viable option of transport by use of barges.[46]

Meanwhile the lack of food in the capital resulted in a lot of riots, and this only got worse when food stores were being pillaged.[47] Growing food was clearly a priority above maintaining any order, indicated by the many heaps of trash and mounts of ash within the city.[48] King Penrod failed to keep the city under control, and sent lieutenant Conrad as a messenger to Elend's main army, with the request for more troops to restore order.[47] Elend answered this request by sending General Demoux and his three hundred mistfallen soldiers back to the capital, to prevent further friction in the main army as these men weren't very well liked among the soldiers; this way two problems were solved at once.[49]

Luthadel was to have been their rock in all of this—their secure position. If it was falling apart, what did they have?

—Vin after hearing about the riots in Luthadel[47]

However, the worst had yet to come. Before the reinforcements could arrive Marsh/an Inquisitor infiltrated Keep Venture, the seat of Elend's government, and attacked King Penrod who resided there. Penrod was not killed, but a Hemalurgic spike was driven through his heart, and the surgeons realized that Penrod would not survive removing the shard of metal. The spike through his heart was left in place, which brought Penrod under Ruin's influence.[48]
After this event the king started talking to the air and giving strange orders, like forcing skaa to fight each other for food, or killing those who disagree with him.[50] He went mad, finding traitors within the nobility and his own army, dividing the city.[51] Because of this terrible leadership the dangers that Kelsier rioted up and nearly loosed on the city four years ago finally snapped and were allowed to run free,[52] resulting in a house war that got half of the city burned down and nearly all of the soldiers killed.[51]

Shortly before it came this far TenSoon arrived in Luthadel. Since he had been away from Luthadel for months, the kandra retrieved Kelsier's bones that were left behind by TenSoon's generation brother in a warehouse turned into a church, so he could imitate the Survivor and question a couple of guards about recent events. The first guard was too awed by this appearance, but the second guard told TenSoon much about the situation. Upon learning about Penrod's madness, TenSoon ordered the guards to gather as many people as possible and immediately find shelter underground, after which he made another appearance to followers of the Church of the Survivor and announced the same message.[50]
A large part of the population listened, they would leave Luthadel to hide in or near the Arguios Caverns.[50] There they would join the camp of Terris refugees at the Pits of Hathsin,[30] who had kept a good communication with Penrod when the king was still sane.[53] This camp now counted several hundred thousand people, but because of the organizational skills of the Terris and Demoux's soldiers to police the mass of refugees there was order in the camp.[51] Yet, an equal amount of people never left Luthadel but hid underneath Kredik Shaw.[52]

Not long after the city was abandoned Vin led all Inquisitors to Luthadel and fought with them at Kredik Shaw. Lending power from the mists she killed them all except Marsh, but Kredik Shaw was completely destroyed in the process.[54][55] It is after this event that Vin took up the power of Preservation and Ascended.[56]

Luthadel was left ruined beyond salvation, and was wiped out of existence during the Catacendre. Its position as capital got taken over by Elendel in a new era.


Nobility -- To be changed into Balls

High Nobles, contradictory to everyone else, could afford candles and lamp oil, therefore stay up late at night. Most Great Houses held hazekillers. Some nobles cultivated plants indoors, those were white or ruddy or even slightly yellow instead of usual brown.[14]
A major house war happens every couple of centuries, hadn't been one for a long time before the Collapse. Nobles have an unspoken rule: won't use Mistborn to assassinate each other.[3]
Mistborn were so rare that nobles couldn't afford gender prejudices to them.[16]
Great Houses often had another residence, besides keep in Luthadel, in a suburb-style city like Fellise, having a keep to count as great house doesn't mean having to live there constantly.[4]

Terris stewards/servants.[19]([57])[expand]
"hasn’t been an all-out war among the Great Houses for over a century, but the last one was devastating."[35]
When Great Houses grew nervous, more Allomancers held watch, but noblemen Mistings wouldn't like being forced to guard duty. Many nobility blatantly wore metal, a foolish form of bravado. Lord Ruler sees nobles as "the children of his long-dead friends and allies, the men who supposedly helped him defeat the Deepness".[18]
Major noble families generally never had more than three children because they had trouble reproducing.[17]
Plantation lords often spent their winters in Luthadel, during the time in between the planting seasons. [58]
Shan Elariel was considered to be the perfect noblewoman. Young nobles often started forming alliances before they succeeded their fathers.[37]
House wars are mainly political, and balls are the political battlefields.[15]
From time to time, the Lord Ruler just let house wars happen.[38]
Straff Venture was considered to be the perfect imperial nobleman, being tall, firm-shouldered and always dressed in a tailored vest and suit. House Hasting was a strong mercantile house, but also dependent upon their contracts; having one main source of income makes a house vulnerable too. House Tekiel left Luthadel and was killed in their canal boats, likely by other nobles. Nobles are willing to kill rivals when it benefits them. "Kind of like thieving crews, she thought. The nobility really aren’t that different from the people I grew up around." Nobility mimicked the Lord Ruler; they wear metal rings because he does, even though it makes them vulnerable to Allomancers and Inquisitors.[34]

Balls: Almost every evening one of the noble houses held a ball. At these balls, they don't hide their flaws, but make a statement by displaying them. At these balls dinner was accounted for, also for (Terris) stewards (separately) who came with visiting nobles. String orchestras provided music for dancing couples. Obligators frequently visited these balls too, and officially witnessed agreements (had to pay them[37]). Invitation was needed, but seemingly not hard to get.[35]
"Most of the other women wore colorful dresses; muted colors seemed reserved for men’s suits."[12]
Ladies' food: buttered vegetables, cake. Lords asking a lady to accompany them on a future ball was not uncommon. People only interacted with others of their social standing. More absences on balls as tensions grew, nobles wouldn't visit balls held by their rivals. Also many non-Great Houses visited balls.[6]
Luncheons, sitting parties and other forms of daily entertainment were just as popular as balls.[9]
"The parties now served the additional purpose of warning and showing strength."[34]
Most balls were in the weekends.[10]
Great Houses hosted a ball roughly once a month. Balls were hosted by different houses in turns. Some nobles acted as informants on balls.[36]

Skaa -- To be removed

Urban skaa seemed to work less hard than plantation skaa.[59]
Skaa often worked in forges or mills.[11]
Most skaa barely knew anything about Allomancy.[60]
Lots of superstitions about people who walk in Mists, but less worse than plantation skaa. Some knowledge about mistwraiths though.[61]
Only a few most talented skaa were allowed to practice a profession, like Clubs being a carpenter. Clean face on street drew attention. About one million skaa workers in and around Luthadel (also at economy section?).[3]
Most skaa died before Vin's age (16 years[citation needed]).[4]
Skaa also worked in mines, had twelve-hour work days.[19]
Begging was only allowed if one had severe disfigurements.[22]
Tobacco was an expensive luxury.[18]
Skaa could work as ash cleaners.[9]
Skaa are shorter than nobles. Many skaa had heard of Allomancy, but only a few knew what it could do, because noble Mistings rarely showed their powers, and skaa halfbreed had to be even more careful.[17]
Most skaa lived in packed tenements.[15]


You don’t have any friends in the underworld. You’ll never have any friends in the underworld!

—Vin's memory of Reen[60]

As the place closest to the Lord Ruler, and thus the most riches, Luthadel has more corruption among the skaa population than any other city in the Final Empire.[6] The larger portion of the underground consists of thieves, crews, whores and beggars, but fewer in number are the skaa rebels whose goal is not personal gain but to resist the Final Empire.[61] However, life is hard for these people. Most brothels kill their skaa whores periodically to keep the Inquisitors placated.[58] Scavenging is difficult in Luthadel,[60] and only skaa with severe disfigurements are allowed to beg.[22] Men in the underground often spend months without their family,[58] as they would be safe and hidden if the man gets caught, especially if he was a Misting because then the Inquisitors would wipe out his entire bloodline at all costs.[15]

There are two types of crews in Luthadel, the regular ones like Camon's crew and the special crews that use Allomancers, the former often called "crumbs" by the latter.[61] Life in regular crews is harsh, as thieves have to get back to work when they get wounded or else are abandoned for dead by their crew leader.[57] On the other hand, a successful crewleader gains wealth for the entire crew, but sometimes thieves get tempted to kill their crewleader and take his money nonetheless.[60] Only desperate crews steal from the Steel Ministry.[11] Their lairs aren't supposed to exist, often being situated in a secret basement beneath the cover of a shop or warehouse.[28]

The other type, known as Misting crews, are smaller and more specialized with crewmembers who trust each other, they are said to be extremely skillful, foolhardy and talented.[61] Their rewards are great, but so are the risks, so it pays for them to be very discerning in the jobs they take.[29] On average, one in ten thousand mixed-breed skaa are Mistings, depending on ancestry.[60] Nearly all Mistborn are members of Great Houses, or else minor nobles, but only very few half-skaa.[16] In general, skaa can only get Allomantic powers if they have a noble ancestor somewhere in their last five generations.[17] Most Mistborn wear a Mistcloak as warning so city guards and other Allomancers won't bother them,[14] and practically all of them have atium but are reluctant to actually use it because it's incredibly expensive.[5]
Occasionally a Misting crew hires regular crews for more mundane work.[61]

One of the most dangerous professions in the underground is that of informant, as even members of Great Houses meet them personally to find out more about their rivals.[18] However, it's better to not use them too much, as every question asked will be sold as information to other clients.[35] Their other and main sources of news are servants.[35]
Hoid spent some time in Luthadel, where he acted as an informant. He had been around for a long time, and was considered one of the best, but most informants didn't live as long.[18]

Skaa in the Final Empire aren't allowed to travel on their own,[3] and even a lot of thieves never leave their plantation or town.[4] However, there are illegal ways for skaa to travel in the Central Dominance. There is an underground movement network to help runaways travel the canals from plantation to plantation, which isn't noticed because noblemen don't pay attention to skaa faces.[37]
Getting in and out of Luthadel is more difficult, as all city gates are guarded and both skaa and nobles need permission to pass through them[15] after interview and interrogation.[26] Ways to get around this are the so called passwalls, most of which are in the form of tunnels with hidden entrances or ropes being thrown over the city walls.[26]

Designated place where one leaves a message to hire a kandra.[62]

Church of the Survivor


Final Empire

The Lord Ruler makes dictates, and the Ministry polices his followers, but the nobility are the ones who actually force the skaa to work.

— Luthadel's political structure during the Final Empire[13]

The Lord Ruler

Legend: Lord Ruler was believed to be the creator, protector and punisher of mankind. He'd saved humanity from the Deepness, and brought ash and mist as punishment for lack of faith.[3]
Attended executions in black carriage drawn by a pair of massive white stallions.[38]
His Soothing is strong enough to influence someone burning copper.[13]
"Then it hit. Like a cloud moving before the sun, like a sudden storm on a quiet night, like a pair of fingers snuffing a candle. An oppressive hand stifled the budding skaa emotions." Description of Lord Ruler in public.[27]

He knew, Vin ... The Lord Ruler. He suspected that this day would come - a day when the mists returned and food would be scarce. So, he prepared these supply depots.

—Elend on the storage caverns[45]

Steel Ministry

The Steel Ministry is the civic framework of the Final Empire, as well as a religious organization. It is divided into four sub-offices, these are the Canton of Orthodoxy, Canton of Finance, Canton of Resource and Canton of Orthodoxy. All Cantons have their headquarters in Luthadel,[3][20] but there also are regional headquarters spread throughout the Inner Dominances. Nobles who work for the Steel Ministry are called obligators, prelans are higher ranked, followed by high prelans, and the lord prelan is leader of the Ministry.[38]

The Canton of Orthodoxy is the primary bureaucratic arm of the Ministry[37], they administer the Lord Ruler's empire.[63] Any official events or documents have to be authorized by an obligator, typically from the Canton of Orthodoxy, or else it formally had never happened or been written. This can be about weddings, land purchases, inheritance of titles or business deals.[59][37] It is a clever way for the Steel Ministry to know everything about the nobility.

The Canton of Resource is in charge of matters like feeding the people, maintaining the canals, and transportation and storage across the Final Empire.[64] It is the best place for men with an analytical mind.[65] They keep record of many things, including maps of mineral deposits.[66] Most engineers who work on Luthadel's city plans are obligators.[67] Besides being the force of bureaucracy and legal authority in the Final Empire, the Steel Ministry also is like a noble house on itself; the more wealth it has, the more leverage it has with the noble houses.

The Canton of Finance provides the Ministry with the funds they need for their operations, and can be seen as its bank, trading and negotiating with noble houses to close lucrative contracts.[28]

The Canton of Inquisition acts as law enforcement, and a large part consist of hunting down skaa half-breeds; when the Inquisitors discover one they kill not only them but their children as well to wipe out the entire bloodline.[15] Because of this the Canton of Inquisition recruits noblemen Seekers diligently,[13] and in addition all obligators are trained to recognize emotional Allomancy.[11] It was founded in the sixth century of the Final Empire,[64] and they also initiated the Terris stewardship and breeding program.[64]

Furthermore, the Steel Ministry has about three dozens[10] of Soothing stations spread throughout Luthadel, most of which are located in the slums. Every station is manned by at least three[10] Soothers, a Seeker, and a a Smoker to keep them hidden.[13] The only duty of these Soothers is to extend a depressing influence around them, preventing rebellious thoughts among the population, and because they're not trying to get the people to do anything specific their influence is very hard to notice. It is likely that the Inquisitors get most of their leads on skaa Allomancers from the Seekers in these stations, as they are able to detect Allomancers when they least expect it. Their existence is a closely guarded secret, which makes the Soothing stations very effective, and to ensure this personnel changes are only done at night.[13]


Besides the Lord Ruler and the Steel Ministry, the high nobility is also influential in the capital of the Final Empire. These families are called Great Houses, those who can afford to own a keep in Luthadel,[11] and the high taxes that come with it.[18] However, most Great Houses also have a secondary residence in one of the suburb-like cities like Fellise around Luthadel.[11] All noble houses are mainly financial institutions, with a high income they can exert influence, but a lack of funds will also bring them down.[13] This means that houses with a good mercantile contract can quickly rise in power, but if they depend on it that makes them vulnerable too. For example, House Venture was responsible for mining the Lord Ruler's atium, but if they would fail to meet his quotas their income would be cut off and as a result they would lose their position as most influential Great House.[34]

Noble houses might work together when it benefits them, but if killing a rival further secures their own social standing they are not afraid to do so.[34] In fact, every couple of centuries a house war is fought.[3] These are no wars with big battles, but rather a long series of assassinations, so that the houses involved can keep pretending they are not responsible.[34] Sometimes the Lord Ruler orders a stop to the fighting, but often he would just step back and let powerful noble families kill each other so that less established houses can take their place, lest the nobility should get too powerful to be a threat to him.[38]

The nobles are who actually force the skaa to work. In principle the Lord Ruler owns all skaa, but noblemen rent skaa from him to do with as they want.[59] They are then set to work in one of their many mines, fields, forges or mills. While they do not pay the skaa much if at all,[3] the nobility is responsible for feeding their skaa,[25] yet in the end most nobles treat skaa little better than slaves.[58] This political structure effectively means that the Lord Ruler and his Steel Ministry only need to keep the nobility in check, because in turn the nobility keeps the skaa under control. Only in case of a rebellion the Luthadel Garrison is sent out to intervene.

Luthadel counted ten Great Houses during the last days of the Final Empire, in order of importance these are:[68]

However, most nobles are not rich enough to be considered part of a Great House. Being noble is about lineage, not money, so the group of lesser nobles in Luthadel effectively forms a middle class.[11] Lesser noblemen could work as guard at noble keeps.[14]

Luthadel Assembly

New Empire


The presence of rich mineral deposits near Luthadel[66] allows for a large mining industry. The mined metal ore is then brought to the hundreds of forges and refineries in Luthadel, where it is turned into useful metals.[11] As a result, metal is Luthadel's main export product.[11] Luthadel's second natural advantage is the presence of the River Channerel, whose flow through the city provides excellent opportunity for mills, used for both grinding grains and making textiles.[11] Besides allowing for mills, the river is also an effective mode of transport and trade, as it is connected to the Final Empire's wide canal network.[28][4]

The empire's monetary currency is called a boxing, a coin made of gold.[13] The smallest denomination of coin is a clip,[16] made of bronze.[36] Golden ten-boxing coins are also used.[3][69] The coins have a picture of Kredik Shaw on their back, colloquially referred to as the "box", leading to the coin's name.[70] For reference, during the Siege of Luthadel a bin of aging apples was sold for five boxings, but this was considered to be at a premium.[71]

However, the foundation of the imperial economy is atium. The invaluable Allomantic metal is essential for noble houses to defend themselves against other Mistborn, so by controlling the market the Lord Ruler maintains his hold over the nobility.[34][29] One small bead of atium can already be worth more than three thousand boxings,[5] whereas a big one can be worth over twenty thousand boxings.[72] The Pits of Hathsin is the only place were atium can be mined,[29] but none except a few ever knew about its origin. Only about one tenth of all the mined atium is sold to the nobility,[19] which keeps the price high so that the Lord Ruler can fund his armies.[61][34]


There are fields around Luthadel,[73] but a lot of the food was also imported from plantations. (needs citation)

Docks outside of the city. Also outer mills at the lake (Lake Luthadel).[15]

In each city, including Luthadel, is a small group of merchants who provide powdered metals to Allomancers, these metals can be considered pure because these merchants have a vested interest in keeping their (dangerous) customers satisfied.[13]


With there being about one million skaa workers in and around Luthadel,[3] good organization of a city this big is essential. The majority of these skaa works in forges or mills,[11] but they could also work in the mines[19] or fields[73] around Luthadel. Bells chime in the mornings to announce when skaa are required to get to work,[11] marking the start of their typically twelve-hour working days.[19] Only a few most talented skaa were allowed to practice a profession, like Clubs running a carpentry workshop.[3]

In Luthadel, and especially in the slums, there are many central soup kitchens. These soup kitchens usually are funded by local lords or nobles who own a forge or mill, to avoid the costs of having to provide meals on site for their workers. Skaa earn meal tokens for the time they work, and in their short break at midday they can spend these tokens for a meal. However, because the kitchen owners are paid directly, they save as much as possible on ingredients and cleaning, resulting in food about as tasty as ashwater.[19] Clean drinking water is retrieved from wells all around the city.[26] In the brief times while skaa are free from labor most of them live in overly packed tenements.[15]

A lot of effort is required to keep Luthadel clean and orderly. To prevent the city from being buried by ash, a lot of skaa work as ash cleaners to gather the ash to dispose of it,[9] most of it gets thrown in the River Channerel[11] but sometimes it was carted and piled out of the city.[4] The Luthadel Garrison does patrols on the streets, and guards the city walls and gates. All skaa and lesser noblemen need permission from the Garrison to pass the city gates, only those who have good reasons like work are allowed to go out of the city.[15] With the harsh living conditions for people in the slums, there is need for skaa corpse crews that take care of the disposal of dead bodies,[22] the corpses are then buried outside of city.[33]

Occasionally executions take place at the Fountain Square. Most often a recently caught thieving crew gets executed, but sometimes innocent skaa as well, as examples that entire population is subject to the whims of the Lord Ruler. When the bells ring all men in the city are required to attend the executions or else the punishment is death. Bleachers are set up for the noblemen, but most skaa need to stand in the surrounding streets because the Fountain Square is not large enough for this huge amount of people. The executions can go on for hours, and afterwards the corpses are just left at the fountains.[38][13]

Condemned men (and women) were sent to the Pits of Hathsin, not clear what the criteria were though.[17]

Food tokens[15]


City Defenses

Luthadel might be exposed, but no one ever attacks Luthadel. No one ever has.


Luthadel is the only city in the Final Empire that was allowed to have a city wall.[21] This stone wall is massive — only the largest koloss are barely able to mount it[42] — but during the entire reign of the Lord Ruler no army has ever marched on Luthadel.[18][38] Battlements are built on top,[4] with the occasional watchtower[43] in which presumably the stairwells are located.[41]
Only eight gates give entrance to Luthadel, all more or less equally spread over Luthadel's perimeter.[20] They are large wooden gates that open with hinges.[43] However, these gates mostly have a practical purpose to control the flow of people getting in and out the city,[15] and while they are able to resist some forces they weren't meant to withstand a large scale attack.[40]

Grates are installed in the River Channerel where it crosses Luthadel's wall, above and under the water, both as defense in case of an attack and to prevent people from secretly getting in and out of the city.[26]

Besides the regular troops and archers of the Luthadel Garrison, the Steel Ministry has hazekillers in their service,[29] and archers who use obsidian-tipped arrows,[27] to fight rebellious Allomancers. On top of the forces in Luthadel, the Lord Ruler and the Steel Ministry could marshal literally millions of troops from all throughout the Final Empire if the need ever arose.[18]

Luthadel Garrison

The Luthadel Garrison was a standing force of twenty thousand well-armed, well-trained troops.[3] Its primary duty is to maintain order in Luthadel. Soldiers in the Garrison are mainly skaa who sold out to the Lord Ruler in exchange for a better life, and like all mercenaries they would fight whomever they got payed for.[15] One of their responsibilities was to guard Luthadel's walls and gates, and question both skaa and lesser nobles about their motives to leave the city to prevent too much travel in the Final Empire. Another of their tasks was to do (nighttime[16]) patrols on the streets and keep up an intimidating face while wearing full armor, especially in skaa slums, which made them not very well liked. They also had to stop rebels when needed, but hired extra part-time soldiers if such a situation would occur.[15] Like the Steel Ministry watched the nobility, the Garrison watched the skaa.[35]
Their fortifications are close to the Steel Gate. The complex had a defensive appearance and was guarded by hostile looking soldiers at the gates. Large spikes were mounted on the wall that ran around it, and the buildings within were bulky and fortified.[15]

Inquisitor by Ben McSweeney


The Inquisitors are the Lord Ruler's most dedicated and powerful servants, and are in charge of the Canton of Inquisition.[25] Their main duty is to find half-breeds and kill them,[16] tracking down their children as well[15] to prevent skaa getting access to Allomancy because of their noble ancestry. Nine of them are present in Luthadel before the Collapse[39] (though at this time there are around twenty in the entire Final Empire[74]). At this event all other Inquisitors in Luthadel are killed by Marsh.[75] However, Marsh himself remains hiding in Luthadel for months after the Collapse.[76]

Inquisitors are Hemalurgic creatures with spikes driven through their eyes and body granting them most of the powers of a Mistborn,[13] and some even have Feruchemical healing abilities due to an extra spike.[77]. Preferably, Inquisitors were made from Seekers or Mistborn, giving them the ability to pierce through copperclouds,[78] which is useful to discover and hunt down skaa Allomancers.[16] When they find a thieving band, one of them can single-handedly kill an entire crew in a matter of seconds, but they only do this when a skaa Allomancer is involved.[22] They were believed to be immortal until one was decapitated by Kelsier and died.[27]

Koloss army

If [the Lord Ruler] marches those creatures on his own capital city, the destruction it would cause could be even more dangerous than financial instability.

—Kelsier about koloss[61]

The Lord Ruler was in full control of all koloss — ferocious creatures reminiscent of large humans with blue skin — in the Final Empire. He created them and it was his prerogative to determine how they were used.[24] Koloss were useful grunts, but had to be kept away from cities because of their destructive nature, which is why they were stationed at a moderate distance from Luthadel.[3] As a result, koloss were mostly used to quell rebellions, often far from major cities where the Lord Ruler's reign was less influential.[79]

However, after the Lord Ruler fell, Jastes Lekal bribed an army of koloss with fake coins and led them to siege Luthadel,[80] but when he lost control they destroyed a large part of the city and killed a lot of its population in the Battle of Luthadel.[42]

Notable Residents


// quotes section is only temporary, to save potentially useful quotes for the rest of the article, will be removed in the final version

Luthadel is the dirtiest, most crowded city in the Final Empire.


Luthadel wasn't like most other cities; its population was enormous.


During the days of the Lord Ruler , Luthadel had been the most crowded city in the world. Filled with three- and four-story tenements, it had been packed with the skaa who’d worked its numerous furnaces and forges, with the noble merchants who’d sold its goods, and with the high nobility who’d simply wanted to be near the imperial court.



  • Scadrial's magnetic North Pole follows the Well of Ascension. Because Luthadel is built on top of the Well, all compasses point to Luthadel.[81]
  • Luthadel, like Elendel, is named after a person. This person's story will possibly be revealed in an upcoming book.[82]
  • Luthadel has roughly two million citizens.[83]
  • Isaac Stewart devised Luthadel's eight gates, and named them after the basic metals.[84]
  • Nazh has been to Luthadel more than once, he made a map of the city and went back to update it.[20]

See also


  1. The Eleventh Metal#
  2. a b c Map of Final Empire
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n The Final Empire chapter 6#
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k The Final Empire chapter 8#
  5. a b c d e The Final Empire chapter 13#
  6. a b c d The Final Empire chapter 18#
  7. a b The Final Empire chapter 25#
  8. The Final Empire chapter 15#
  9. a b c d e The Final Empire chapter 20#
  10. a b c d e The Final Empire chapter 29#
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s The Final Empire chapter 2#
  12. a b c d e f g The Final Empire chapter 17#
  13. a b c d e f g h i j k l m The Final Empire chapter 27#
  14. a b c d e f g h i The Final Empire chapter 5#
  15. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r The Final Empire chapter 24#
  16. a b c d e f g The Final Empire chapter 7#
  17. a b c d e f The Final Empire chapter 21#
  18. a b c d e f g h i j The Final Empire chapter 19#
  19. a b c d e f g h i j The Final Empire chapter 10#
  20. a b c d Map of Luthadel
  21. a b The Hero of Ages chapter 25#
  22. a b c d e f The Final Empire chapter 11#
  23. a b The Final Empire chapter 35#
  24. a b The Hero of Ages chapter 43#
  25. a b c d The Final Empire chapter 32#
  26. a b c d e The Well of Ascension chapter 42#
  27. a b c d The Final Empire chapter 34#
  28. a b c d e The Final Empire chapter 1#
  29. a b c d e f The Final Empire chapter 33#
  30. a b The Hero of Ages chapter 77#
  31. a b The Final Empire chapter 14#
  32. General Twitter 2011
    Arcanum - 2011-01-18#
  33. a b The Well of Ascension chapter 57#
  34. a b c d e f g h i The Final Empire chapter 28#
  35. a b c d e f The Final Empire chapter 12#
  36. a b c d The Final Empire chapter 30#
  37. a b c d e f g The Final Empire chapter 23#
  38. a b c d e f g h i j k l The Final Empire chapter 26#
  39. a b The Final Empire chapter 36#
  40. a b c d e The Well of Ascension chapter 50#
  41. a b c d e f g h i j The Well of Ascension chapter 51#
  42. a b c d e The Well of Ascension chapter 53#
  43. a b c d e f The Well of Ascension chapter 52#
  44. a b c The Well of Ascension chapter 54#
  45. a b c The Hero of Ages chapter 5#
  46. a b The Hero of Ages chapter 8#
  47. a b c The Hero of Ages chapter 40#
  48. a b The Hero of Ages chapter 42#
  49. The Hero of Ages chapter 47#
  50. a b c d The Hero of Ages chapter 52#
  51. a b c The Hero of Ages chapter 80#
  52. a b The Hero of Ages Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-05-06#
  53. The Hero of Ages chapter 22#
  54. The Hero of Ages chapter 72#
  55. The Hero of Ages chapter 73#
  56. The Hero of Ages chapter 76#
  57. a b The Final Empire chapter 16#
  58. a b c d The Final Empire chapter 22#
  59. a b c The Final Empire prologue#
  60. a b c d e The Final Empire chapter 3#
  61. a b c d e f g The Final Empire chapter 4#
  62. The Hero of Ages Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-02-09#
  63. The Hero of Ages chapter 29#
  64. a b c The Hero of Ages chapter 44#
  65. The Hero of Ages Annotations
    Arcanum - 2009-12-01#
  66. a b The Hero of Ages chapter 63#
  67. Firefight Seattle Public Library signing
    Arcanum - 2015-01-07#
  68. The Final Empire chapter 9#
  69. The Well of Ascension chapter 6#
  70. The Well of Ascension Ars Arcanum#
  71. The Well of Ascension chapter 25#
  72. The Well of Ascension chapter 40#
  73. a b The Hero of Ages chapter 18#
  74. The Final Empire epilogue#
  75. The Final Empire chapter 38#
  76. The Well of Ascension Annotations
    Arcanum - 2009-02-26#
  77. 17th Shard Interview
    Arcanum - 2010-10-03#
  78. The Final Empire chapter 31#
  79. The Hero of Ages Annotations
    Arcanum - 2009-11-10#
  80. The Well of Ascension chapter 19#
  81. The Hero of Ages Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-05-04#
  82. Firefight signing San Francisco
    Arcanum - 2015-01-17#
  83. Email to Nepene - Re: Population of the Final Empire
    Arcanum - 2013-02-19#
  84. Mistborn: The Final Empire Annotations
    Arcanum - 2006-08-18#

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