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Parlin by zoethatcher.jpg
Parents Yarda
Died Tortured and killed by Tank Fah in 327[1]
Religion Austrism
Nationality Idrian
Homeworld Nalthis
Universe Cosmere

If you aren't familiar with a place you need to become familiar with it."

—Parlin to Vivenna [2]

Parlin is an Idrian guardsman from Nalthis.

Appearance and Personality

Parlin is quiet, an accomplished hunter who prefers forests and animals to cities and people[2].

In Idris Parlin wore dull brown clothing that would help camouflage him in the mountains and forests. In T'Telir he wore clothing that helped him blend in there. A bright green hat that flopped down the side of his face and colourful vests. He was tall but not lanky.[2] He has a square-jawed face.{book ref|warbreaker|14}}

Like most Idrians he is a follower of Austre and dresses and acts with self-deprecation. He is terse, not rude, just didn’t need to say much. He is solid and reliable. Vivenna fears T'Telir is probably overwhelming him. Crowds make him nervous.[2]

Denth describes Parlin as "quick at adapting to situations" and "trustworthy" making him worth keeping around. Though he does admit that Parlin has "not got the wit of a scholar."[3]

Attributes and Abilities

Parlin is an good hunter and scout. He is able to blend into his surroundings and very observant. [2] He quickly picks up on the customs and mannerisms of the street toughs of T'Telir and adopts both to better blend into the city.[3]


Before departing, Parlin was guarding the Northern Passes. He acts as Vivenna's bodyguard when she goes secretly to T'Telir after her sister Siri, and is several years Vivenna's senior. He was easy to convince and already knew the route, as he had scouted the wall a year before.[2]

I can’t smell anything but bodies and spices, can’t hear anything but the chatter of people. There’s no wind, no trees, no rivers, just…people.

—Parlin to Vivenna.[2]

Nevertheless, his skill at blending in with nature translates well to the city. Parlin adopts a brightly colored hat and vest in T'Telir, which Vivenna claims make him look ridiculous, but Denth points out simply make him look Hallandren[3]. Parlin also takes a shine to Jewels at one point[4] which sparks jealousy in Vivenna, though she refuses admit it when Denth brings it up.[3]

He is tortured to death by the mercenary Tonk Fah when Denth believes Vivenna has run away[1], as only a short time previously he had talked to her on the stairs and she may have confided in him. Denth did not intend for Tonk Fah to kill him, but Tonk Fah got carried away during the torture.[5] His body is then left tied to a chair in the safe house in the slums. It works like bait in a trap because when it is discovered by Vivenna it is here she is taken by Denth and Tonk Fah.


He is the son of General Yarda.

He is the man King Dedelin would have married Vivenna to had she not been promised to the God King.[2] They were close friends throughout childhood.

Vivenna is not in love with Parlin, but she does have affection for him. She views him more as a brother.[6]

He is attracted to Jewels, but she is only amused by him. She is not romantically interested, as she is already involved with Arsteel.[4][6]


Vivenna: "Unfortunately, Parlin, people aren't like animals "
Parlin: "I know, animals make sense "



  • In early drafts of Warbreaker, Parlin was named Peprin and was much more bumbling and innocent. [7]
  • If Brandon Sanderson could change anything about Warbreaker, it would be to make Parlin a more compelling character. His death should have been more impactful. Template:Book wob


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