Bright Sea

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Bright Sea
Type Sea
World Nalthis
Universe Cosmere

The Bright Sea is a large, but landlocked, body of water on Nalthis adjacent to Hallandren. T'Telir is built against its shore.[1]


The Bright Sea is its original name. Since Idris split from Hallandren, Idrians call the sea the Inner Sea, to downplay its importance, since Idris was landlocked. Idris and Hallandren usually have different names for geographical features, due to the bad blood between them. However, in many cases, both names stuck, so Inner Sea and Bright Sea are used interchangeably by many.[2][3]

Geography and Ecology

The Bright Sea is an inland sea on Nalthis.[1] It contains an unknown number of islands.[4]

There many nations located on its shores. The most powerful of these nations is called Hallandren. Hallandren is located on the western shore of the Sea, this nation controls a good third of the coastline, as well as some islands.[1][5] Tedradel is also located on it’s shore.[6] The location of Tedradel is described as across the Bright Sea from Hallandren, which makes it lie somewhere in the east.[6] The eastern shore was also once inhabited by a fallen civilisation called the Chedesh. These people were great seafarers, and are said to have been the first to discover the Hallandren valley.[7]

There are dangerous storms in the spring.[8] The Bright Sea is full of life, including many sorts of mussels, fish, and tentacled creatures.[9][10][11]

Cultural influence and Trade

The Bright Sea opens many trade routes to the kingdoms located on it’s shores.[5]

T'Telir, the capital city of Hallandren, is located in a bay on the Bright Sea.[7] This allows it to trade with many other places, such as Tedradel and a number of cities along the coast.[5][6] T’Telir is the largest city to sell the valuable Tears of Edgli, bringing it extreme wealth.[7]

Hallandren has a number of Stormrunners that sail the Bright Sea during the spring storms.[8] The Bright Sea also plays a large role in why Hallandren has become the economic powerhouse it is at the time of the Pahn Kahl rebellion. [5]

The Pahn Kahl believe that the storms of the Bright Sea are a manifestation of their unity of five gods.[3]


There may be a connection between Endowment and the Bright Sea.[12]


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This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Chaos2651 (talk) 15:35, 16 June 2018 (MST)