
Revision as of 11:45, 1 November 2020 by Rasarr (talk | contribs)

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Died Pahn Kahl rebellion
Profession High Priest
Nationality Hallandren
Homeworld Nalthis
Universe Cosmere

Why would a Returned care about Awakening? They have everything they need.


Treledees is a Hallandren man who is the God King Susebron's high priest.

Appearance and Personality

Treledees is unusually tall for a Hallandren with a long face, [2] and is one the tallest people in the Court of the Gods. In fact he is only slightly shorter than the Returned themselves, though spindly[3]. As high priest of the God King he is always dressed grandly. He wears ornate robes in silver and blue with high peaked shoulders that make them reminiscent of armor. He also wears a matching headdress like a mitre.[4]

Treledees personality is considered obnoxious and disdainful [3] as well as self-assured and arrogant by Sisirinah.[5] He does not believe in bending rules or playing favorites.[3]

Attributes and Abilities

Treledees is clever and observant as well as covert. In addition to his mental skills, He has additional Breaths to get to the Third Heightening, which grants him Aura Recognition, Perfect Pitch and Perfect Color Recognition.[6][7]

He has researched the first and second princesses of Idris in great detail (although admits to the courts lack of research on Sisirinah and understands how to use the Royal Locks to read their emotions.[6]


Quiet you fool! We're trying to help you!

—Treledees to Siri[8]

Siri initially observed Treledees as an outwardly hostile man for most of her time in the Court of the Gods. She suspected him of plotting against the God King, even after Susebron told her that Treledees was a man that he trusted along with all his other priests.

Susebron was proven correct during the Pahn Kahl rebellion, as Treledees died protecting him and Siri.[1]


He is the loyal High Preist of Susebron the God King of Hallandren.[1] He dislikes Siri, as queen of Hallandren and tries to keep her in line. Despite this he is ready to do all in his power to preserve her during the Pahn Kahl rebellion.


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