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Related to Fjorden
World of Origin Sel
Universe Cosmere

Shu-Dereth is a religion practiced on the Selish continent known as Opelon (Aonic term) or Sycla (Fjordell term).[1][2][3] During the events of Elantris, it is the official religion of all nations east of the Dathreki mountains; Arelon and Teod are the only nations within the “known world” that remain holdouts. [1][4]


The Derethi worship an unforgiving god known as Jaddeth, who rules from a throne beneath the earth. The central tenet of the faith is the achievement of ‘’’unity of all mankind under the rule of one nation.’’’[1]

Jaddeth’s Return
The Derethi believe that when all men are unified under the rule of one nation, Jaddeth will rise from his slumber and return to the earth. Wyrn Wulfden the Fourth, in a letter attributed to Jaddeth, calls this event the “Day of Empire.”[1]
The Derethi believe the Elantrians to be vile, blasphemous, and altogether unholy.[5] Dilaf, gradget of the Dakhor monastery, believes them to be Svrakiss.[6]
The Derethi believe that the souls of men who hated Jaddeth during life become Svrakiss. The Svrakiss are considered to be evil entities barred from entrance into heaven and are said to have the power to take over the bodies of living men and control their actions.[7]
Seons, as a result of their association with Elantris, are considered to be heathen magic. As such, only select Derethi who have the most faith and self-control are allowed to use seons.[8]
Additional Teachings
  • Jaddeth rewards ambition.[6][4]
  • Jaddeth is intolerant of ignorance.[9]
  • The only difference between man and animal is mankind’s ability to worship Jaddeth; beasts are only capable of serving their lusts, whereas mankind is capable of devotion to a higher purpose.[7][6]
  • Service to Jaddeth is rewarded during life as well as in the afterlife.[6]
  • Only one man – the Wyrn – serves Jaddeth directly. All others serve through a chain of command (see Organization & Hierarchy for more information).

Religious Texts

Derethi scriptures are contained in the "Do-Dereth," though they also study the text of their parent religion, the Do-Kando of Shu-Keseg.[1]

Organization & Hierarchy

The Great Chain

The Great Chain is the chain that links all living members of Shu-Dereth to Wyrn and then to Jaddeth. Masters were always called hroden, but there were two different ways a servant could serve a master. One way was to swear to be someone's odiv, which was irrevocably binding. Krondet is a less binding oath, in which one listened to the counsel of his hroden, but was not morally obligated to obey. In the priesthood, all in the Great Chain are odivs and bound to do what someone higher in the chain commanded.[8]

  • At the bottom of the chain are the common people; they serve the arteths and the dorven.
  • Dorven are the lowest level of the priesthood; they serve the arteths and the gradors.
  • Arteths are the lowest level that may lead a chapel by themselves; they serve the gradors.
  • Gradors are the level of the priesthood directly above the arteths; they generally lead the chapels in the larger cities.
  • Ragnets are the level directly below the gyorns; they generally oversee a region of Derethi followers.
  • Gyorns serve Wyrn directly; they are at the highest level of the priesthood other than perhaps some gragdets. There are only twenty of them, and they are among the most important people in the Fjordell Empire. They often serve as ambassadors for Wyrn to foreign nations, such as Arelon and the Rose Empire.[10] They customarily wear red ornamental armor.[11]
  • Gragdets are the leaders of monasteries; they are outside of the direct chain, although some have the authority of the gyorns (such as the gragdet of the Dakhor monastery).
  • Wyrn is the head of the church, and is able to serve Jaddeth directly; the Wyrn has direct control over all members of Shu-Dereth.


Entering Derethi priests joined one of many monasteries. The monasteries provide religious training as well as training for various tasks:[12][13]

Dakhor Monastery
A mysterious monastery with violent stories attached to it. It trains the Dakhor monks.
Fjeldor Monastery
Trains spies.[12][13]
Ghajan Monastery
One of many monasteries that train warriors. Hrathen trained here after leaving Dakhor.[13]
Rathbore Monastery
Trains assassins.[12] Very few individuals may make use of Rathbore assassins, Wyrn and gyorns among them.[13] Potential members may be required to kill someone before being admitted, as Fjon was required to kill Hrathen before being admitted.[14]

Origins & History

Shu-Dereth is an offshoot of Shu-Keseg. It was founded by Dereth, a disciple of Keseg. However, Shu-Dereth differs from Shu-Keseg in the way that it focuses on the unity of obedience, rather than the unity of mind. Shu-Dereth is based on the worship of Jaddeth, a God who is said to slumber in the earth, waiting for a time when the whole world worships him to return and rule the world. Followers of Shu-Dereth are known as Derethi, and the religion's holy book is called the Do-Dereth.

Dereth’s ideas were originally rejected in his native JinDo; however, they were embraced by the Fjordell. Shu-Dereth has been the official religion of Fjorden since the conversion of Wulfden the First and has spread to all of the eastern nations.[3] Since that time, the leader of Shu-Dereth takes receives the title Wyrn upon his ascension. Wyrn acts both as Jaddeth's prophet and regent during his entrapment on earth.

Fjorden’s society stratified and organized Shu-Dereth’s teachings to a martial level. As a result, Shu-Dereth is a highly militaristic religion, and is based on a regimented ranking, known as the "Great Chain."


This page or section deals with theories or speculation.
Please read carefully and note that this is not necessarily canonical.
  • The god Jaddeth could be based on the Shard Dominion, as Derethi-majority Fjorden seeks to expand the Fjordell Empire across Sel, similar to the Shardic Intent of Dominion.


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