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Children Tatara
Siblings Lightsong
Aliases Scoot
Nationality Hallandren
Homeworld Nalthis

"You are a god. To me, at least. It doesn't matter how easily you can be killed, how much breath you have, or how you look. It has to do with who you are and what you mean"

— Llarimar to Lightsong [1]

Llarimar is the high priest of Lightsong the Bold in Hallandren on Nalthis.

Appearance and Personality

Llarimar was a tall, portly man with spectacles and a calm demeanor. [2]

Llarimar is a kind, peaceful and incredibly patient individual. It takes the removal of almost all hope, threats and actual physical violence to make him even complain. He is a high priest and shows significant faith in the iridescent tones and specific devotion to the Returned Lightsong.[2] He tended to avoid politics and kept his thoughts to himself though he demonstrated many times that he was clever enough to have made an impact.[3]

He is brave. When Lightsong charges the soldiers attacking Blushweaver he follows and attempts to protect his god despite having no combat skills whatsoever.[4]



Llarimar had served as a priest to the Returned Kindwinds the Honest,[1], but he grew disillusioned with his gods as he spent years exposed to their venality and corruption. However while on a family boating excursion his boat was caught in a storm. His daughter was thrown from the deck to certain death, but was rescued by his brother who leaped into the sea and fastened his own lifeline to her instead. Following his sacrifice, he was resurrected as one of the Returned. The miracle restored Llarimar's faith and he became Lightsong's high priest. He was so highly trusted that he was one of the few to whom Lightsong entrusted his Lifeless command phrase for a quarter of Hallandren's armies.[5]

During Warbreaker

Llarimar tends to his duties with fervor and actively encourages Lightsong to believe in himself. He records Lightsong's dreams and his comments on the paintings he looks at, believing his dreams to be prophetic and his comments to have godly meaning. He is strictly obedient to Lightsong and tolerates all his whims without complaint.[2] He knows Lightsong better than anyone else and can point out behaviour that was not typical of him.[6]

He assists Lightsong in his investigations at Mercystar's Palace. He also helps in the attempt to save Blushweaver.[4] When captured by the rebels, it is only when Llarimar's life is threatened that Lightsong gives up the pass phrase that controls his contingent of the Lifeless army.[7] Llarimar then confesses the truth to Lightsong about his previous life as a scribe, revealing the details of Lightsong's death and the true nature of their relationship. This confession breaks the taboo against revealing details of a Returned's former life, but he hopes that it will restore Lightsong's faith in himself and in the Iridescent Tones. [1]

Attributes and Abilities

He was an ideal Priest. He was not arrogant, lazy, or quick to anger. Indeed, Lightsong thought Llarimar was "Patient understanding. He deserved a better god." [8]


He is the brother and High Priest of Lightsong and the father of Tatara.[expand]


You can't get drunk, your Grace

— Llarimar to Lightsong[9]



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