Court of Gods

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Court of Gods
City [[T'Telir|T'Telir]][[Category:T'Telir]]
World Nalthis

The Court of Gods is the home and parliament of the Returned in Hallandren. While the Returned effectively rule the nation, they are confined inside the walls of this complex in T'Telir, the capital of Hallandren.

The Court of Gods is composed of the God King's palace, a many-roomed building in the centre of the court, which holds rooms in every shade of red, green and blue. Around this structure stands the various Returned's palaces, each in the colours of the Returned who reside within, as well as the priests and staff who care for them. The Lifeless barracks are also situated inside the walls of the Court.

The political issues of Hallandren are also resolved in the Court, with citizens that have reached at least the First Heightening being allowed entrance to observe the Court Assembly.

For the entertainment of the couple dozen Returned in the Court of Gods, jugglers, sportsmen and other forms of entertainment are allowed entrance from the city.

