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Abilities Returned
Nationality Hallandren
Homeworld Nalthis

Susebron was the God King of Hallandren on NalthisCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content around 300 years after the Manywar.

He was a Returned and had to be given a Breath every week by his subjects in order to keep him alive. He, as a Returned, looked much younger than he really was, which was around 50 years at the time of the events recorded in Warbreaker.

He resided, mostly alone, in the black palace that was given to the God Kings. Despite having been the official ruler of Hallandren, he was kept away from its people and other Returned, only coming out briefly on special occasions. This was to hide his tongue having been cut out, when he first returned, by his priests so he could not Awaken with Commands (and he had not been taught to awaken with thought). He had over ten thousand Breaths; his inheritance from the first God King and those who followed.

During the events of Warbreaker, Susebron married Siri in order to preserve the peace between Hallandren and Idris. At first he feared Siri, uncertain of why she spent her nights waiting, naked, on his floor. When they finally began speaking (as best he could without his tongue), his innocence at being in a virtual prison was revealed. Siri taught Susebron to read using a story book of his mother's that he had hidden from his priests. He and Siri eventually fell in love and she began to plan how to reveal to the other gods that he had no tongue.

The Pahn Kahl attack of the Court of the Gods saw him imprisoned in his own palace. Here he was given back his tongue when Lightsong gave up his divine Breath to heal him. As Susebron had so many breaths he was able to awaken instinctively now that he could speak. He freed his palace from the Pahn Kahl invaders and saved Siri.

Susebron, at the end of Warbreaker, continued to reside in his palace with Siri after saving her homeland, Idris, from the lifeless army using Kalad's Phantoms.


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