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Sarene by Bernardo Curvello.jpg
Abilities Splinter of Devotion
Bonded With Sarene, Sarene's mother (formerly)
Species Seon
Homeworld Sel
Universe Cosmere

Ashe is a seon, a magical being on Sel. He is bonded to Sarene[1].

Appearance and Personality

Like all seons, Ashe is a sentient, melon-sized ball of light. The glowing character Aon Ashe forms the center of Ashe's body, although it is partially obscured by his light. He has a deep voice, always perfectly enunciating his words.[1]

Ashe is reserved and cautious, and often displays displeasure when he perceives Sarene to be acting recklessly. He concerns himself with Sarene's safety above all and cares for her very much.[2]

He considers Teod his home,[3] though he moves to Arelon with Sarene after her marriage to Raoden. He lived in Arelon for a brief time, long before being bound to Sarene.[1]


Ashe plays a key role in Sarene's efforts to thwart Hrathen's takeover of Arelon. Among other things, Ashe deduces that Raoden is the one truly in charge of Elantris,[4] saves Sarene from Iadon's Jesker cultists by alerting Eondel of her whereabouts,[2] acts as a courier between Sarene and Kiin while she is temporarily sequestered in Elantris,[5] and gives Raoden the exact trajectory necessary for him to teleport to Teod and rescue Sarene from Dilaf and his Dakhor monks.[3]


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