User:Nightstar The Bright

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Hello everyone, I am Nightstar The Bright. I really enjoy reading Brandon Sanderson’s books, sometime after I read them all I began editing the Coppermind. I mostly do Nalthian articles, although I enjoy updating other articles as well.

Notable pages I created or heavily edited.

! The following part is a rework of the Teod page. !

Teod is a peninsula state on the world of Sel.[1] The people from Teod are called the Teo. Despite not being located on Opelon, Teod is in it’s cultural sphere of influence.


Location and Climate

She remembered the way the snow settled on the landscape. One morning she had awoken to find everything outside coated in a beautiful film of ice; the trees had looked like jewels sparkling in the winter daylight.

—Sarene thinking about Teod[2]

Teod is located on the northern continent, although it is one of the more southern nations on this continent. Teod is separated from Sycla by the Sea of Fjorden.[3] There are large mountains both in the north and in the south of the nation.[3] These mountains contain a number of passes that lead to the Rose Empire.[4] The nation is also filled with forests.[2]

Teod’s climate is relatively cold, although not insufferably so.[5] Due to this cold it snows and freezes often.[2]



Teod is a monarchy, with the current king being Eventeo. It appears that the king has absolute power.[6][2] While the king does hold court, it seems that at least some of the ruling is done by ministers.[2][6]

After the death of the monarch the crown is supposed to pass to his eldest child, although this doesn’t always happen, instead a different child may assume the throne if the eldest one isn’t in Teod.[7] The current Crown Prince of Teod is called Teorn.[5]

Foreign Policy and International Relationships


The Teo have great relations with the Arelenes, this is mainly because of their similarities. The Arelene and Teo peoples are both Korathi, meaning that they both worship Domi.[8] They are also both ethnically Aonic, further connecting them together.[9]

After the Arelene revolution happened relations between Teod and Arelon decreased, with king Eventeo never bothering to forge stronger ties to the new Arelene government. With the Fjordell Empire putting pressure on Teod and Arelon, kings Eventeo and Iadon eventually attempted to strengthen their alliance again, marrying their children Raoden and Sarene.[6]

After the Fjordell invasion of Teod and the restoration of Elantris a number of Elantrians went to Teoras, saving the city from Fjordell invaders.[10] This, along with the aforementioned marriage pact, probably increased Teod’s relations with Arelon.


The Teo have antagonistic relations with the Fjordell.[11] The Fjordell are the archenemies and historical rivals of the Teo.[12] Teod is also the homeland of Shu-Korath, while Fjorden is a Derethi nation, further fueling their rivalry.[11]

Ten years after the Reod the Fjordell began closing their borders to Teo merchants, it got to the point that several ambassadors disappeared.[2] Eventually they invaded Teod, sailing their navy straight to Teoras.[10] The invasion was rebuffed when Elantris was restored and an army of Elantrians, the allies of the Teo, arrived at Teoras.[10] The invasion significantly worsened the relations between the Teo and the Fjordell.




Marriage and Relationships

The Teo men prefer women who are less smart then they are, although it isn’t like they want stupid wives. Rather a lot of the men are simply not comfortable around women who are their intellectual superior. The women often downplay their intelligence until they are married. Nearly all Teo women are at least engaged by the age of eighteen, so much so that an unmarried twenty-five year old women is considered an old maid and mocked.[2]

The Teo, as Korathi, follow the marriage rituals of Shu-Korath. The Teo expect that both partners are present when they get married, although political marriage contracts sometimes have clauses that consider the marriage valid even when a person of the engaged couple dies before the wedding. The time between a person’s death and their funeral is short.



The Teo love their sports, although men and women often do different things. The Teo women often spar together using a Syre, a type of sword, although they are strict in calling it fencing instead of fighting as even the most understanding of Teo men gets a bit uncomfortable when he thinks of women ‘fighting.’[2]

A lot of people also play Leky stick, a Svordish game. The game makes use of points, and has at least one goal.[6]


Aonic script


the lecturers at her father’s academy had been skilled at saying nothing with lots of words, Leky Stick as a child—borrowing the name of the tall thin post that marked the goal line in his favorite sport.[6] unusual height and blond Teoish hair.  The Aons formed a logographic alphabet used in Arelon and Teod until the development of a phonetic alphabet. 1) A language spoken in Arelon and Teod. It was originally based on the Aons. 2) A racial group that originated in Teod. People of Aonic descent are characterized by blonde hair and tall frames. Most people in Teod are pure Aonic, while those in Arelon have intermixed more with the eastern nations. Ashgress The Fjordell ambassador to Teod. MaeDal Second day of the week according to the Aonic calendar. The forests around the port city of Teoin, the capital, were another very fond memory. She remembered the way the snow settled on the landscape. One morning she had awoken to find everything outside coated in a beautiful film of ice; the trees had looked like jewels sparkling in the winter daylight.
 “It’s rather low-cut, my lady,”
 “I’ve seen much worse, even here in Arelon.”[13]

Teod's martial strength exists mainly in the form of its navy, which dominates the northern sea, protecting Teod's borders from the Fjordell Empire.

Unlike the rest of the northern continent, Teod is within Opelon's cultural sphere of influence. For example, the nation's state religion is Shu-Korath, which originated in Opelon. The Teo people are also of Aonic descent and are therefore related to the Arelene and Dula people of Opelon.

The royal crest of the country was a gold Aon Teo on a blue backround.[14]


After the previous ruler died, Eventeo took the throne against the rightful line of succession, which would have led his brother Kiin ascending.[7][15]

With the rise of the Fjordell Empire putting pressure on Teod and Arelon, kings Eventeo and Iadon attempted to strengthen their alliance by marrying their children Raoden and Sarene. The deal eventually fell through after Raoden succumbed to the Reod, and some trickery by Hrathen lead to Eventeo converting to Shu-Dereth.[expand]


  • In the first published edition of Elantris, the term "Teoish" was used to describe things originating from the nation of Teod. This was changed in the tenth anniversary edition of Elantris such that "Teo" is now used as the nation's demonym and adjectival form.