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Teoish Royal Family
Spouse Jalla
Parents Daora, Kiin
Siblings Adien, Kaise, Daorn
Nationality Arelene
Homeworld Sel
Universe Cosmere

Lukel is an Arelish merchant from Sel.

Appearance or Personality

Lukel is of average Arelish height with a lean build and a strikingly handsome hawkish face. His hair had been parted in the center and flopped down on either side of his face. He has a good and loving relationship with his family. [1] He likes teasing his family, mostly his siblings, though he extended it to Sarene as well, talking about her painting talents. [2] Lukel is a very good merchant; when he closes a good deal, he becomes proud, jovial and makes even more jokes. [3]


Lukel was born to Daora on a previous marriage. He and his full brother Adien were adopted by Kiin who takes full parent responsibility.[1]

He studied at Svordish University where he met his future wife Jalla.[1] They are expecting their first child.

He was part of Raoden’s group who opposed the King and his policies. After Raoden’s supposed death, he continued to participate in the meetings, but was disappointed to see a low participation rate .

He was the one who share this information to Sarene, who asked to join the meetings. He helped her have a seat in the meetings where he participated and suggested caution. He agreed with moving forward with planning. [4]

Lukel decided to see Sarene´s first fencing lesson to the women of the court. As always, he teased her, but was an encouraging support for her. [5]

As part of the plans for changing Iadon’s policies, he follows closely the king’s income figures. He is the one to confirm that it was due to his earnings in Teod and some taxes that he managed to barely make it. The plan was to have both countries allied and resist the gyorn named Hrathen who wanted to convert all Arelon people to Shu-Dereth.

Lukel was herded with the rest of the Arelenes from Kae into Elantris to be burned to death. He, Shuden, and the ladies that Sarene had been teaching to fence attempted a last stand against the Fjordell invaders.


He is a remarkably good merchant; one of the most successful ones in the city which grants him open invitation to the court.[2]



He's good friends with Raoden, and considered him his best friend. Upon becoming Elantrian, Raoden lamented the fact he wouldn't get to know Lukel's wife or children.[6] On the other side, Lukel refered to Raoden as “The greatest man I have ever known.” [2]


Lukel was one of the first to explain politics in Arelon to Sarene; for example how lands were taken and servants were very close to becoming property or how Iadon got the throne. He got her into the meeting with Raoden’s most loyal followers. [2]


He met his Svordish wife Jalla at school and married her a month before Sarene’s arrival to Arelon. [1] She is a fierce bargainer and helps Lukel with his trades. He does acknowledge her as brilliant and beautiful. [2]


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