Keep Shezler

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Keep Shezler
Owner Antillius Shezler
City Mantiz
Dominance Western Dominance
World Scadrial
Universe Cosmere

Keep Shezler is the keep of Antillius Shezler in Mantiz on Scadrial.[1]


It is one of the four major keeps in Mantiz, situated near the center of the city.[1]


The keep is a tall and slender building, as tall as any of the keeps in Luthadel. It has four tapering spires up front that have tin-clad roofs, and it is surrounded by a guarded wall about fifteen feet high. Like most buildings in the Western Dominance, Keep Shezler has an organic, unfinished feel instead of the blocks and peaks seen in Luthadel architecture. It is constructed of stone frames with a layer of sculpted hardened mud outside. It has statues covered in multicolored glaze decorating the exterior that are seemingly placed at random. The windows are all different shapes and sizes, and many of them contain beautiful stained glass.[1]


Kelsier and Gemmel infiltrated Keep Shezler as a part of the former's Mistborn training. They first went up to the roof to have a good view, and then entered the basement via a shed in the garden, killing some guards on their way. In the basement they found Antillius Shezler's delicate metallurgy equipment, and his skaa captives on whom he tested his research results in his attempts to produce the Eleventh Metal. At that moment Shezler, who was a Mistborn, also entered the basement and attacked Kelsier. Kelsier managed to kill him without any help from Gemmel, then freed the skaa captives and took Shezler's personal notebook with him before the guards realized what had happened.[1]


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