Coppermind:Welcome/Featured Article/Rosharan subastral

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Featured Article: Rosharan subastral[edit]

Shallan and Adolin in Shadesmar

You and the others, refer to Shadesmar as the world of the spren, and the Physical Realm as your world. Or the real world. That is not true. We are not two worlds, but one. And we are not two peoples, but one. Humans. Spren. Two halves. Neither complete.

Pattern musing about Shadesmar

The Rosharan subastral is a section of the Cognitive Realm that encompasses the entirety of the Rosharan system, and is the kingdom and birthplace of spren. It is colloquially referred to as Shadesmar, as this is the Rosharan word for "Cognitive Realm". Although other worlds have their own words for "Cognitive Realm", when these get magically translated to another language, it results in the name "Shadesmar", even if not in reference to the Rosharan subastral. Shadesmar, as coined and used by Rosharans, is also used in Silverlight as the cosmere standard.


The Rosharan subastral is part of a single infinite plane that connects to the other subastrals in the cosmere by regions that are locally known as Expanses. Moving far enough in the direction of an Expanse, will take you to another world in the cosmere. The four Expanses at the edge of the Rosharan subastral are:

Other locations in Shadesmar include:

It is possible to cross between diametrical points on Roshar by utilizing the Cognitive Realm, however, it would be difficult.

True spren live in a number of cities and other settlements in Shadesmar. Some of these cities are inhabited and ruled by a single type of spren, however, not all Radiant spren have their own kingdom. Cryptics are known to rule one of the greater cities in Shadesmar, and the honorspren have control of multiple locations. Cultivationspren, however, rule no cities in the realm. A clan of Horneaters live permanently in Shadesmar, presumably nearby to Cultivation's Perpendicularity. Known settlements in Shadesmar include:

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