Church of the Survivor

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The Church of the Survivor (later Survivorism) was a religion on Scadrial between the fall of the Final Empire and the ascension of Harmony. Their symbol is a wooden spear painted silver.[citation needed]

The religion that sprang up based upon the exploits of Kelsier, the Survivor of Hathsin. Some of the "miracles" performed were actually trickery and using a kandra, but were part of the plan to upset the balance of power in the Final Empire. The religion was taken up mostly by skaa with prominent figures such as Demoux and also Elend, who joined the Church to further his position with the skaa. During the events in Urteau, the heavy influence of the Church led to the rise of the Survivor of Flames, Spook.

It eventually evolved into the modern Scadrian religion of Survivorism.


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