User:Taln Fan/Summary:Sunreach

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Sunreach. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

Chapter 1

Plot Summary

FM and Nightmare Flight are called up into combat to defend against a massive Krell attack, Kimmayln telling her that Spensa is up there somewehre. As they fly into space, they find a huge number of enemy fighters, including fifty piloted ships. FM and the rest of Nightmare flight fly out to meet the Krell, engaging multiple ships at once. In the middle of the flight, Nose calls over the intercom and relays an order from Admiral Cobb to turn off all communications immediately and to engage in evasive maneuvers. FM does so nervously, leaving her in absolute and eerie silence.

Chapter 2


FM flies in silence, staying close to Sadie so that they don’t loose sight of eachother. FM takes out a handheld transmitter, where she stores some of the music her father gave to her. She turns on a song as she fights, one that is peppy to keep her mood up. Lizard is swarmed by Krell, and FM and Sadie try to help. They are unsuccesful, and Lizard is killed.

A delver arrives, and FM tries to comprehend what it is. After a few moments, the delver dissapears, and the enemy ships retreat. FM turns her radio back on, and Nose tells her what the thing was. Sorrowful because of Lizard’s death, FM returns back to Detritus.

Chapter 3

Plot Summary

FM wanders the hallways of Platform Prime, thinking about Lizard and other pilots who have died. She comes across a slug who she initially mistakes for Doomslug, but then she realizes that it looks different. Jorgen runs up to her, telling her to follow him. He leads her to a room where Nedd and Arturo are waiting, and where there are many more slugs waiting in crates. He explains that he is a cytonic, and followed the cytonic singing of the slugs and found them in a cavern.

Admiral Cobb arrives, and relays information from Spensa, saying that the slugs are hyperdrives. He assigns Jorgen and Rig the task of experimenting on them and figuring out how to use them, and FM volunteers to join in their efforts. After Cobb leaves, they discuss how the slugs are escaping from their crates, and FM theorizes that the slugs are hyperjumping. FM asks what she should do to help, and Jorgen assigns her the task of finding and bringing back the taynix that escape from their crates.

Chapter 4

Plot Summary

Over the next few hours, several more taynix escape from their boxes, and FM spends most of her time retrieving them. Though there are three varieties of the taynix, FM noticies that only the yellow and blue ones are hyperjumping. They feed the slugs with mushrooms, and FM finds two very fat taynix in one of the crates. FM and Jorgen discuss the delver attack, as well as his cytonic powers. Rig presents them with a metal box indentical to the one that M-Bot had, and they try to use the slugs to teleport.

FM suggests that Jorgen speak to the slugs and bond with them, but he isn’t interested in the prospect. He tries humming to one of the purple and orange taynix, but nothing happens. He picks up one of the red and black ones, but squeezes it to hard and raises his voice. A force explodes outward from the slug, inflicting dozens of shallow cuts across Jorgen’s face and arms. Kimmalyn names the slug Boomslug, and Jorgen leaves to go to the infirmary.

Chapter 5

Plot Summary

FM puts the slugs away and visits Jorgen in the infirmary, where he is being bandaged by several curious med techs. They discuss what happened, and FM expresses her care for the taynix. They go to meet with Cobb, and Rig and Jeshua are there as well. Rig reports that they have been working to get the planetary defense systems up, but that they have to crack the encryption codes. Jorgen gives a report on their experimenting so far, and Cobb tells them that he has received a transmission from Minister Cuna, sent by some method of FTL communication. Cuna fills gives them details about what happened to them, and tells them that they are trapped on the research outpost of Sunreach. They promise to help and give them information if the humans send aid. The group discusses how they would get to Sunreach, and Jeshua announces that they are going to wake up Alanik.

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16
