Wyrn the King

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Wyrn the King
Type Poem
World of Origin Sel
Universe Cosmere

Wyrn the King is an ancient three-thousand line poem written on Sel.[1]

The poem is thought to be the oldest known work of literature on Sel, written before the holy book of Shu-Keseg, the Do-Kando. It is centered around the original Wyrn, the founder of Fjorden.[1][2]


After Wulfden the First converted to Shu-Dereth,[3] the original text of Wyrn the King was greatly altered by Fjordell priests to make the work seem more aligned with Derethi doctrine. Among other changes, these altered versions of the poem depicted Wyrn as being Derethi and made frequent references to the importance of the Derethi god, Jaddeth.[1]

Sarene discovered an unaltered version of the ancient poem in a copy of the book Seor's Encyclopedia of Political Myths in Elantris. The book disproved much of the rhetoric and propaganda of the Derethi church and used the alteration of the poem as an example. The original poem made no references to Shu-Dereth and depicted Jaddeth as a minor god associated with the rocks below the ground. Sarene remarked that Fjorden's priesthood would be greatly embarrassed if knowledge of their tampering became known.[1]


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Big Smooth (talk) 09:14, 19 June 2019 (MST)