
From The Coppermind
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Profession Pirate
Homeworld Lumar
Universe Cosmere
This page or section contains spoilers for Tress of the Emerald Sea!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for Tress of the Emerald Sea!
Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.

Laggart is the first mate and cannonmaster of the Crow's Song on Lumar.[1]

Appearance & Personality

Laggart was not a smart man. True, the things he lectured people on could fill a dictionary — but what he actually knew would barely fill a postcard.

—Hoid [2]

Laggart is lanky, with wiry muscles and a long, thin neck. He is bald and has scruff on his chin. Hoid mockingly compares his appearance to a buzzard. Laggart wears an unbuttoned military coat and is armed with a sword and two pistols.[3]

Laggart is gruff and mean. He does not allow Tress to eat because he does not see her as part of the crew.[3] As first officer, he saunters and struts around the ship confidently and often rudely tells off the crew for being lazy or doing their jobs incorrectly.[4] He is very obedient to Crow, but not very bright. He prides himself on not being afraid to use the zephyr charges in the cannon, but although he is one of the crew members least frightened of the spores, he is still wary of them.[5]

In his loyalty to Crow, Laggart is willing to use violence against his crew members.[6] After Tress becomes captain, Laggart is distrustful of her and is convinced that she plans to kill him as soon as he drops his guard. Because he has been treated badly for his entire life, and treated other people badly in return, it is difficult for him to recognize genuine kindness.[2]

Attributes & Abilities

As cannonmaster, Laggart is an excellent shot, and he shoots to sink ships without giving them warning.[7] Instead of ordinary cannonballs that spray water to grow Verdant aether spores and immobilize enemy ships, he sneakily replaces them with more lethal ones meant to sink the ships.[8]

He shows Tress how to use the cannon, although he is not a very good teacher.[5] Later, when he is directing Ann, he is much calmer and more helpful.[9]


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