Jeskeri Mysteries

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Jeskeri Mysteries
Related to Jesker
World of Origin Sel

The Jeskeri Mysteries was a religious cult on Sel which involved human sacrifice.[1] It is an offshoot of Jesker, but Galladon insists it is a perversion of Jesker.[2][3]

When Hrathen talked to Dilaf he wondered about his religious fervor and thought it more in line with the attitudes of followers of the Jeskeri Mysteries rather than those of Shu-Dereth.[4] Jesker ascribed importance to the heaven's movements, like the moon, and the Mysteries frequently held rituals on nights of the full moon.[5]

Sarene's discovered that King Iadon followed the Jeskeri Mysteries and had been ritually sacrificing women in an attempt to control the future.[5]



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