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Featured Article: Ba-Ado-Mishram

A symbolic representation of Ba-Ado-Mishram

I find Ba-Ado-Mishram to be the most interesting of the Unmade. She is said to have been keen of mind, a highprincess among the enemy forces, their commander during some of the Desolations. I do not know how this relates to the ancient god of the enemy, named Odium.

—From Hessi's Mythica, page 203

Ba-Ado-Mishram, sometimes called just Mishram, is one of the Unmade, an ancient and terrible spren of Odium. She is a sapient Unmade and is crafty and conniving. She was a primary instigator of the False Desolation, leading to her imprisonment by the Knights Radiant, which put the vast majority of singers into slaveform and affected all spren on Roshar.

Mythology and Lore

In modern times, Hessi believed Ba-Ado-Mishram to be a highprincess of the Voidbringers, and was their commander in some Desolations. There was no record of Ba-Ado-Mishram in the present day, and so Hessi suspected that she returned to Damnation or was destroyed in Aharietiam.

However, the reason why Ba-Ado-Mishram is absent in the modern era is because she was imprisoned during the False Desolation, around the time of the Recreance. It is also possible that the reason why there are legends of her being the commander of the enemy is because of her role in the False Desolation as well, rather than actually being a commander during actual Desolations with the Fused.

Attributes and Abilities

There is very little information about Ba-Ado-Mishram in more modern times. I can only assume she, unlike many of them, returned to Damnation or was destroyed during Aharietiam.

—From Hessi's Mythica, page 226

Ba-Ado-Mishram has some of the most powerful capabilities of individuals outside of Shards. She was able to Connect with singers on a massive scale, Connecting with all of them (except the listeners) across the entirety of Roshar, which suggests that it was not a short-ranged, local process near Ba-Ado-Mishram--like Moelach or Nergaoul's effects--but a continent-wide display of power.

Ba-Ado-Mishram was able to supply the singers with Voidlight and forms of power, making singers into Regals. This shows she has access to a huge quantity of Investiture on a scale other Unmade lack. This ability was compared to Odium in previous Desolations, which likely means that Ba-Ado-Mishram could not supply infinite Voidlight to the Regals, as the Fused in Desolations did not have access to infinite Voidlight either. It is unknown whether her Connection let Ba-Ado-Mishram speak to singers directly as Odium does, or command the conflict directly.

The Knights Radiant did not know Ba-Ado-Mishram could Connect with the singers, and did not know how she managed to do it. She had not done this prior to the False Desolation.

Her other abilities are unclear aside from this Connection. If she was in fact a highprincess of the Voidbringers, or a commander of the enemy during actual Desolations, she would likely need to be powerful or fearsome for Fused to follow her. However, it is said that the Radiants feared Sja-anat most of all Unmade, not Ba-Ado-Mishram, so it is possible she was not the biggest threat to the Radiants.

She is currently imprisoned, and she would not fade in her gemstone like a Herald would.

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