Galladon's father

Revision as of 23:33, 10 March 2024 by Reinhartmax (talk | contribs)

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This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.
Galladon's father
Children Galladon
Died [1]
Abilities Elantrian
Residence Elantris
Ethnicity Dula
Homeworld Sel
Universe Cosmere

Galladon's father is an Elantrian on Sel.[1]

Galladon's father used to be a farmer in Duladel, he moved to Elantris soon after the Shaod took him. He wasn’t happy in this city however, and his homeland of Duladel never left his mind. He became a scholar soon after his transformation, studying farming and agriculture even though they were useless to him.[1]

One morning he woke up to find his dying wife next to him, suffering from an unexpected sickness. He tried to heal her, but failed because he didn’t know the proper healing methods. Due to this event he became deeply depressed. When his son became old enough to live on his own, Galladon's father told him to move back to Duladel and become a farmer. Shortly after this event he began feeling the signs of heart failure, however instead of going to the healers he simply waited. He eventually died about a year later.[1]


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This page contains most of the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
It has yet to be reviewed.