Difference between revisions of "User:Arook/Sandbox"

(I made this as a test idea for Cosmere magics please look at it for me. I think I removed all the category tags.)
(14 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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My testing page

|title= [[Cosmere Magic]]|id=cosmere Magic|

| [[Shard]]s
-->[[Cultivation]] · <!--
-->[[Devotion]] · <!--
-->[[Dominion]] · <!--
-->[[Endowment]] · <!--
-->[[Honor]] · <!--
-->[[Odium]] · <!--
-->[[Preservation]] · <!--
-->[[Ruin]] · <!--
-->''[[Bavadin's Shard]]'' · <!--
-->''[[Survival Shard]]''

| [[Magic System]]s
-->[[Allomancy]] · <!--
-->[[Feruchemy]] · <!--
-->[[Hemalurgy]] · <!--
-->[[Awakening]] · <!--
-->[[Surgebinding]] · <!--
-->[[Voidbinding]] · <!--
-->[[Old Magic]] · <!--
-->[[AonDor]] · <!--
-->[[Dakhor]] . <!--
-->[[Forgery]] · <!--
-->[[Bloodsealing]] · <!--

| [[Magic Sciences]]
-->[[Fabrial]]s · <!--

| [[Shardworld]]s
-->[[Ashyn]] · <!--
-->[[Braize]] · <!--
-->[[Nalthis]] · <!--
-->[[Roshar]] · <!--
-->[[Scadrial]] · <!--
-->[[Sel]] · <!--
-->[[Taldain]] · <!--
-->[[Threnody]] · <!--

| Functionality
-->[[Intent]] · <!--
-->[[Focus]] · <!--
-->[[Bonds]] · <!--
-->[[Compounding]] · <!--

| Concepts
-->[[Adonalsium]] · <!--
-->[[Sliver]] · <!--
-->[[Splinter]] · <!--
-->[[Realmatic Theory]] · <!--
-->[[Investiture]] · <!--
-->[[Shardpool]] · <!--


| Other
Hemalurgy is the transfer of attributes, such as Allomancy, Feruchemy, or innate human strength through the use of metal spikes to remove a portion of an entity's Spiritweb and splice onto a new entity.

-->[[Worldhopping]] · <!--

-->[[Magical entities]] · <!--
== Use and Practice ==
-->[[Magic users]] · <!--

-->[[Shattering]] · <!--
In Hemalurgy a Metal spike needs to be inserted into the body coming in contact with blood. Hemalurgy is a two phase process. Part one is charging a spike with a desired attribute. This depends on several factors like the metal of the spike, the entity spiked, where the spike is inserted and, the intent to create a spike including what kind of charge is to be taken(this intent does not need to have come from the person doing the spiking). Part two involves placing the newly created spike in a second entity. This requires precise knowledge of were the spike needs to be placed in the body in order to create the desired effect.

Commonly the heart is used as a universal point for removing any trait, this kills the victim. Once this is done the spike has now been charged with the desired trait. Inquisitors generally hammered the spike thought the body of the Victim directly into its intended recipient. This practice prevents most of the loss in potency of the power contained in the spike. If a charged spike is left out side of a body it will slowly decay losing some of its strength to impart whatever trait it has acquired. The Lord Mistborn Spook found a way around this by keeping the spike coated in blood. This slows the rate of hemalurgic decay almost as if it was placed inside a body. It is unknown how much blood is necessary to make that effect happen or, for how long the blood will maintain this effect before needing to be renewed with a fresh batch.{{book ref|mb5|6}}

When a Spike pierces its victim it tears off a portion of there Spirit web(sDNA). The Spike now charged Hemalurgically is able to impart that portion of the victims Spirit web(sDNA) into a second entity. This creates holes in the recipients Spirit web(sDNA). This has several effects on the recipient in addition to gaining what ever power the spike carries it opens the user up to the influences of the Shard "Ruin". The more spikes an entity has the harder it is to resist the Shard of Ruin. With one spike an entity can hear and seen manifestations of ruin with more than one Ruin is able to exert control over that entity guiding into body to do his commands, with only two Spike it appears that resistance to that control is still possible as the Kandra were able to remove their spikes once they felt that Ruin was gaining control of them. with four or more the shard of ruin appears to be able to exert almost total control of an entity when it is wishes to. This ability is also available to anyone able to use emotional Allomancy, with enough soothing or rioting of a pierced entity the allomancer is able to control the hemalurgicly affected. Most allomacers are not individually powerful enough to do so however multiple allomacers can work together constructs like the koloss are more easily effected by this because their minds are reduced where constructs like the inquisitors are able resist depending on their individual mental strength and inclination to do so

As it stands no one that has ever practiced Hemalurgy knows how to take traits without killing the victim. If a person were to survive the removal of a portion of there spiritweb the would be similar to a drab.

A metal spike is inserted into a bind point, most commonly the heart, in order to Hemalurgically charge it with the desired attribute. The spike, now containing a fragment of stolen Spiritweb, is then ripped out and embedded in the recipient, stapling the ability directly into their sDNA. This causes wear and tear on the Spiritweb, creating "holes" through which Ruin or a sufficiently powerful Rioter or Soother can whisper to or even control a Hemalurgical subject. Hemalurgy is named for a quirk in bind point placement: due to the interaction between the Spiritual and Physical Realms, the spike must come in contact with moving blood in order to remove or add an attribute. Intent is important, but the way Hemalurgy interacts with the Cognitive Realm, if it does so at all, is unknown.

Creating a Hemalurgic charge requires physical injury, but death is not a requirement to charge the spike.{{qa ref|689|28|A spike does require you to rip pieces of a soul from the victim, but that does not mean they must die.|date=10 January 2011}} This would leave the donor in a similar spiritual condition to a [[Drab]], but in a worse condition.{{qa ref|979|89|I remember reading you answer earlier that a person being used to charge a hemalurgic spike does not necessarily have to die. Would that victim be similar to a Drab from Warbreaker?|date=15 April 2013}}{{tweet ref|695365263240212480|It IS possible to spike someone without killing them. But they'd never be the same. It would be worse than being a drab.|date=Feb 4th, 2016}}
However, this is contradicted by a quote from Harmony, in The Hero of Ages:
"''Hemalurgy, it is called, because of the connection to blood. It is not a coincidence, I believe, that death is '''always''' involved in the transfer of powers via Hemalurgy. Marsh once described it as a “messy” process. Not the adjective I would have chosen. It’s not disturbing enough.''" {{book ref|mb3|13}}

After the spike pierces through the initial person and is Hemalurgically charged, the '''Law of Hemalurgic Decay''' states that the spike loses some of its potency.{{epigraph ref|mb3|36}} The longer a spike is outside a body, the weaker it becomes. Thus, when the Steel Ministry creates an Inquisitor, the spikes are outside of a person for as little time as possible. Additionally, spikes which are physically broken into several pieces will split the charge into the broken pieces, and more Hemalurgic power will be lost when spikes are split.{{qa ref|590|28|Hemalurgic power can be split among multiple spikes and reforged|date=10 January 2011}}

Hemalurgy can be used on animals.{{qa ref|727|64|Would Hemalurgy work on animals?|date=October 2008}}

It is later discovered by Spook that coating a spike with blood can reduce the Hemalurgic decay significantly similar to having it placed inside a body. It is unknown how much blood is necessary to make that effect happen or, for how long blood will maintain this effect before needing to be renewed with a fresh batch.{{book ref|mb5|6}}

===Quality Tags===

Quality tags are massively useful for editors. Quality generally indicates the amount of information on a page, and are judged on how "complete" they are. These are generated with a template that goes right above the main series navigation box. Rarely, articles will lack a quality tag. These include Coppermind articles (which are not "Content" articles), verbatim sources like epigraphs, and some summary articles.

The quality tags are:
*{{t|complete}}, the complete tag has a modifier for staff use only it is (|reviewed=yes)
*{{t|exemplary}}, Staff use only

All articles created should start with {{t|stub}} tag. Stubs are articles that have barely any information. Typically these articles are a place holder until more information can be added. After more information has been added a {{t|partial}} tag can be added to any article that you have updated and feel that it contains a fair amount of the available information. Partially completed articles have a wide range, but generally have some or most of the information on a subject. When an Editor feels that an article has all currently available information on a subject a {{t|complete}} tag can be placed on it. This places an article into the nearing completion category. This is for articles that you as an editor believe to be content complete.The |reviewed=yes and |exemplary Modifiers are for Coppermind staff only use. Regular editors should not use the Complete reviewed tag, which should be used when Coppermind staff look at the "nearly complete" articles, verify its completeness, then add the reviewed=yes tag to it. The exemplary tag is for the very best articles on the Coppermind. Exemplary articles must be Complete as well as Notable, and also well written. Coppermind Staff will tag something as Exemplary, by using {{t|exemplary}} near the top of the article or adding |exemplary to the complete tag.

[[:Category: Notable articles|Notable articles]] are different from other quality tags in that it indicates the importance of the topic, which is generally reserved for important aspects to big series or books. Notable articles category markers should only be placed by the Coppermind Staff.

Welcome to '''the Coppermind''', the comprehensive wiki about [[Brandon Sanderson]] and [[:category: books|his novels]], by the official Brandon Sanderson fansite, [http://www.17thshard.com/ 17th Shard].

Want to know more about [[the Stormlight Archive]], [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]], or other Cosmere novels? What the [[Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians (series)|Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians]] series, [[The Rithmatist]], [[Legion]], and Brandon's numerous short stories? You've come to the right place! We have [[special: statistics|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]] articles and we're expanding frequently!
== The Cosmere ==
The [[Cosmere]], shares the same mythology, rules to magic, and more. Some reading you might want to check out:

{{columns| style=font-size: 110%; width: 80%; margin: auto; |
*[[Seventeenth Shard]]
*[[Letters|The Letters]]
*[[Realmatic Theory]]

Looking for something in a specific book or series? Check out:

-->{{{cats|[[category: ]]|}}}<!--
|- style="font-size: 130%;"
!width=25%|[[:category: Elantris|Elantris]]
!width=25%|[[:category: Mistborn|Mistborn]]
!width=25%|[[:category: Warbreaker|Warbreaker]]
!width=25%|[[:category: Stormlight Archive|Stormlight Archive]]

|- style="font-size: 130%;"
!width=25%|[[:category: The Emperor's Soul|The Emperor's Soul]]
!width=25%|[[:category: Alcatraz|Alcatraz]]
!width=25%|[[:category: The Rithmatist|The Rithmatist]]
!width=25%|[[:category: The Reckoners|The Reckoners]]

There is always more in the [[:category: Books|Books]] category go have a look.

Do you Have a new theory and looking for information on it. Well have a look around maybe these will help you find what your looking for:

|- style="font-size: 120%;"
|[[:category: Magic|Magic]]
|[[:category: Lifeforms|Lifeforms]]
|[[:category: Characters|Characters]]
|[[:category: Locations|Locations]]

'''Want to help''' with the wiki? Scroll on down to the [[#To Do|to do section]] for some guides and some places to start. Also check out the [[Coppermind: Editor's Corner|Editor's Corner]].

== Featured Article: Lift ==
[[File:Lift.jpg|thumb|250px|An illustration of [[Lift]] by [http://www.swashbucklestudio.com/ Dominick Saponaro] ]]

{{quote|You’re my pet [[Voidbringer]], and no lies are going to change that. I got you captured. No stealing souls, now. We ain’t here for souls. Just a little thievery, the type what never hurt nobody.|Lift to [[Wyndle]]}}

'''[[Lift]]''' was a [[Reshi]] thief who worked in [[Azimir]] in [[Azir]] on [[Roshar]]. She had [[Surgebinding]] abilities that corresponded with the [[Order of Edgedancers]].

=== Appearance and Personality ===
{{quote|Someone has to care. Too few people care these days.|Lift}}
Lift was twelve years old, and had long straight dark hair that she wore down to her waist. Her skin was tan and she had the rounded features of the Reshi. Lift always kept a [[spheres|diamond mark]] in her pocket, which she considered lucky.

As would be expected from someone Lift's age, she often acted child-like. For instance, although she was thirteen years old, she claimed to be ten because she believed that any number that she could not count to on her fingers was unlucky. Lift was often sarcastic and irreverent, which often annoyed her fellow Azish thieves. She also enjoyed mocking her spren, Wyndle, calling him a Voidbringer instead of a spren because she knew it annoyed him and not due to any sort of dislike she had for him. Lift also had little patience for Wyndle's extremely technical explanation of the [[Realmatic Theory]] behind her abilities. Despite her teasing, she truly did like Wyndle and was genuinely worried for him when she thought that Darkness was following her to try and kill Wyndle.

Lift had an interesting perspective on the morality of her thievery. She did not think it wrong because it did not hurt anyone. Lift was also totally uninterested in stealing typical items such as gold, jewelry, spheres or anything traditionally of value. Lift liked to break into places and eat their food. She stole food for the challenge, rather than trying to gain any sort of wealth for herself.

For all her flaws, Lift had a good heart. She saw much death in her life, but it still impacted her greatly when someone she knew died. For instance, when [[Gawx]] was mortally wounded, she cared enough to return and try to save him, despite the fact that she was risking capture and death to do so. Lift cared for other people because she thought that someone had to, which seems to be a temperament that was shared by other [[Edgedancers]]. Once, Lift tried to stop caring about others, possibly during her time in [[Rall Elorim]], but she quit because it was worse than being dead.

; [[Lift|See more!]] · [[coppermind: featured articles|Other featured articles]]

== Coppermind News ==
Did you know it was five years ago this month that 17th Shard and the Coppermind were made? It's been a crazy time. And so, without further ado, Joe and the Coppermind staff decided to do something special to celebrate! It's simple: contributing to the Coppermind in the month of June results in gifts!

That is, any contribution, however small, on any day in June means you get a gift. The larger your overall contribution, the larger the gift will be.

To receive a gift for your contribution, you must have a registered account on the Coppermind, so we can track your edits and hopefully get back to you. Once June is over, we will be going through and attempting to contact all contributors to arrange your gifts and the best way to deliver them. This will be easier if you add some way we can contact you to your user page.

For news related to the Coppermind see the [http://harmonys-coppermind.tumblr.com official blog]. Very old news can be found [[Coppermind: Welcome/Archive|here]].
== To Do ==
Would you like to help the Coppermind to get better? There's plenty of room for improvement, but where to start?

==== Book Pages ====

Many pages on book pages themselves could use serious expansion. The Mistborn trilogy's book articles are serious stubs, as well as [[Warbreaker]] and [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]]. When editing book pages, a couple sections you may want to consider:

*Main characters
*Plot Summary

Avoid pure lists, give each of these sections some meat! :)

On these articles, it'd also be appropriate to include some information about Brandon's process of writing the books (similar to many Wikipedia articles on movies having a "Production" section), if you know some fun factoids.

==== Main Characters ====

Of character articles, there are some pretty serious holes. Think about expanding main characters, as those should probably be the most extensive of all character articles. The Stormlight Archive main characters are okay, but think about editing [[Vivenna]] or [[Sarene]]. In edition, Mistborn characters like [[Kelsier]], [[Vin]], [[Elend Venture|Elend]], and [[Sazed]] could use some section breaks for clarity.

==== References ====

If you are editing for the first time, don't worry too much about adding citations for every fact--content always comes first. That said, if you're one of those people who stares at the Interview Database a lot, you might want to help adding citations to the many [[:category: articles in need of citations|articles in need of citations]].

==== General Tasks ====

Check out [[:category: Articles in need of attention|articles requiring urgent attention]], articles that should be a top priority in expanding or fixing.

There are a great deal of wanted pages--that is, those wiki links that are in red instead of blue, which represent articles that don't exist. Check out the page of [[special: WantedPages|all wanted articles]].

And, if you want to enter the realm of torment, you could always expand one of many, many [[:category: stubs|stubs]].

=== I need some help! ===

Not to fear! We have some guides to help you through the editing process.

*[[help: editing|Editing and Wiki Syntax]]
*[[help: cite|References and footnotes]]
*[[help: templates|Templates]]
*[[project: style|An incomplete style guide]]

Happy editing! Feel free to talk on our [http://www.17thshard.com/forum/forum/10-the-coppermind-wiki/ Coppermind forums] if you have additional questions.
Add {{t|{{PAGENAME}}|}} at the bottom of the page.

Latest revision as of 04:42, 6 March 2016

Hemalurgy is the transfer of attributes, such as Allomancy, Feruchemy, or innate human strength through the use of metal spikes to remove a portion of an entity's Spiritweb and splice onto a new entity.

Use and PracticeEdit

In Hemalurgy a Metal spike needs to be inserted into the body coming in contact with blood. Hemalurgy is a two phase process. Part one is charging a spike with a desired attribute. This depends on several factors like the metal of the spike, the entity spiked, where the spike is inserted and, the intent to create a spike including what kind of charge is to be taken(this intent does not need to have come from the person doing the spiking). Part two involves placing the newly created spike in a second entity. This requires precise knowledge of were the spike needs to be placed in the body in order to create the desired effect.

Commonly the heart is used as a universal point for removing any trait, this kills the victim. Once this is done the spike has now been charged with the desired trait. Inquisitors generally hammered the spike thought the body of the Victim directly into its intended recipient. This practice prevents most of the loss in potency of the power contained in the spike. If a charged spike is left out side of a body it will slowly decay losing some of its strength to impart whatever trait it has acquired. The Lord Mistborn Spook found a way around this by keeping the spike coated in blood. This slows the rate of hemalurgic decay almost as if it was placed inside a body. It is unknown how much blood is necessary to make that effect happen or, for how long the blood will maintain this effect before needing to be renewed with a fresh batch.[1]

When a Spike pierces its victim it tears off a portion of there Spirit web(sDNA). The Spike now charged Hemalurgically is able to impart that portion of the victims Spirit web(sDNA) into a second entity. This creates holes in the recipients Spirit web(sDNA). This has several effects on the recipient in addition to gaining what ever power the spike carries it opens the user up to the influences of the Shard "Ruin". The more spikes an entity has the harder it is to resist the Shard of Ruin. With one spike an entity can hear and seen manifestations of ruin with more than one Ruin is able to exert control over that entity guiding into body to do his commands, with only two Spike it appears that resistance to that control is still possible as the Kandra were able to remove their spikes once they felt that Ruin was gaining control of them. with four or more the shard of ruin appears to be able to exert almost total control of an entity when it is wishes to. This ability is also available to anyone able to use emotional Allomancy, with enough soothing or rioting of a pierced entity the allomancer is able to control the hemalurgicly affected. Most allomacers are not individually powerful enough to do so however multiple allomacers can work together constructs like the koloss are more easily effected by this because their minds are reduced where constructs like the inquisitors are able resist depending on their individual mental strength and inclination to do so

As it stands no one that has ever practiced Hemalurgy knows how to take traits without killing the victim. If a person were to survive the removal of a portion of there spiritweb the would be similar to a drab.

A metal spike is inserted into a bind point, most commonly the heart, in order to Hemalurgically charge it with the desired attribute. The spike, now containing a fragment of stolen Spiritweb, is then ripped out and embedded in the recipient, stapling the ability directly into their sDNA. This causes wear and tear on the Spiritweb, creating "holes" through which Ruin or a sufficiently powerful Rioter or Soother can whisper to or even control a Hemalurgical subject. Hemalurgy is named for a quirk in bind point placement: due to the interaction between the Spiritual and Physical Realms, the spike must come in contact with moving blood in order to remove or add an attribute. Intent is important, but the way Hemalurgy interacts with the Cognitive Realm, if it does so at all, is unknown. 

Creating a Hemalurgic charge requires physical injury, but death is not a requirement to charge the spike.[2] This would leave the donor in a similar spiritual condition to a Drab, but in a worse condition.[3][4] However, this is contradicted by a quote from Harmony, in The Hero of Ages: "Hemalurgy, it is called, because of the connection to blood. It is not a coincidence, I believe, that death is always involved in the transfer of powers via Hemalurgy. Marsh once described it as a “messy” process. Not the adjective I would have chosen. It’s not disturbing enough." [5]

After the spike pierces through the initial person and is Hemalurgically charged, the Law of Hemalurgic Decay states that the spike loses some of its potency.[6] The longer a spike is outside a body, the weaker it becomes. Thus, when the Steel Ministry creates an Inquisitor, the spikes are outside of a person for as little time as possible. Additionally, spikes which are physically broken into several pieces will split the charge into the broken pieces, and more Hemalurgic power will be lost when spikes are split.[7]

Hemalurgy can be used on animals.[8]

It is later discovered by Spook that coating a spike with blood can reduce the Hemalurgic decay significantly similar to having it placed inside a body. It is unknown how much blood is necessary to make that effect happen or, for how long blood will maintain this effect before needing to be renewed with a fresh batch.[1]

Quality TagsEdit

Quality tags are massively useful for editors. Quality generally indicates the amount of information on a page, and are judged on how "complete" they are. These are generated with a template that goes right above the main series navigation box. Rarely, articles will lack a quality tag. These include Coppermind articles (which are not "Content" articles), verbatim sources like epigraphs, and some summary articles.

The quality tags are:

All articles created should start with {{stub}} tag. Stubs are articles that have barely any information. Typically these articles are a place holder until more information can be added. After more information has been added a {{partial}} tag can be added to any article that you have updated and feel that it contains a fair amount of the available information. Partially completed articles have a wide range, but generally have some or most of the information on a subject. When an Editor feels that an article has all currently available information on a subject a {{complete}} tag can be placed on it. This places an article into the nearing completion category. This is for articles that you as an editor believe to be content complete.The |reviewed=yes and |exemplary Modifiers are for Coppermind staff only use. Regular editors should not use the Complete reviewed tag, which should be used when Coppermind staff look at the "nearly complete" articles, verify its completeness, then add the reviewed=yes tag to it. The exemplary tag is for the very best articles on the Coppermind. Exemplary articles must be Complete as well as Notable, and also well written. Coppermind Staff will tag something as Exemplary, by using {{exemplary}} near the top of the article or adding |exemplary to the complete tag.

Notable articles are different from other quality tags in that it indicates the importance of the topic, which is generally reserved for important aspects to big series or books. Notable articles category markers should only be placed by the Coppermind Staff.

Welcome to the Coppermind, the comprehensive wiki about Brandon Sanderson and his novels, by the official Brandon Sanderson fansite, 17th Shard.

Want to know more about the Stormlight Archive, Mistborn, or other Cosmere novels? What the Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians series, The Rithmatist, Legion, and Brandon's numerous short stories? You've come to the right place! We have 4,875 articles and we're expanding frequently!

The CosmereEdit

The Cosmere, shares the same mythology, rules to magic, and more. Some reading you might want to check out:

Looking for something in a specific book or series? Check out:

Elantris Mistborn Warbreaker Stormlight Archive
The Emperor's Soul Alcatraz The Rithmatist The Reckoners

There is always more in the Books category go have a look.

Do you Have a new theory and looking for information on it. Well have a look around maybe these will help you find what your looking for:

Magic Lifeforms Characters Locations

Want to help with the wiki? Scroll on down to the to do section for some guides and some places to start. Also check out the Editor's Corner.

Featured Article: LiftEdit

An illustration of Lift by Dominick Saponaro

You’re my pet Voidbringer, and no lies are going to change that. I got you captured. No stealing souls, now. We ain’t here for souls. Just a little thievery, the type what never hurt nobody.

—Lift to Wyndle

Lift was a Reshi thief who worked in Azimir in Azir on Roshar. She had Surgebinding abilities that corresponded with the Order of Edgedancers.

Appearance and PersonalityEdit

Someone has to care. Too few people care these days.


Lift was twelve years old, and had long straight dark hair that she wore down to her waist. Her skin was tan and she had the rounded features of the Reshi. Lift always kept a diamond mark in her pocket, which she considered lucky.

As would be expected from someone Lift's age, she often acted child-like. For instance, although she was thirteen years old, she claimed to be ten because she believed that any number that she could not count to on her fingers was unlucky. Lift was often sarcastic and irreverent, which often annoyed her fellow Azish thieves. She also enjoyed mocking her spren, Wyndle, calling him a Voidbringer instead of a spren because she knew it annoyed him and not due to any sort of dislike she had for him. Lift also had little patience for Wyndle's extremely technical explanation of the Realmatic Theory behind her abilities. Despite her teasing, she truly did like Wyndle and was genuinely worried for him when she thought that Darkness was following her to try and kill Wyndle.

Lift had an interesting perspective on the morality of her thievery. She did not think it wrong because it did not hurt anyone. Lift was also totally uninterested in stealing typical items such as gold, jewelry, spheres or anything traditionally of value. Lift liked to break into places and eat their food. She stole food for the challenge, rather than trying to gain any sort of wealth for herself.

For all her flaws, Lift had a good heart. She saw much death in her life, but it still impacted her greatly when someone she knew died. For instance, when Gawx was mortally wounded, she cared enough to return and try to save him, despite the fact that she was risking capture and death to do so. Lift cared for other people because she thought that someone had to, which seems to be a temperament that was shared by other Edgedancers. Once, Lift tried to stop caring about others, possibly during her time in Rall Elorim, but she quit because it was worse than being dead.

See more! · Other featured articles

Coppermind NewsEdit

Did you know it was five years ago this month that 17th Shard and the Coppermind were made? It's been a crazy time. And so, without further ado, Joe and the Coppermind staff decided to do something special to celebrate! It's simple: contributing to the Coppermind in the month of June results in gifts!

That is, any contribution, however small, on any day in June means you get a gift. The larger your overall contribution, the larger the gift will be.

To receive a gift for your contribution, you must have a registered account on the Coppermind, so we can track your edits and hopefully get back to you. Once June is over, we will be going through and attempting to contact all contributors to arrange your gifts and the best way to deliver them. This will be easier if you add some way we can contact you to your user page.

For news related to the Coppermind see the official blog. Very old news can be found here.

To DoEdit

Would you like to help the Coppermind to get better? There's plenty of room for improvement, but where to start?

Book PagesEdit

Many pages on book pages themselves could use serious expansion. The Mistborn trilogy's book articles are serious stubs, as well as Warbreaker and Elantris. When editing book pages, a couple sections you may want to consider:

  • Main characters
  • Plot Summary
  • Magic

Avoid pure lists, give each of these sections some meat! :)

On these articles, it'd also be appropriate to include some information about Brandon's process of writing the books (similar to many Wikipedia articles on movies having a "Production" section), if you know some fun factoids.

Main CharactersEdit

Of character articles, there are some pretty serious holes. Think about expanding main characters, as those should probably be the most extensive of all character articles. The Stormlight Archive main characters are okay, but think about editing Vivenna or Sarene. In edition, Mistborn characters like Kelsier, Vin, Elend, and Sazed could use some section breaks for clarity.


If you are editing for the first time, don't worry too much about adding citations for every fact--content always comes first. That said, if you're one of those people who stares at the Interview Database a lot, you might want to help adding citations to the many articles in need of citations.

General TasksEdit

Check out articles requiring urgent attention, articles that should be a top priority in expanding or fixing.

There are a great deal of wanted pages--that is, those wiki links that are in red instead of blue, which represent articles that don't exist. Check out the page of all wanted articles.

And, if you want to enter the realm of torment, you could always expand one of many, many stubs.

I need some help!Edit

Not to fear! We have some guides to help you through the editing process.

Happy editing! Feel free to talk on our Coppermind forums if you have additional questions.