
Revision as of 17:37, 9 June 2014 by Fbstj (talk | contribs)

The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works. Information about books that have not yet been released, like Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. For more details, see our spoiler policy. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine!

This article discusses material removed from the final book
Titles General
Nationality Arelene
Homeworld Sel

Gatrii was one of Prince Eton's best generals. He was to behead Raoden, but missed his mark, which through a custom started by Eton meant that he was innocent. Hrathen believed that he had guided the blade to miss Raoden.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content


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This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
It has yet to be reviewed.