
Drafty things here.





At an unknown date Nalthis was created, it has not yet been old enough to have fossils form on it.[1] It would eventually be settled by Endowment a Shard of Adonalsium, they remain the sole Shard in the system.[2] It is unclear when humans inhabited the world.[3] During the early years myths about dragons entered Nalthis.[4]

For much of its history the inhabitants of the planet was unaware for their native system of investiture. The first known Returned was Vo who created Hallandren. The returned created a religion and nation with themselves as the focus of both.

After some time, the Five Scholars came together and catalyzed the Manywar, which resulted in the separation of the Idrian nation (after the royal family deserted Hallandren for Idris, for disputed reasons) and the rise of the God Kings and absolutism of the Iridescent Tones. The religion eventually was overtaken by corruption as the truly benevolent Returned would die out earlier when compared to their more selfish peers.[5]

The Five Scholars eventually discovered the secret of worldhopping and left Nalthis for a time.[6] They eventually arrived in Roshar.

The split between the two nations was so bad that they each developed their own terms for the surrounding geography.[7] Over the years however this distinction was lost and inhabitants of both kingdoms used the terms interchangeably.

About 300 years after the Manywar, the Pahn Kahl rebellion occurred. This was also when the Idrian princess Siri married the God King Susebron, bringing a member of the royal family back to Hallandren.

Other countries treat awakening and Returned differently. In one Returned are used as slaves intended to heal the rich[8] while another uses awakened objects for manual labour.[9] Many religions consider Perfect Pitch a Divine manifestation.[10]

Travel between Nalthis and Roshar eventually reached the stage of their being a regular caravan between the two.[11] Scholars on Nalthis are the closest of any other world of fully understanding the Cosmere.[12] In addition to this it is one of the best planets for world hoppers to get to and has a customs dedicated for them,[13] one of the things these customs is concerned about is controlling the rate at which breaths leave the planet.[14]

The region of Hallendran has frequent earthquakes.[15]

The Perpendicularity in Nalthis is close to where Edgli's tears grow.[16]