

From The Coppermind
Revision as of 06:31, 10 June 2012 by Chaos2651 (talk | contribs)
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The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works. Information about books that have not yet been released, like Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. For more details, see our spoiler policy. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine!

Region Opelon
World Sel

Duladel was a region of Sel south of Arelon.


Duladel Republic

The Duladel Republic

Occupation by Fjordell Empire

The Fjordell Empire


The Dula had many colloquial words:

  • sule
  • kolo
  • rulo
  • kayana
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