Acrophobic English Teachers of Poughkeepsie

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Acrophobic English Teachers of Poughkeepsie
Headquarters Poughkeepsie
World of Origin Earth (Alcatraz)

It's no more dangerous than when I testified against the Acrophobic English Teachers of Poughkeepsie!

The Acrophobic English Teachers of Poughkeepsie are characters in one of Rikers Dartmoor's books. They are known to be dangerous to testify against.[1] Their name suggests they have acrophobia, or the fear of heights.

Alcatraz mentioned testifying against the group in a conversation with Folsom and Himalaya. Having spoken about the incident earlier with the prince, he seemed to have forgotten that it occurred in a book and not in his real life.[1]


This page is complete!
This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Truthwatch3r (talk) 21:49, 11 March 2022 (UTC)