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Template:CharacterInfobox Derethil was a western king on Roshar.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content

He ruled during the shadowdays. He had fair skin and light eyes.

He fought the Voidbringers alongside the Heralds and Knights Radiant.

After the Desolation he commissioned the ship Wandersail and sailed westward, seeking the origin of the Voidbringers. He set off into a highstorm, and after sailing sometime through the storm, they found themselves crashed on an island in an archipelago surrounding a whirlpool. The island's people called themselves the Uvara, the People of the Great Abyss. They nursed the survivors from the Wandersail back to health. Derethil discovered that the Uvaran emperor was dead, which caused chaos and rioting amongst the Uvaran's. They escaped on the Wandersail with Nafti, the crew's guide and caretaker.


The story of his travels to the isles of Uvara was told by Hoid to Kaladin, possibly using Lightweaving
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