
Revision as of 04:38, 5 January 2011 by (talk) (Added links)

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This page is about the chronology of the Cosmere.

Adonalsium shatters (Hoid is there)
Odium comes to Sel, shatters Aona and Skai
Reod occurs; Elantris falls
(10 years)
Elantris comes back to power
Kelsier returns to Luthadel
(1 year)
Vin slays TLR
(1 year)
Seige of Luthadel begins
(1 year)
Vin releases Ruin; Emperor Elend established
(1 year occurs)
4th Cavern discovered
(1 year occurs)
Leras dies; Kelsier becomes a Sliver; Vin becomes Preservation; Vin dies; Ati dies; Sazed becomes Preservation and Ruin
Siri marries the God King
(few months)
Lightsong gives up his breath; God King receives Kalad's Phantoms
Nightblood (Warbreaker 2)
- (min 3 years)
Elantris 2
- (10 years)
Elantris 3
- (hundreds of years)
Mistborn- Alloy of Law
Mistborn 2nd trilogy?
Way of Kings