Coppermind:Welcome/Featured Article/Hudiya

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Featured Article: HudiyaEdit

I've almost got him. We’re never going to break any records by being cowards.

—Hurl ignoring orders to retreat shortly before she is shot down

Hudiya, Callsign: Hurl, is a cadet in the DDF flight school. She is a part of Skyward Flight and Spensa's wingmate, prior to her death.

Her callsign, Hurl, comes from a joke Hudiya made during the cadet's first lesson in the starfighter simulators, where most of the cadet's crashed their Pocos instead of flying them. Hurl is from Igneous Cavern.

Appearance and PersonalityEdit

A little fear, a little history, those things don’t mean anything. Only what we do means anything.


Hurl has a lean, athletic build, and blonde hair that long enough to wear in a ponytail. She can be rather messy and is not in the habit of making her bed. She is also known to snore quite loudly. Outside of class, Hurl spends a lot of her spare time training, either in the centrifuge, lifting weights, or swimming (of which she is less fond). She is disappointed that she has yet to throw up in the centrifuge.

Hurl is an emotionally open person and wears her heart on her sleeve. She is a confident, eager, and fun-loving. She is rather competitive and often plays games or makes bets with her flightmates. She has a very carefree personality and sees life as a game and a joke. Hurl becomes more solemn following the deaths of Bim and Morningtide, and struggles to find fun in flying.

Hurl will make it known if she is upset with someone, and will become hostile and cold towards them. As well as this, Hurl will become aggressive and challenge someone trying to assert authority over her if she does not believe they are justified in giving her orders. She can be quite blunt and brash with her remarks, yet she is also self-reflective of her treatment of others and will admit and apologize when she has unfairly treated someone harshly.

Hurl is an impulsive person who does not have qualms with taking risks and does not always acknowledge the seriousness of her situation. Her impatience and higher tolerance for risk during training and battle has led to several moments where Hurl has been in either simulated or real danger. She thinks highly of her own flying abilities and does not like sitting on the sidelines of a fight. Her stubbornness and overconfidence has led her to actively ignore warnings from her comrades during battle, leading to disastrous results.

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