
< User:Darniil
Revision as of 16:11, 10 January 2018 by Darniil (talk | contribs)

Just a place for me to try to organize a cosmere timeline.
Nothing here is to any kind of a scale, only an attempt at sequential order.

Adonalsium shattered.
Shardholders take possession of their Shards.
Greater Roshar humanity kicked out of Tranquiline Halls (Ashyn?).
Odium follows humanity to Roshar. Dawnsingers name humanity "voidbringers".
Desolations begin on Roshar.
Odium goes to Sel and Splinters Devotion and Dominion.
Oathpact forged.
Odium splinters Honor.
Oathpact broken.
Events of Elantris on Sel.
Events of The Emperor's Soul on Sel.
Events of Mistborn Era 1 on Scadrial.
The Manywar on Nalthis.
Events of Warbreaker on Nalthis.
Events of Shadows for Silence on Threnody.
Vasher loses(?) Nightblood.
The Nightwatcher offers Nightblood to Dalinar.
Events of Alloy of Law on Scadrial / modern Way of Kings events on Roshar.
Events of Mistborn Era 2 on Scadrial / Words of Radiance on Roshar. (1)
Events of Oathbringer on Roshar.
(Other things happen.)
Events of Mistborn Era 3.
Events of Mistborn Era 4.
Events of Sixth of the Dusk on First of the Sun.

(1) Placing all of MB Era 2 with WoR due to Era 2 stories happening close to each other, and due to how much time appears to be taken up within WoR.

Breaking of the Oathpact happened 4500 years before the main arc of Stormlight. Must have been formed long before that, even.
Shadows for Silence happened before Stormlight, according to WoB. (Though I think it happened after the Oathpact was broken.)
Warbreaker happens before Alloy of Law.
Alloy of Law and Way of Kings happen close to each other.
SL#3 indicates that Desolations happened closer and closer together, as Heralds got weaker and weaker at resisting torture.
Cultivation's letter to Hoid indicates that Odium is imprisoned on Braize, and that he can't do any harm while trapped there. Maybe the splintering of Devotion and Dominion happened before Aharietiam.