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The skaa were a race of humans on Scadrial.

The skaa were effectively created by the Lord Ruler when he forcibly divided the people of the world. Skaa are descendants of the people who did not support the Lord Ruler during his rise to power, unlike the nobles.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content During his Ascension, the Lord Ruler altered the physiology of people. The majority of the people he changed became skaa; built to be shorter, hardier, and more fertile.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content These physical differences were small, and have mostly been erased by noble and skaa interbreeding over the thousand years of the Final Empire's history. All skaa Allomancers are the result of boble and skaa blood mixing during some point in the person's heritage.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content


While not technically slaves, because by law they are not property of their masters, in practice this is quite the opposite. The skaa are the beaten down, oppressed working class, and because of this many are timid in regards to the nobles. Skaa generally keep to themselves, and in the cities, a large number turn to a life of crime to sustain themselves.

Those who are not criminals are worked to near death in some situations by their masters.

Skaa maintain a fear of the evening mists due to folk lore and misinformation spread by the nobles.

Notable skaa



  1. Breeze is really a nobleman living as a Skaa. Most characters are unaware of this
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