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Template:Magical Entities A shade is a ghost-like creature that lives in the Forests of Hell.[1][2]

Shades are translucent, and glow softly in the dark. They are invisible during the day. Because many or all shades were formerly people, they have the form of a person. The older a shade is, the more they lose their forms. A wave of white an arm's length long trails behind them. [1]

A touch from a shade withers flesh, and ultimately will turn a person to dust, and eventually into a shade themselves unless treated by applying silver powder to affected body parts. In order to avoid the attention of shades, people follow the Simple Rules, which dictate no kindling fire, no blood, and no running. Drawing the attention of a Shade with quick motions will first cause their body to turn black, and the eyes to glow green and trail a misty light. Enraging them with fire or by drawing blood will immediately cause their eyes to turn red, and begin slaughtering everyone in sight. Drawing blood is the most dangerous of the three, because flames will briefly [1]

Shades can be wounded with silver, creating a shower of white sparks whenever they come into contact with the metal, but once the silver was used it would dissolve into dust, making silver an expensive but crucial commodity.[1][3]

It was rumored that the White Fox did not fear shades, that they would not dare come for his soul. It was also said that shades sometimes remained around the place that they had once lived, such as the shade that was believed to belong to Silence Montane's husband, which guarded her waystop. Sometimes the number of shades in an area would grow exponentially, leading to a decrease in travelers.[1]

Notable Shades


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