Steel Inquisitor

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The Steel Inquisitors are a race of creatures on Scadrial. Steel inquisitors were created by the Lord Ruler through the use of Hemalurgy. During the time when the Lord Ruler was in power, Steel inquisitors followed his direct command. They were generally charged with hunting down and capturing skaa mistings in order to create more inquisitors.

Because of their Hemalurgic origins, all Steel Inquisitors are able to hear the voice of Ruin.

Although created from Humans, they are physiologically and mentally distinct. They can, however, mate with humans.

Steel Inquisitors are identifiable on sight because they have a series of large, metallic spikes protruding from various points on their bodies, most notably the eyes. They also usually have a large number of tattoos, usually signifying rank.


Similar to creating koloss, the process by which a Steel Inquisitor is created is incredibly painful and bloody. To create an Inquisitor, a metal spike is driven through the body of the appropriate Misting and into the correct spot of the Inquisitor-to-be. This imparts to them various "always on" sort of powers, usually (but not always) related to the function the misting served.


Steel Inquisitors are very powerful opponents. Because of the healing supplied by their gold spike, most injuries fatal to the average person are trivial, usually not even phasing the inquisitor.

This is not to say that they are invincible. Removing spikes from the inquisitor can effectively kill it, most notably the lynchpin spike located on their lower back. Beheading is also an effective method for killing a steel inquisitor.


Depending on which Hemalurgic spikes the Inquisitor has, their abilities can vary immensely. Not all Inquisitors had an atium spike, nor could all of them tap health. During the time of Kelsier, however, most had those spikes.

  • Iron/Steel Savant: Inquisitors lack eyes, so they see via the blue lines from burning iron or steel. They burn this constantly, thus becoming a savant.
  • Healing: The gold spike offers extremely effective, almost immediate healing.
  • Strength and Speed: The inquisitor's pewter spike offers dramatically increased Strength and Speed.

Notable Steel Inquisitors