Invasion of Arelon

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The invasion of Arelon took place on the planet of Sel just before Raoden and Sarene were crowned king and queen of Elantris.

Under the instructions of Dilaf, the armies of Wyrn's empire entered Arelon and attacked Elantris and Kae. They slaughtered New Elantrians and piled them together with the Hoed to burn.

At the same time, Raoden was taken to the Pool by Galladon and Karata, after being mortally wounded. He returns from the Pool and runs down to Elantris to fix the Aon it represents. As a result, the Elantrians Reod completes, and they start beating the invaders back.

Dilaf kidnaps Sarene and, with Hrathen, jumps to Teoin to make king Eventeo submit. Raoden follows and the battle of Teoin begins.

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Invasion of Arelon