Divinity Salvage

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Divinity Salvage
Parents Mother
Siblings Rebeke, Elegy
Died Rescue mission at Union[1]
Residence Beacon
Ethnicity Threnodite[2]
Nationality Union (formerly)[3]
Homeworld Canticle
Universe Cosmere
Introduced In The Sunlit Man

Divinity Salvage is a citizen of Beacon on Canticle and the brother of Rebeke and Elegy Salvage. Though he does not have an official position of leadership on Beacon like his sister Elegy, the Beaconite people respect Divinity and follow him to some extent.[4]


After his mother sacrificed herself to become a sunheart, Divinity installed the sunheart in his and Rebeke's quadcycle so that Rebeke could have it near her.[5]

Divinity and Rebeke rode on their quadcycle together during the rescue mission at Union.[1] Despite the explicit orders of the Greater Good to the contrary, they planned to find and take Elegy during the assault.[2] Divinity carries a rifle, likely indicating that he is a hunter.[1][6] When Nomad calls out for help, Rebeke briefly turns to regard him but Divinity is thoroughly focused on finding Elegy and does not look. Divinity is rewarded for his diligence as he is the one to find the semi-conscious Elegy and along with Rebeke, haul her to their cycle and strap her to the right side back seat.[1]

The Cinder King shoots Divinity twice with his energy rifle from the deck of his ship. The first shot hits his shoulder causing him to scream in pain and stumble backwards then the next shot vaporizes his head, killing him instantly. Under continuing fire, Rebeke is forced to leave Divinity's body behind in Union's arena.[1][7]

When visiting the Chorus' Reliquary, Rebeke believes she sees Divinity's face among the shades.[8] However, this is almost certainly untrue as the Investiture of those who die on Canticle gets converted into a sunheart instead of a shade, even if the person did not die from the sunlight directly.[9]



Divinity cares for Rebeke's wellbeing after the death of their mother, installing their mother's sunheart into their hovercycle so that Rebeke can be close to it.[5] After his death, Rebeke is deeply hurt by her brother's loss.[1][2][10][11] The grief at his loss is a major factor in her persistence that the Cinder King must be defeated and helps her to convince the people on Union's command bridge to resist him.[7]


Before her conversion into a Charred, Elegy's position as Beacon's Lodestar afforded Divinity a smaller measure of authority.[4] After her conversion, Elegy has no memory whatsoever of Divinity.[12] He in turn treats her with extreme caution, strapping her down in the hovercycle seat even though she is barely conscious at the time.[1] However, he is fervent in his desire to find her, knowingly risking his life to do so.[1][2]


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