User:Taln Fan/Summary:Cytonic

{/{spoilers|sky3}} {/{update|Sky3}} This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Cytonic. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.


Plot Summary

Spensa and M-Bot stand in front of the nowhere portal on Starsight, contemplating it as Superiority soldiers come closer. Spensa grabs M-Bot and Doomslug, and enter the nowhere. Spensa senses the delver she changed and turned away from Starsight, and she can feel its fear. She communicates with it, and it tells her that she can learn more about her powers in the nowhere. The delver puts a location in Spensa’s mind, a location important to cytonics. It tells her to walk the Path of Elders. Spensa sends Doomslug a message to go home, then activates her powers and hyperjumps to the location.

Part One

Chapter 1

Plot Summary

Spensa emerges out of the nowhere portal, M-Bot with her but Doomslug missing. She finds herself in a jungle, an unfamiliar sight for her. She tries to sense Doomslug but can’t feel her. She tries to reach for Detritus, but can’t sense it or any other familiar location. M-Bot expressed his anger at Spensa for abandoning him on Starsight, and flew off angrily into the jungle, crying. Feeling alone, Spensa goes over her supplies, which include an energy rifle, her jumpsuit, and her translator pin. She also finds a small pile of silver glowing sand, and her father’s pilot pin. She finds it strange, since she didn’t have it on her when she entered the nowhere. Another cytonic speaks into her mind, and Spensa asks for help. It warns her to be quiet, and to describe her position. Before she can describe it well, something attacks Spensa.

Chapter 2

Plot Summary

Three aliens attack Spensa, two Heklo and one dione. Two more join the fray, and they defeat Spensa and take her gun. They assume Spensa is a Superioirty soldier. They take her father’s pin, saying that its valuable. The pirates decide to ransom her back to the Superioirty. As the pirates start to head back to the ship, the face of one, a burl, begins to melt.

Chapter 3

Plot Summary

The pirates tie Spensa to a tree root, and rush over to help the burl, whose eyes are glowing white like a delver’s. M-Bot appears, and talks to Spensa. He apologizes for over-reacting. Spensa apologizes as well, and forgives M-Bot. M-Bot only then realizes that Spensa is tied up, and tries to figure out how to free her. The pirates abandon their melting comrade, and they retreat to their ships. Vlep levels the rifle at Spensa, but at that moment a dinosaur rides into camp, a mustachioed man on its back.

Chapter 4

Plot Summary

The man riding the dinosaur wears a flight jacket, and is in his fifties. He dismounts, and M-Bot helps free Spensa using his light-line. The man introduces himself as Chet Starfinder, the cytonic who talked to her earlier. They want to steal a starfighter, but they are taking off. They go for Vlep instead, who has her father’s pin. A ship aims its destructors at them, but the grig attacks it, distracting it. Spensa and Chet attack Vlep, Spensa snatching her father’s pin. The white-eyed burl’s eyes have been grown over completely with skin, but still glow with two white dots. It screams at them, and Spensa and Chet run off into the jungle with M-Bot.

Chapter 5

Plot Summary

They crash through the jungle, and M-Bot follows, expressing fear. The pirates notice that the grig feeds on energy, and the beast grows sluggish. Spensa introduces herself and M-Bot, and Chet is disturbed by the fact that Spensa brought an AI into the nowhere. Chet calls M-Bot an abomination, and M-Bot practices insults by calling Chet a noodle-brain. He then asks Spensa to rate his insult from one to ten. Chet offers to be Spensa’s guide in the nowhere for the price of one reality ash per day, the silver dust that is produced by reality icons. Chet tells her about the Path of Elders, a series of the first nowhere portals, left by ancient cytonics, and Spensa tells him that she must follow it. The grig, though it should’ve fallen asleep, crashes through the frost towards them. It chases them, its eyes glowing white. Spensa and Chet break out of the jungle, and before them is the edge of the floating island, only empty air out in front of them.

Chapter 6

Plot Summary

Spensa follows Chet along the edge of the fragment as the grig continues to chase them. M-Bot talks about his emotions to Spensa, who doesn’t reply. Chet leads them towards a close fragment near by, and Spensa has M-Bot go connect his light-line to it. He returns, but the light-line isn’t long enough to reach across. With no other choice and the grig right behind them, Spensa and Chet jump towards the other fragment. Spensa grabs on to M-Bot, Chet missing and hanging onto her waist. M-Bot’s acclivity rings weren’t strong enough to keep them in the air, and they plummeted briefly, then were stopped, held in place by M-Bot’s light-line. M-Bot retracts the light-line, bringing them up and onto the next fragment. Spensa inspects Chet warily, finding it strange and convienet that he happened to find her.

Chapter 7

Plot Summary

Chapter 8

Plot Summary

Interlude I-1

Plot Summary

Part 2

Chapter 9

Plot Summary

Chapter 10

Plot Summary

Chapter 11

Plot Summary

Chapter 12

Plot Summary

Chapter 13

Plot Summary

Chapter 14

Plot Summary

Interlude I-2

Plot Summary

Part 3

Chapter 15

Plot Summary

Chapter 16

Plot Summary

Chapter 17

Plot Summary

Chapter 18

Plot Summary

Chapter 19

Plot Summary

Chapter 20

Plot Summary

Chapter 21

Plot Summary

Chapter 22

Plot Summary

Chapter 23

Plot Summary

Chapter 24

Plot Summary

Chapter 25

Plot Summary

Chapter 26

Plot Summary

Interlude I-3

Plot Summary

Part 4

Chapter 27

Plot Summary

Chapter 28

Plot Summary

Chapter 29

Plot Summary

Chapter 30

Plot Summary

Chapter 31

Plot Summary

Chapter 32

Plot Summary

Chapter 33

Plot Summary

Chapter 34

Plot Summary

Chapter 35

Plot Summary

Chapter 36

Plot Summary

Interlude I-4

Part 5

Chapter 37

Plot Summary

Chapter 38

Plot Summary

Chapter 39

Plot Summary

Chapter 40

Plot Summary

Chapter 41

Plot Summary

Chapter 42

Plot Summary

Chapter 43

Plot Summary


Plot Summary


{/{summaries|stub}} {/{Skyward}} [/[Category:Skyward|+3]]