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Hello everyone, I am Nightstar The Bright. I really enjoy reading Brandon Sanderson’s books, sometime after I read them all I began editing the Coppermind.
I’m currently gathering information about Classical Scadrial

Notable finished Projects
Notable pages I reworked
* [[Court of Gods]]
* [[Court of Gods]]
* [[Hanald]]
* [[Iridescent Tones]]
* [[Listener]]
* [[Duladel]]
* [[Pahn Kahl]]
* [[Pahn Kahl]]
* [[Jah Keved]]
* [[Fjorden]]
* [[T'Telir]]
* [[T'Telir]]
* [[Hallandren]]
* [[Hallandren]]
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!The words below are a page about the Iridescent Tones!
! The following text is a collection of the information about Alethkar!

Every city has a little huddle of buildings for caravaneers and the likes. Also large stormbunkers to house armies or multiple caravans.{{book ref|sa3|45}} many small villages have a central cistern to catch rain water and filter out the crem. Alethi is used widely throughout the eastern world to make the underscript of a book. Also, lots of Alethi epics, which are famous even outside Alethkar.{{book ref|sa3|i|2}}
|related=[[Hallandren]], [[Returned]]
|type={{cat tag|Religion}}

The '''Iridescent Tones''' is a polytheistic religion practiced in Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|3}} This religion teaches that the [[Returned]] are gods.{{book ref|wb|3}}

== Teachings ==

=== Peacegiver and Kalad ===
[[Peacegiver]] has a central place in the Iridescent Tones. He is often referred to as Peacegiver the Blessed, although some priests call him Lord Peacegiver.{{book ref|wb|40}} Many Hallandren also consider him to be a god of gods. Peacegiver is sometimes, though not always, considered to have been the first God King.{{book ref|wb|32}} The Hallandren consider his name to be holy.{{book ref|wb|40}} They also consider Peacegiver to be the one who gave them life.{{book ref|wb|40}}

The [[Hallandren]] believe that Peacegiver returned to life with a specific purpose, to stop the conflict between men and to bring peace to Hallandren. They also believe that he gave them the [[Light of Peace]],{{book ref|wb|40}} telling the Hallandren to keep it safe,{{book ref|wb|40}} as well as to never use it.{{book ref|wb|40}} In their theology Peacegiver died to give his [[Breath]]s to the Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|40}} But he also demanded that it be held in case he should Return again and need it.{{book ref|wb|40}} The Hallandren believe that it is very important that the Breath isn’t used.{{book ref|wb|40}}

The Hallandren view [[Peacegiver]] as a holy figure and a god because he protected them from Kalad,{{book ref|wb|40}} driving him away and saving the Hallandren people. He also brought peace to the world by stopping the [[Manywar]].{{book ref|wb|32}}

[[Kalad]] also has a central place in the Iridescent Tones. He is considered to be evil and destructive.{{book ref|wb|40}} The [[Hallandren]] believe that The Royal Family of [[Hanald]] aligned themselves with Kalad,{{book ref|wb|32}} ignoring the will of the people and seeking the war with bloodlust.{{book ref|wb|32}}

He was the creator of [[Kalad's Phantoms]],{{book ref|wb|32}} a new and more powerful type of [[lifeless]].{{book ref|wb|32}} Although nobody remembers what kind of lifeless they were,{{book ref|wb|32}} they are considered to be frightening and terrible.{{book ref|wb|32}} Many people believe that after Peacegiver sent them away Kalad’s Phantoms still roam the jungle, waiting for Kalad to return.{{book ref|wb|32}}

=== The Iridescent Wave and the Afterlife ===
The Hallandren believe that when a person dies they leap across a thing called the ‘Iridescent Wave’.{{book ref|wb|12}} When a person decides to Return they leap back across to the world of the living, although this process leaves the memory fragmented.{{book ref|wb|12}}

There is an afterlife or heaven,{{book ref|wb|23}} and people are at peace here. In the afterlife the future is visible, like a scroll.{{book ref|wb|12}}

=== Holidays and Curses ===
There is a holiday known as Gods Feast, on which people take the evening off and feast together.{{book ref|wb|22}} The Wedding Jubilation is a weeklong holiday in which the Hallandren celebrate the marriage of the God King.{{book ref|wb|8}} During this time the queen is not allowed to leave the palace.{{book ref|wb|8}} At the end of this holiday the queen is officially presented to the Court of Gods.{{book ref|wb|8}}

The Hallandren often use curses related to Colors or the Iridescent Tones. The Hallandren don’t curse with the names of their gods.{{book ref|wb|38}} This is because most gods don’t like their names being used as an oath.{{book ref|wb|38}} Known curses include:
* How in the name of the Colors
* Colors!
* By the Colors
* What in the name of the Iridescent Tones
* for the Colors’ sake
* Kalad’s Phantoms!

== The Returned ==
=== Returning ===
Some people die in a way that exemplies the great virtues of human existence{{book ref|wb|3}}, like bravery or honesty.{{book ref|wb|3}}{{book ref|wb|14}} These people are then sent back by the Iridescent Tones.{{book ref|wb|3}} The Hallandren believe that the Returned are sent back to act as examples, and as gods, to the living.{{book ref|wb|3}} The religion teaches that each god represents an ideal related to the way they died.{{book ref|wb|3}}

=== Duties ===

|There was nothing to fear from the Returned gods of the Hallandren. The gods were a blessing. They provided visions of the future, as well as leadership and wisdom. All they needed to subsist was one thing.

|Llarimar’s Teachings

When a follower seeks a blessing they can send an offering to one of the gods,{{book ref|wb|3}} usually the god corresponding to what the follower wishes.{{book ref|wb|3}} These offerings usually take the form of a painting or some other type art,{{book ref|wb|3}} such as a poem.{{book ref|wb|3}} The priests record both the god’s actual words and make an interpretation of what the god thinks, be it for good or for ill, and deliver these to the patron.{{book ref|wb|3}} Even just sending an offering brings you a measure of good fortune,{{book ref|wb|3}} although the better the rating your offering gets the more good fortune you get.{{book ref|wb|3}} Most patrons don’t make their offerings themselves,{{book ref|wb|3}} instead paying someone to do it for them.{{book ref|wb|3}} This means that the more a patron is ready to pay, the better their offering and the more good fortune they get.{{book ref|wb|3}} Offerings are made specifically for the intended god, and only they, besides a few of their priests, are allowed to see them.{{book ref|wb|3}}

Another duty of the Returned are the petitions.{{book ref|wb|12}} Anyone can come and petition the gods. Usually these people request healing,{{book ref|wb|12}} although not always for themselves, sometimes they ask for other things, such as a job.{{book ref|wb|42}} The petitions offer a last although unlikely hope, because one day one of the followers will receive a miracle.{{book ref|wb|12}} The petitions are supposed to help the gods remember why they Returned.{{book ref|wb|12}}

The Returned also provide leadership to the Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|50}} This manifests as the Returned voting on issues.{{book ref|wb|50}} The gods are divided into subgroups,{{book ref|wb|16}} each having responsibility over a certain area.{{book ref|wb|16}} Some gods are in charge of civic issues;{{book ref|wb|16}} others governed agreements and treaties etc.{{book ref|wb|16}} They then vote during assemblies. During a main assembly all the gods get together and vote on an issue.{{book ref|wb|50}} The outcome is known as the will of the pantheon.{{book ref|wb|50}} The Returned have the right to disobey the Will of the Pantheon.{{book ref|wb|50}}

=== Abilities ===
The Hallandren ascribe many abilities to the Returned,{{book ref|wb|14}} some fictional and some facts.{{book ref|wb|14}} Examples are things like controlling the rain, but also like being unable to go mad or have headaches. The Hallandren believe that the Returned have goals they want to accomplish.{{book ref|wb|12}}

Denying a request from one of the Returned will cause great peril to your soul.{{book ref|wb|26}} The Returned are believed to be able to take your soul,{{book ref|wb|26}} although this is different then the Idrian belief of them sucking breath from people. It is also considered improper for a Returned to stoop.{{book ref|wb|26}}

It is also believed that the Returned have prophetic dreams, which is at least partly true.{{book ref|wb|3}} The high priest of each god write down the dreams of their god the moment that god wakes up.{{book ref|wb|3}} The Returned are also considered to be wise.{{book ref|wb|3}} As the Returned are oracles it is very important that they don’t interact with the subject of their predictions, for if they do it could unbalance a great many things.{{book ref|wb|26}}

=== The God King ===
The First God King is believed to have received his Breath and life from Peacegiver himself.{{book ref|wb|32}} Since that day, each God King has fathered a stillborn son who then Returned and took his place. It is unknown to the Hallandren how Peacegiver made the first God King,{{book ref|wb|32}} as Breath does not make the recipient divine.{{book ref|wb|32}}

The God King is special, beyond being a Returned.{{book ref|wb|6}} The doctrines teach that the earth itself is too base for him.{{book ref|wb|6}} He achieved transcendence before he was born, but Returned to bless his people.{{book ref|wb|6}} The God King represents all Colors.{{book ref|wb|6}} When a new God King is chosen, his servants are replaced.{{book ref|wb|34}}

The God King’s will is law,{{book ref|wb|4}} he needs no reason or justification for what he does.{{book ref|wb|4}} No one, except for the queen and a number of dedicated servants, are allowed to touch him.{{book ref|wb|6}} It is believed that the God Kings can heal more then one person, as opposed to a normal Returned.{{book ref|wb|24}}

== The Priesthood ==
The Iridescent Tones have many priests.{{book ref|wb|4}} These priests have mostly religious responsibilities, although they also rule the empire in the name of their [[Susebron|King]]. The main job of the priests is to care for the [[Returned]].{{book ref|wb|3}} This includes making sure that the Returned have enough food and drinks to enjoy, dressing then etc. The priests organize the interactions between the Returned and the citizens, including the weekly offering of Breath that the Returned require to survive{{book ref|wb|3}} and the daily hearing of petitions.{{book ref|wb|12}} There usually isn’t a moment when a Returned is without his priests. Priests are also allowed to argue in the arena, this serves to keep the gods informed of the common people’s opinions.{{book ref|wb|16}} Priests don’t take pay for their services.{{book ref|wb|49}} Priests can’t say anything about the life before their god returned.{{book ref|wb|18}} It is a sacred tenet that the servants of a god don’t repeat what they hear in confidence.{{book ref|wb|32}}

==== Slavery ====
All priests wear robes,{{book ref|wb|3}} and some priests, likely the more important ones, wear miters.{{book ref|wb|3}} It seems the more important one is the more intricate ones robe and miter becomes. The robes of the priests are the colors of their god,{{book ref|wb|3}} with the God King’s priests wearing different colours everyday{{book ref|wb|24}}
Slavery is common in Alethkar, although there are many laws surrounding it.
How is someone made a slave...
Slaves themselves...
A slaver must provide the reason someone was sold into slavery when he sells the slave, it is illegal to lie. It is illegal to wear a sword without being a lighteyes. Every man has a slave debt, but he can theoretically pay it off and earn back his freedom. It is suspected by some people to be a shum however, intended to keep the slaves docile because it is an enormous amount, far more then a slave is sold for. Many masters find ways to cheat a slave out of their wages, charging them for housing etc. A master can also always set a man free, or the man can try and escape. People don't like slavers, and so they often choose other slavers as company. According to Vorin rules, every slave has to be paid a small wage, half of what a non slave would receive. {{book ref|sa1|4}} Slave carts, roughly 10 men per. Masters are free to give beatings. Stealing may make someone a slave (Chulls). Although it could also be a death sentence (stealing horses) Many Alethi slaves are sold to the remote, small and independent cities on the coast of the unclaimed hills. The rules binding slavers and slaves are Vorin in origin, and as such apply to all the major Vorin realms. Brands are burned into the skin. Brands are made up of a glyphpair; the highlord's district where the person is originally branded.{{book ref|sa1|2}} Each slaver has a ledger containing information on the slaves, such as how much they've paid of their slave debt, it isn't uncommon to lie though. Prices range from roughly 1,5 emerald broams for a weak or bad slave{{book ref|sa1|6}} to three emerald browns for a good one, although the average is two broams.{{book ref|sa1|69}}

== Economy ==
The priests of the God King know that the God King cannot bear a child.{{book ref|wb|55}} Instead they pronounce the queen pregnant and act like she gave birth to a Returned baby, who previously Returned somewhere else in the empire.{{book ref|wb|55}}
=== Currency ===
As with many other nations on Roshar, their economy was based upon [[Spheres|glass spheres with cut polestones in their center]], known simply as spheres. In the mint, they check sphere weights in order to see if they fell into the proper categories.{{book ref|sa4|16}} The value of polestones, and thus the worth of sphere denominations in their economy, is based around the value of the substances a polestone can transmute another substance into.{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}}

=== High Priests ===
=== State Income ===
Taxation is levied upon darkeyes and landless lighteyes over rights to live on the territory of wealthier lighteyes.{{book ref|sa3|106}} If a citylord fails to pay his taxes to the highlord, people are sent to collect it from him, often violently.{{book ref|sa3|26}}{{book ref|sa3|106}} The highlord answers to the highprince;{{book ref|sa3|116}} and highprinces themselves are taxed by the king for the right to use soulcasters, which were an important resource in waging prolonged, large-scale conflicts. This is the primary form of taxation levied upon the highprinces by the king.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Each of the Returned, including the God King, has a high priest.{{book ref|wb|3}}{{book ref|wb|4}}{{book ref|wb|12}} These priests wear intricate robes and miters.{{book ref|wb|4}} Their robes are the same colours as their god.{{book ref|wb|3}} To become a high priest you have to study theology.{{book ref|wb|12}} The God King’s High priest is formally addressed as ‘Your Excellency‘.{{book ref|wb|40}} It is unclear whether all high priests have this title, or just the God King’s high priest.

=== Labour and professions ===
The high priests are almost always near their gods. They are also one of the few priests allowed to see the offerings.{{book ref|wb|3}} Some high priests argue in the arena,{{book ref|wb|16}} although this isn’t restricted to high priests, and they aren’t obligated to.{{book ref|wb|16}} During a main assembly the high priests are responsible for communicating their god’s opinion to the public,{{book ref|wb|50}} and the other gods.{{book ref|wb|50}} It is customary to kneel down in front of their god, and ask for an answer.{{book ref|wb|50}} When they have an answer they will join the other high priests,{{book ref|wb|50}} carrying either a green flag for a favourable response{{book ref|wb|50}} or a red flag for dissatisfaction.{{book ref|wb|50}}

Slaves and parshmen.
== History ==
=== The Manywar ===
The [[Hallandren]] believe that sometime around the year 0 [[Kalad]] [[Returned]] and aligned himself with the Royal Family of [[Hanald]], seeking war with the other [[Nalthis#Nations|Nalthian Nations]].{{book ref|wb|32}} He made a large and terrifying army of [[lifeless]] called Kalad’s Phantoms, who live on in [[Hallandren]] mythology.{{book ref|wb|32}}

Akanny in the Sadeas Princedom served as a major source of agriculture throughout Alethkar, being the source of a signifigant portion of the nation's lavis and tallew.{{book ref|sa3|10}} Other towns and cities throughout Alethkar are important centures for the production of hog leather and meat, whilst others still harvested [[gumfrems]] for their gemhearts, which were used in the soulcasting of meat.{{book ref|sa3|10}} Merchants of 1 and 2st nahn. (Footnote-like in other Vorin kingdoms). Many people go to the tavern: a days work and then an evening at the tavern for fun.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
Eventually Kalad seized control of Hanald and declared war on a number of nations, starting an incredibly destructive war, this war would play a major role in Hallandren mythology.{{book ref|wb|32}} Lore holds that it was during this time that [[Peacegiver]] Returned. He then defeated Kalad{{book ref|wb|15}} and seized control of Kalad’s Phantoms.{{book ref|wb|32}} He immediately sought to end the war with diplomacy, in which he succeeded, saving Hallandren and a number of other nations from doom.{{book ref|wb|58}}

=== The Market ===
The Hallandren felt betrayed by [[Austrism|Austre]],{{book ref|wb|40}} who they believed had abandoned them to Kalad,{{book ref|wb|40}} because of this and them being saved by Peacegiver they started worshipping the [[Returned]]. During this time the [[Cult of Returned]], which was already worshipping the Returned, rose to prominence and eventually evolved into the Iridescent Tones.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
Alethkar has some form of open market,{{book ref|sa4|18}} though the amount of openness in the economy, that is the amount of government regulation in the market, is unclear.

=== The God Kings ===
=== Foreign Trade ===
Through trade treaties, they are able to trade with Jah Keved for cheap.{{book ref|sa3|66}} As of the True Desolation, Fen Rnamdi held administration over trade and supply, as one of the stipulations in the coalition of monarchs.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
Eventually Peacegiver bestowed his [[Peacegiver's Treasure|Breaths]] onto a priest called Susebron. Ordering the priesthood to keep his breaths safe, and to never use them, until he came back and reclaimed them.{{book ref|wb|40}} This priest would become the first God King. The priests took Peacegiver’s command seriously, cutting out the tongue of the God King, and would continue to do so for the next 300 years.{{book ref|wb|58}}

== Architecture ==
After this first King four more God Kings would reign,{{book ref|wb|32}} all of them called Susebron. Each God King would bear the Light of Peace, and add to it.{{book ref|wb|15}}
Streets run east to west and doorways face away from the Origin bcs highstorms.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
=== Infrastructure ===
Alethkar has poor transport infrastructure, making travel and resource movement between distant cities slow and cumbersome.{{cite}} This increases the important of soulcasters to their economy and military.{{cite}}

The aquisition of Oathgates after the Battle of Narak greatly assisted in trade across the continent.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
== Notes ==
<references />

Revision as of 22:46, 29 June 2024

Hello everyone, I am Nightstar The Bright. I really enjoy reading Brandon Sanderson’s books, sometime after I read them all I began editing the Coppermind.

Notable pages I reworked

! The following text is a collection of the information about Alethkar!

Every city has a little huddle of buildings for caravaneers and the likes. Also large stormbunkers to house armies or multiple caravans.[1] many small villages have a central cistern to catch rain water and filter out the crem. Alethi is used widely throughout the eastern world to make the underscript of a book. Also, lots of Alethi epics, which are famous even outside Alethkar.[2]


Slavery is common in Alethkar, although there are many laws surrounding it. How is someone made a slave... Slaves themselves... Slavers... A slaver must provide the reason someone was sold into slavery when he sells the slave, it is illegal to lie. It is illegal to wear a sword without being a lighteyes. Every man has a slave debt, but he can theoretically pay it off and earn back his freedom. It is suspected by some people to be a shum however, intended to keep the slaves docile because it is an enormous amount, far more then a slave is sold for. Many masters find ways to cheat a slave out of their wages, charging them for housing etc. A master can also always set a man free, or the man can try and escape. People don't like slavers, and so they often choose other slavers as company. According to Vorin rules, every slave has to be paid a small wage, half of what a non slave would receive. [3] Slave carts, roughly 10 men per. Masters are free to give beatings. Stealing may make someone a slave (Chulls). Although it could also be a death sentence (stealing horses) Many Alethi slaves are sold to the remote, small and independent cities on the coast of the unclaimed hills. The rules binding slavers and slaves are Vorin in origin, and as such apply to all the major Vorin realms. Brands are burned into the skin. Brands are made up of a glyphpair; the highlord's district where the person is originally branded.[4] Each slaver has a ledger containing information on the slaves, such as how much they've paid of their slave debt, it isn't uncommon to lie though. Prices range from roughly 1,5 emerald broams for a weak or bad slave[5] to three emerald browns for a good one, although the average is two broams.[6]



As with many other nations on Roshar, their economy was based upon glass spheres with cut polestones in their center, known simply as spheres. In the mint, they check sphere weights in order to see if they fell into the proper categories.[7] The value of polestones, and thus the worth of sphere denominations in their economy, is based around the value of the substances a polestone can transmute another substance into.[8]

State Income

Taxation is levied upon darkeyes and landless lighteyes over rights to live on the territory of wealthier lighteyes.[9] If a citylord fails to pay his taxes to the highlord, people are sent to collect it from him, often violently.[10][9] The highlord answers to the highprince;[11] and highprinces themselves are taxed by the king for the right to use soulcasters, which were an important resource in waging prolonged, large-scale conflicts. This is the primary form of taxation levied upon the highprinces by the king.[12]

Labour and professions

Slaves and parshmen.

Akanny in the Sadeas Princedom served as a major source of agriculture throughout Alethkar, being the source of a signifigant portion of the nation's lavis and tallew.[13] Other towns and cities throughout Alethkar are important centures for the production of hog leather and meat, whilst others still harvested gumfrems for their gemhearts, which were used in the soulcasting of meat.[13] Merchants of 1 and 2st nahn. (Footnote-like in other Vorin kingdoms). Many people go to the tavern: a days work and then an evening at the tavern for fun.[14]

The Market

Alethkar has some form of open market,[15] though the amount of openness in the economy, that is the amount of government regulation in the market, is unclear.

Foreign Trade

Through trade treaties, they are able to trade with Jah Keved for cheap.[16] As of the True Desolation, Fen Rnamdi held administration over trade and supply, as one of the stipulations in the coalition of monarchs.[17]


Streets run east to west and doorways face away from the Origin bcs highstorms.[14]


Alethkar has poor transport infrastructure, making travel and resource movement between distant cities slow and cumbersome.[citation needed] This increases the important of soulcasters to their economy and military.[citation needed]

The aquisition of Oathgates after the Battle of Narak greatly assisted in trade across the continent.[17]