Steel Ministry

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The Steel Ministry was the religion of the Final Empire, made up of various divisions, named Cantons, that also served as the government's bureaucracy. Obligator is the title for those who are part of the Ministry. It also contains the Inquisitors.

One of the main purposes of the Ministry was to witness a myriad of contracts and agreements, even something as simple as promise to come to a game of shelldry. [1]


The Cantons were the subsections of the Steel Ministry.

Canton of Orthodoxy
Organized the Steel Ministry and looked after the religious side of things.
Canton of Finance
The bank of the Final Empire.
Canton of Resource
Tasked with trade, transport, and taxation.
Canton of Inquisition
Organized the Steel Inquisitors and acted as law enforcement over the Allomantic community.


The obligators would have to be called in to witness or approve of anything significant going on in the Final Empire.

In addition to their bureaucratic functions the obligators served as the Lord Ruler's religious leaders. They would teach the Lord Ruler's religion to skaa and noblemen alike.

Obligators were notable in having a deep faith in the religion surrounding the Lord Ruler and Obligators were distinguished by intricate tattoos around their eyes to signify to their rank and Canton membership. [2][3] There were also assassins in the Steel Ministry. [1]


High Prelan
Steel Inquisitor
Outside the regular chain of command, but technically ranked lower than the Lord Prelan [4]
Lord Prelan

Known Obligators


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