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(current: History sections guidelines?)
(current: Gallery guidelines?)

Say there is artwork on a page. ''Too much artwork''. What do you do, then? Make a gallery subpage, of course. Such gallery subpages generally come in several flavors: cover galleries, character galleries, and location galleries. Cover galleries should be created if a book has more than one cover; character galleries -- if a character has more than four images (usually; if you're unsure, check with a [[Coppermind:Keepers|Keeper]]); location galleries -- if there's no good way to insert all images into the page. This page is here to teach you how to do all of those.
History section of articles can be tricky, especially for characters. This page contains some tips and guidelines on how to make it work.

This page concerns only the general creation of gallery subpages; for a minutiae of galleries, see [[Help:Images#Galleries]]. Also, keep in mind, those aren't be-all and end-all rules. The following outlines how things should generally be done, but if you feel like something is weird, or have an odd edge case, don't hesitate to bring it up, or modify the subpage (within reason).
=== Don't go into too much detail ===

== Cover galleries ==
When writing a character history, it can be easy to go into excessive detail about what's happening; sometimes, there's an urge to type out a play-by-play of the entire scene, fight or conversation. However, this way lies madness. You do not have to summarize every sentence said, or report on every blow of the battle. Most of the time, "they fight for a while" or "after a short conversation" will suffice.
A book's cover gallery should be linked on the its main page, near the bottom (there is no set place for them, but they will generally be above the "See also" and "Statistical analysis" sections, but underneath "Summary"). Link it like this:

<pre class=mw-code>
So, when ''should'' you include the detail? Mostly, in scenes that could be considered crucial to the plot. [[Marsh]] tearing an earring out of [[Vin]]'s ear? Crucial. A [[Stormlight Archive]] character swearing the [[Immortal Words]]? Extremely important. Characters arguing about how wise their plan is? You could summarize that. Mentioning every gesture the character makes in a conversation? ''Definitely'' avoid it.
== Cover Gallery ==
{{for|/Covers|a cover gallery of BOOK}}

where <code>BOOK</code> is the full name of whatever book you're working on. Once you save the file, you should see a red link saying "/Covers". Click that to open the subpage, then copy and paste the basic template for all cover galleries:
Something to keep in mind, however, is that same events may hold different weight for different characters. For one, meeting someone could be the most notable thing in their life, in which case you should go into more detail; for the other, that same meeting could be regular Tuesday, in which case you don't need to spend the same amount of time and effort.

<pre class=mw-code>
How to avoid too much detail, then? After writing the whole history, re-read it; see what you can aggregate, what can be summarized further, what detail you've added has proven unnecessary to the overall narrative. Cut those bits out, then rinse and repeat, until you feel satisfied with the state of the text.

This is a gallery for all known covers for ''[[BOOK]]''. For more information about each cover, including other editions and translations using the same art, check each file's individual page.
=== Don't go into too little detail, either ===

<gallery widths=3000px heights=400px mode="packed">
While writing a blow-by-blow of every scene is decidedly excessive, you shouldn't skip over too many events, either. Remember, if someone's reading a history section, it's probably to catch themselves up to speed on the character. As such, include enough detail that the reader doesn't ask "but why were they here?" or "but how did they do that?" For example, if a character was present at some battle, say what they were doing there instead of simply "they were present at the battle"; if a character journeyed to multiple places, say where they've been, and everything interesting that's happened, rather than "for the next few years, they travelled a lot" (unless you don't know what happened, in which case, feel free to summarize it in a sentence).
FileName.extension | <center><small>Country</small></center> (Publisher)

[[Category:Cover Galleries]]
Don't skip over a large chunk of character's on-page time. If something's happening, make note of it. If a character or object appears, but doesn't become important until later, do mention them, so that the reader isn't confused when they show up again. Also note when a character is present as part of a group, regardless of how much they do in any given scene. For example, if you're writing about a member of a [[DDF]] flight and know what the flight's been doing, it's worth saying that on the character's history page. Don't be afraid to make assumptions, either -- if a character is still alive and a member of the group when it's doing something, you can assume that they're with the group even if they're not explicitely named or don't say anything in the scene.

<code>SERIES</code> should be replaced with the series code from {{t|CoverToC}}; this will produce a navigation bar with all the books in the series this one belongs to, letting the reader quickly browse all of them. For standalone titles, you can delete this row.
=== Place events in their correct places ===

In-between the gallery tags, put each cover in its own row. The US covers always come first; typically, the UK covers are next, followed by other countries, unsorted (feel free to order them by how much you like them). If one country has multiple covers, they should be next to each other, in chronological order. For publishers in countries that do not use Latin alphabet, copy their original name, then add <code> / </code> and follow with English translation or transliteration (for example, "প্রতিচ্ছবি প্রকাশনী / Protichhobi Prokashoni", or "重庆出版社 / Chongqing Publishing House").
Histories should be chronological. If a scene has a character talking about their youth, write what they reveal in its proper place, timeline-wise, and mention "X tells Y about her childhood" in the place where ''that'' scene happens. Likewise, if some information about a character's history can only be found in the [[Arcanum]] or other behind-the-scenes material, don't put it in the Trivia section, but add it to the History.

=== On uploading covers ===
Conversely, try to keep the article as in-universe as you can. Don't add meta information - like where Brandon came up with the idea, or what the character looked like in an earlier version of the story. ''This'' should go into Trivia. If you feel like there are enough trivia about how a character came to be to form a cohesive narrative, make a Development section near the bottom of the page.
Covers are uploaded the same way regular artwork is, via [[Special:Upload]]. In the summary box, copy the {{t|Cover}} template and fill in the blanks (you do not have to fill in all the blanks; refer to the template page for in-depth breakdown). It's best that the file be named <code>BOOK COUNTRY cover.extension</code>; for example, "RoW BG cover.jpg" for the Bulgarian cover of ''[[Rhythm of War]]''. If there are multiple types of covers from one country, call the file <code>BOOK COUNTRY TYPE cover.extension</code>, for example "WoR HU Part 1 cover.jpg".

If you have a separate image of the cover artwork (i.e. the cover without the text), upload it as a regular image using {{t|art}} template, with <code><nowiki>|type={{cat tag|Books|Book}} cover</nowiki></code> and <code>|official=y</code> parameters. This will ensure that the image is properly categorized on the wiki. Do not put this image in the cover gallery; rather, link to it in the cover file, using the <code>|artwork</code> parameter in the {{t|Cover}} infobox. The best way to name the cover art is to append "art" to the name of the cover file; for example "RoW BG cover art.jpg" for "RoW BG cover.jpg".
Similarly, don't use the names of the books or book parts in the summary - again, keep it in-universe.

=== Don't sweat it ===
=== Good examples ===
If you're unsure of what a gallery should look like, refer to any page in [[:Category:Cover Galleries]]. In particular, those should be helpful:

* [[Elantris/Covers]] for a typical gallery with multiple covers
Your History section doesn't have to be the world's most informative, most detailed or most elegant. A cursory history is better than no history. Don't worry about your grammar, or style, either. Again - a bad history beats no history. And if something doesn't feel right to you and you can't put a finger on it, leave it be for a while. This is a wiki; if someone has an issue with what you wrote, they can fix it themselves, and perhaps a fresh pair of eyes could figure out the problem you can't track down.
* [[Mistborn: The Final Empire/Covers]] for a gallery with multiple US covers
* [[Snapshot/Covers]] for a gallery with few covers

== Character galleries ==
If you feel like you're not quite sure what a good history should look like, check out some of those pages:
A gallery subpage '''must''' be linked on the character's page, at the top of the Appearance and Personality section; or, if the section is split in two, on top of the Appearance subsection. Such link should look like this:

<pre class=mw-code>
* [[Lift]]
{{for|/Gallery|more images}}
* [[Szeth]]

Once you follow the "/Gallery" redlink, insert the following template into the page:
=== Minor style guide ===

<pre class=mw-code>
Yes, your writing style isn't super important; nonetheless, there are a few things worth keeping in mind.
== Official artwork ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=150px caption="Official artwork">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|ARTIST}}</small></center> Description, SOURCE

== Portraits ==
* Use past tense. We're trying to make this the standard for all histories, so we'd appreciate it.
<gallery mode="packed" heights=150px caption="Portraits">
* If the section gets long, try to divide it into subsections. If you're not sure how, check other Histories to get some ideas.
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|ARTIST}}</small></center> Description
* If you're completing an already-started history, you don't have to match the level of detail of the already-done parts. Yes, it will look a little odd, but odds are, if the characters have more books to go, we might trim those over-detailed segments anyway. So, don't let articles like [[Adolin]] scare you.
* While you don't ''have'' to do this, it's nice to add some images every once in a while, especially if there's something fitting already on the Coppermind. No need to hunt down some artwork across the Internet if there's nothing you could put, though.
* If you want to add quotes, put them at the start of a subsection, or in a [[Template:Sidequote|sidequote]], not in the middle of the text. The sole exception to that are [[Knight Radiant]] Oaths; we generally quote them from the Second onwards at whatever point of the summary they happen.

==== Citations and you ====
== Scenes ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=200px caption="Scenes">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|ARTIST}}</small></center> Description

[[Category:Gallery Subpages]]
Whenever you write something, cite it. The citation you'll need the most is {{t|book ref|title|chapter number}}; when using it, replace <code>title</code> with the appropriate shorthand from [[Template:B|this page]]. For prologues, use {{t|book ref|title|prologue}}; for interludes, use {{t|book ref|title|i|interlude number}}. For something more unusual (like the prelude in ''[[The Way of Kings]]'', or the Ars Arcana), use <code>part=whatever</code> instead of the chapter number ("whatever" being, for example, <code>prelude</code> for the Stormlight Archive prelude, or <code>ars</code> for the Ars Arcana of all stripes).

Should you need to include some information from Brandon himself, what you want is {{t|wob ref|number}}. You can find any given WoB's number by clicking on its header in the [[Coppermind:Arcanum|Arcanum]] and checking the tail end of the URL address; copy the number without the "e" in front of it.

=== Official artwork ===
Where should you cite? As a rule of thumb, always put a citation at the end of a section where all information comes from the same source(s); you don't have to place it at the end of every single sentence if, say, you're writing three of them about the same chapter. However, should you decide to split information from one source into several paragraphs, always put a reference at the end of each paragraph -- though if you're citing several chapters in one paragraph, put them after the appropriate sentences, rather than clumping them all at the very end. Remember also to place citations ''after'' punctuation, and don't put any spaces between the punctuation mark and the reference.
The '''Official artwork''' category should contain all of the character's appearances on book covers, interior art, board game artwork and anything else that has the official stamp of approval from [[Dragonsteel Entertainment]]. In case of book covers, if you have both a cover and its cover art, put only the art in the gallery.

<code>SOURCE</code> should be where the artwork can be found in published materials. If there are many pieces of art from the same source or source type (for example, many covers featuring the character, or multiple ''[[Call to Adventure: Stormlight|Call to Adventure]]'' cards), create a second gallery in the same section, with the <code>caption</code> parameter naming the source.

=== Fanworks ===
Fanworks are divided into '''Portraits''' and '''Scenes'''. "Scenes" are moments depicting scenes from the books; "Portraits" is everything else. Scenes should always have a description, but Portraits do not have to; do not put "character name" or "Portrait" as the description. If there's nothing to say, don't say it.

If there are very few images of a character, merge the Portraits and Scenes sections into a single "Fanart" one. What constitues "few" is really your judgement call to make; if you feel like the division looks silly, or there's only one scene or portrait, it's time to merge.

=== Spren galleries ===
[[Spren]] present an additional complication in that they have several forms: the one they take in the [[Physical Realm]], the one they take in [[Shadesmar]], and when they're a [[Shardblade]]. If that case, you can still put official art in Official Artwork (though if there are too many depictions of the spren, you can divide it into two galleries - one for spren form, one for Shardblade form). For fanart, replace Portraits and Scenes with "As a spren" and "As a Shardblade" sections, and sort the images accordingly.

=== On artist attribution ===
You '''must''' always credit the artist of any piece of art you're adding to a character gallery. The only exception to this are book covers and other official material where you cannot find the artist; in case of fanart, however, if you do not know who did it, then you likely don't have the permission to use it, in which case it shouldn't be on the Coppermind in the first place.

When crediting the artist, one of three situations will occur:
* The artist has their page in the [[Coppermind:Artists]] namespace (for example, [[Coppermind:Artists/Shuravf]]). In this case, link to it using the {{t|a}} template (ex. <code><nowiki>{{a|Shuravf}}</nowiki></code>)
* The artist has their page in the main namespace (for example, [[Isaac Stewart]]); we're trying to parse this out, but it can still happen. Link them as you would a regular page.
* The artist does not have a Coppermind page (for example, Adam J. Marin); this typically happens for cover artists and ''[[Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive]]'' artists. If this is an official artist, you do not have to add a link; if this is a fanartist who doesn't have their page for whatever reason, link the name to the social media profile the image came from, then let a Keeper know that we're missing an artist page.

=== Good examples ===
If the above goes over your head, don't worry; this really comes with practice. You can always check these pages:

* [[Vin/Gallery]] for a gallery with a lot of official artwork
* [[Kaladin/Gallery]] for a gallery with a lot of artwork in general
* [[Raoden/Gallery]] for a gallery with little artwork
* [[Sylphrena/Gallery]] for a robust [[spren]] gallery
* [[Pattern/Gallery]] for a smaller spren gallery

== Location galleries ==
Location galleries will be fewer (people generally prefer to draw characters), but if there's enough images that you can't reasonably fit them on the page, it might be time for a gallery. Link it with the {{t|for}} template as you would for characters, on top of the section concerning the place's appearance or layout. The page itself will look like this:

<pre class=mw-code>
== Maps ==
<gallery mode=packed heights=200px caption="Maps">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|Artist}}</small></center> Description

== Scenery ==
<gallery mode=packed heights=200px caption="Official artwork">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|Artist}}</small></center> Description, from SOURCE

<gallery mode=packed heights=200px caption="Fanworks">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|Artist}}</small></center> Description

[[Category:Gallery Subpages]]

If there is no artwork in either of these categories, feel free to drop it. For Maps, sort them from the most general to most specific (feel free to drop the map of the whole planet, though). For Scenery, only add images where the scenery is a major part of the piece; [[Shallan]] walking on a piece of yellow ground should not go into the gallery of [[Shattered Plains]] artwork, for example. If you have to peer under the character's armpits and squint your eyes to catch a glimpse of the scenery, it also shouldn't be there. If there are multiple pieces showing the same aspect of the place, try grouping them together.

If you're unsure of what a good location gallery looks like, check:

* [[Shattered Plains/Gallery]]
* [[Shadesmar/Gallery]]

Latest revision as of 18:53, 19 August 2020


(current: Gallery guidelines?)

Say there is artwork on a page. Too much artwork. What do you do, then? Make a gallery subpage, of course. Such gallery subpages generally come in several flavors: cover galleries, character galleries, and location galleries. Cover galleries should be created if a book has more than one cover; character galleries -- if a character has more than four images (usually; if you're unsure, check with a Keeper); location galleries -- if there's no good way to insert all images into the page. This page is here to teach you how to do all of those.

This page concerns only the general creation of gallery subpages; for a minutiae of galleries, see Help:Images#Galleries. Also, keep in mind, those aren't be-all and end-all rules. The following outlines how things should generally be done, but if you feel like something is weird, or have an odd edge case, don't hesitate to bring it up, or modify the subpage (within reason).

Cover galleriesEdit

A book's cover gallery should be linked on the its main page, near the bottom (there is no set place for them, but they will generally be above the "See also" and "Statistical analysis" sections, but underneath "Summary"). Link it like this:

== Cover Gallery ==
{{for|/Covers|a cover gallery of BOOK}}

where BOOK is the full name of whatever book you're working on. Once you save the file, you should see a red link saying "/Covers". Click that to open the subpage, then copy and paste the basic template for all cover galleries:


This is a gallery for all known covers for ''[[BOOK]]''. For more information about each cover, including other editions and translations using the same art, check each file's individual page. 

<gallery widths=3000px heights=400px mode="packed">
FileName.extension | <center><small>Country</small></center> (Publisher)

[[Category:Cover Galleries]]

SERIES should be replaced with the series code from {{CoverToC}}; this will produce a navigation bar with all the books in the series this one belongs to, letting the reader quickly browse all of them. For standalone titles, you can delete this row.

In-between the gallery tags, put each cover in its own row. The US covers always come first; typically, the UK covers are next, followed by other countries, unsorted (feel free to order them by how much you like them). If one country has multiple covers, they should be next to each other, in chronological order. For publishers in countries that do not use Latin alphabet, copy their original name, then add / and follow with English translation or transliteration (for example, "প্রতিচ্ছবি প্রকাশনী / Protichhobi Prokashoni", or "重庆出版社 / Chongqing Publishing House").

On uploading coversEdit

Covers are uploaded the same way regular artwork is, via Special:Upload. In the summary box, copy the {{Cover}} template and fill in the blanks (you do not have to fill in all the blanks; refer to the template page for in-depth breakdown). It's best that the file be named BOOK COUNTRY cover.extension; for example, "RoW BG cover.jpg" for the Bulgarian cover of Rhythm of War. If there are multiple types of covers from one country, call the file BOOK COUNTRY TYPE cover.extension, for example "WoR HU Part 1 cover.jpg".

If you have a separate image of the cover artwork (i.e. the cover without the text), upload it as a regular image using {{art}} template, with |type={{cat tag|Books|Book}} cover and |official=y parameters. This will ensure that the image is properly categorized on the wiki. Do not put this image in the cover gallery; rather, link to it in the cover file, using the |artwork parameter in the {{Cover}} infobox. The best way to name the cover art is to append "art" to the name of the cover file; for example "RoW BG cover art.jpg" for "RoW BG cover.jpg".

Good examplesEdit

If you're unsure of what a gallery should look like, refer to any page in Category:Cover Galleries. In particular, those should be helpful:

Character galleriesEdit

A gallery subpage must be linked on the character's page, at the top of the Appearance and Personality section; or, if the section is split in two, on top of the Appearance subsection. Such link should look like this:

{{for|/Gallery|more images}}

Once you follow the "/Gallery" redlink, insert the following template into the page:

== Official artwork ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=150px caption="Official artwork">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|ARTIST}}</small></center> Description, SOURCE

== Portraits ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=150px caption="Portraits">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|ARTIST}}</small></center> Description

== Scenes ==
<gallery mode="packed" heights=200px caption="Scenes">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|ARTIST}}</small></center> Description

[[Category:Gallery Subpages]]

Official artworkEdit

The Official artwork category should contain all of the character's appearances on book covers, interior art, board game artwork and anything else that has the official stamp of approval from Dragonsteel Entertainment. In case of book covers, if you have both a cover and its cover art, put only the art in the gallery.

SOURCE should be where the artwork can be found in published materials. If there are many pieces of art from the same source or source type (for example, many covers featuring the character, or multiple Call to Adventure cards), create a second gallery in the same section, with the caption parameter naming the source.


Fanworks are divided into Portraits and Scenes. "Scenes" are moments depicting scenes from the books; "Portraits" is everything else. Scenes should always have a description, but Portraits do not have to; do not put "character name" or "Portrait" as the description. If there's nothing to say, don't say it.

If there are very few images of a character, merge the Portraits and Scenes sections into a single "Fanart" one. What constitues "few" is really your judgement call to make; if you feel like the division looks silly, or there's only one scene or portrait, it's time to merge.

Spren galleriesEdit

Spren present an additional complication in that they have several forms: the one they take in the Physical Realm, the one they take in Shadesmar, and when they're a Shardblade. If that case, you can still put official art in Official Artwork (though if there are too many depictions of the spren, you can divide it into two galleries - one for spren form, one for Shardblade form). For fanart, replace Portraits and Scenes with "As a spren" and "As a Shardblade" sections, and sort the images accordingly.

On artist attributionEdit

You must always credit the artist of any piece of art you're adding to a character gallery. The only exception to this are book covers and other official material where you cannot find the artist; in case of fanart, however, if you do not know who did it, then you likely don't have the permission to use it, in which case it shouldn't be on the Coppermind in the first place.

When crediting the artist, one of three situations will occur:

  • The artist has their page in the Coppermind:Artists namespace (for example, Coppermind:Artists/Shuravf). In this case, link to it using the {{a}} template (ex. {{a|Shuravf}})
  • The artist has their page in the main namespace (for example, Isaac Stewart); we're trying to parse this out, but it can still happen. Link them as you would a regular page.
  • The artist does not have a Coppermind page (for example, Adam J. Marin); this typically happens for cover artists and Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive artists. If this is an official artist, you do not have to add a link; if this is a fanartist who doesn't have their page for whatever reason, link the name to the social media profile the image came from, then let a Keeper know that we're missing an artist page.

Good examplesEdit

If the above goes over your head, don't worry; this really comes with practice. You can always check these pages:

Location galleriesEdit

Location galleries will be fewer (people generally prefer to draw characters), but if there's enough images that you can't reasonably fit them on the page, it might be time for a gallery. Link it with the {{for}} template as you would for characters, on top of the section concerning the place's appearance or layout. The page itself will look like this:

== Maps ==
<gallery mode=packed heights=200px caption="Maps">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|Artist}}</small></center> Description

== Scenery ==
<gallery mode=packed heights=200px caption="Official artwork">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|Artist}}</small></center> Description, from SOURCE

<gallery mode=packed heights=200px caption="Fanworks">
FileName.extension | <center><small>by {{a|Artist}}</small></center> Description

[[Category:Gallery Subpages]]

If there is no artwork in either of these categories, feel free to drop it. For Maps, sort them from the most general to most specific (feel free to drop the map of the whole planet, though). For Scenery, only add images where the scenery is a major part of the piece; Shallan walking on a piece of yellow ground should not go into the gallery of Shattered Plains artwork, for example. If you have to peer under the character's armpits and squint your eyes to catch a glimpse of the scenery, it also shouldn't be there. If there are multiple pieces showing the same aspect of the place, try grouping them together.

If you're unsure of what a good location gallery looks like, check: