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{{magic system
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|books=[[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]
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|Hemalurgy is a power about which I wish I knew far less.
|Hemalurgy is a power about which I wish I knew far less.
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'''Hemalurgy''' is one of the three prime manifestations of [[Investiture]] on [[Scadrial]]. The natives of that world consider it one of the three [[Metallic Arts]]. People who use Hemalurgic abilities are called '''Hemalurgists'''.{{wob ref|8050}}
'''Hemalurgy''' is one of the three prime manifestations of [[Investiture]] on [[Scadrial]]. The natives of that world consider it one of the three [[Metallic Arts]]. People who use Hemalurgic abilities are called '''Hemalurgists'''{{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=54}}{{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=79}}.

== Mechanics ==
== Use and Practice ==
Hemalurgy is the transfer of attributes, such as [[Allomancy]], [[Feruchemy]], or innate human strength via [[spiritweb]] theft and splicing. Hemalurgy can transfer almost any type of [[Investiture]].{{wob ref|3088}} In the [[Physical Realm]], a metallic spike is inserted into a bind point, such as the heart, in order to Hemalurgically charge it. The spike, now containing a fragment of stolen spiritweb, is then ripped out and embedded in the recipient, stapling the ability directly into their spiritual DNA (sDNA).{{wob ref|5552}} This causes wear and tear on the spiritweb, creating "holes" through which [[Shard]]s or a sufficiently powerful [[zinc|Rioter]] or [[brass|Soother]] can whisper to or even control a Hemalurgical subject.{{book ref|mb2|54}}{{wob ref|4961}}
Hemalurgy is the transfer of attributes, such as [[Allomancy]], [[Feruchemy]], or innate human strength via [[Spiritweb]] theft and splicing. In the [[Physical Realm]], a metallic spike is inserted into a bind point, such as the heart, in order to Hemalurgically charge it. The spike, now containing a fragment of stolen Spiritweb, is then ripped out and embedded in the recipient, stapling the ability directly into their spiritual DNA (sDNA). This causes wear and tear on the Spiritweb, creating "holes" through which Ruin or a sufficiently powerful [[zinc|Rioter]] or [[brass|Soother]] can whisper to or even control a Hemalurgical subject. Hemalurgy is named for a quirk in bind point placement: due to the interaction between the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] and Physical Realms, the spike must come in contact with moving blood in order to remove or add an attribute. Intent is important, but the way Hemalurgy interacts with the [[Cognitive Realm]], if it does so at all, is unknown.

Since Hemalurgy involves the transfer of Investiture from one person to another, if the donor is killed, they will enter the Cognitive Realm in a damaged state and leave faster. Likewise, if a recipient dies, they will take longer to leave, since they are more invested.{{wob ref|date=2016-12-6|1528|Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing}}
Hemalurgy is named for a quirk in bind point placement: due to the interaction between the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] and Physical Realms, the spike must come in contact with moving blood in order to remove or add an attribute.{{book ref|mb3|42}}{{wob ref|1265}}{{wob ref|2801}} A spike can be charged if the Hemalurgist stabs the donor with the spike or if it is thrown at them, as long as there is [[Intention|Intent]] and it hits the right bind point. Because of this, spike darts or spike guns would be Hemalurgically viable.{{wob ref|12677}}

Creating a Hemalurgic charge requires physical injury, but death is not a requirement to charge the spike.{{qa ref|689|28}} This would leave the donor in a similar spiritual condition to a [[Drab]], but in a worse condition.{{qa ref|979|89}}{{tweet ref|695365263240212480}}
Hemalurgy can be used anywhere in the [[cosmere]],{{au ref|Scadrian}}{{wob ref|12018}}{{wob ref|5537}} as long as there is an Intent to create a Hemalurgic spike,{{wob ref|6312}} and it has indeed shown up at least once on a different planet, though in a subtle way.{{wob ref|1716}} Hemalurgy can also steal attributes from other forms of Investiture.{{wob ref|1190}} Hemalurgy can be used on animals{{wob ref|6095}} but not on plants.{{wob ref|8173}}
However, this is contradicted by a quote from [[Harmony]], in ''The Hero of Ages'':

For some reason, Hemalurgic spikes don't cause infections.{{wob ref|8273}}
| Hemalurgy, it is called, because of the connection to blood. It is not a coincidence, I believe, that death is '''always''' involved in the transfer of powers via Hemalurgy. [[Marsh]] once described it as a “messy” process. Not the adjective I would have chosen. It’s not disturbing enough.

| Harmony{{book ref|mb3|13}}
=== Stealing of Attributes ===
Since Hemalurgy involves the transfer of Investiture from one person to another, if the donor is killed, they will enter the Cognitive Realm in a damaged state and be pulled to the [[Beyond]] faster. Likewise, if a recipient dies, they will take longer to leave, since they are more Invested.{{wob ref|1528}}

Creating a Hemalurgic charge requires physical injury, and generally results in the death of the victim.{{epigraph ref|mb3|13}} It is possible, however, to charge a spike without killing the target,{{wob ref|10048}}{{book ref|mb7|47}} in which case they would be left in a similar spiritual condition to a [[Drab]], but in a worse condition.{{wob ref|4084}}{{wob ref|12097}} In order to charge a spike without killing the victim, one must have the proper Intent, a very thin spike, and to speak a [[Command]] (although this step is not strictly necessary). It apparently requires the needle be threaded carefully through the flesh, as to not strike organs. Doing this leaves the victim with a small portion of their spiritweb torn off, but leaves them alive. This also allows one to collect Investiture from non-Allomancers.{{book ref|mb7|47}}

It is not thought to be possible for multiple attributes to be stolen from the same person.{{wob ref|9463}} However, a single spike can take the same attribute from multiple people.{{book ref|mb7|47}}

=== Receiving of Attributes ===
There is a maximum number of spikes a person can have before causing issues of mental and/or physical limitations.{{book ref|mb7|part=ars}}{{wob ref|11327}} The number of spikes a person can take has been reduced since Ruin was merged with Preservation. If too many spikes are added, the soul stops gaining powers. [[Compounding]] is also inaccessible, under normal methods, to any Hemalurgist made after the Shards merged.{{book ref|mb7|28}}{{book ref|mb7|part=ars}} There are ways to bypass this limitation, but said ways are currently unknown. This relates to the nature of Ruin's subservience to Preservation in the current dual vessel of Harmony and something known as "Identity contamination".{{book ref|mb7|28}}{{book ref|mb7|part=ars}}

This was likely done without a conscious decision by Harmony, and more of a byproduct of Ruin no longer pushing on the fabric of Scadrial.{{book ref|mb7|part=ars}}

=== Law of Hemalurgic Decay ===
After the spike pierces through the initial person and is Hemalurgically charged, the '''Law of Hemalurgic Decay''' states that the spike loses some of its potency.{{epigraph ref|mb3|36}} The longer a spike is outside a body, the weaker it becomes, and a spike will lose most of the power it can lose on the first day outside of a body.{{book ref|mb3|34}}{{wob ref|16299}} Thus, when the [[Steel Ministry]] created an [[Inquisitor]], the spikes were driven directly through a victim into the bindpoint of the Inquisitor below to minimize the spike's time spent outside of a person.{{book ref|mb3|prologue}} Additionally, spikes which are physically broken into several pieces will split the charge into the broken pieces, and more Hemalurgic power will be lost when spikes are split.{{wob ref|4618}}

Despite the decay, a spike will never completely lose its charge.{{wob ref|9534}}{{wob ref|16299}} As a spike loses its charge, the stolen soul will move on to the Beyond.{{wob ref|16198}}

==== Reduction of Hemalurgic Decay ====
Coating a spike with blood can reduce the Hemalurgic decay significantly. It is unknown how much blood is necessary to make that effect happen;{{book ref|mb5|6}} however, the blood does not need to be fresh nor separated from a body, with cuts of meat large enough to contain the spike also sufficing to reduce decay. This works by 'tricking' the spike into believing that it is buried in a body.{{wob ref|14902}} It is possible that encasing spikes in [[aluminum]] may prevent decay.{{wob ref|5060}}

Eventually, Arcanists discovered a way to completely avoid Hemalurgic decay outside of the body.{{book ref|mb7|part=ars}}{{wob ref|16192}} However, there is still an amount of Investiture lost during the creation of the spike.{{wob ref|16192}} The exact method behind this is unknown.

== Side Effects of Hemalurgy ==
When an Allomancer can sense Allomantic pulses through a [[Copper|coppercloud]] (known as piercing a coppercloud), it is most often due to a Hemalurgic spike. It's simply a matter of Allomantic strength to pierce copperclouds, so if a [[Bronze|Seeker]] has a spike charged with Allomantic bronze, that essentially makes them twice as powerful, allowing them to overpower a coppercloud.

Hemalurgy is a destructive art that twists the body into something almost inhuman (particularly if the spike stole an attribute which is neither Allomantic nor Feruchemical). This twisting is how Inquisitors survive with spikes through their eyes and other vital places, and explains the physical deformation of the koloss.{{epigraph ref|mb3|41}} In the case of Inquisitors, it is known that their heart is in a different place and their brain is shaped around their eye-spikes. Extracting the spikes of an Inquisitor at such important places inverts the transformation, causing their death.{{book ref|mb1|38}} The more spikes a person has, the higher the chance that there could be issues of mental or physical limitations, and the greater the degree of strain upon the body and soul.{{book ref|mb7|part=ars}}{{wob ref|11327}} Additionally, any children produced by someone with a large number of Hemalurgic spikes, such as an Inquisitor, are likely to encounter complications, although they will also have a higher chance of being an Allomancer.{{wob ref|4148}}

Hemalurgy was not specifically created by [[Ruin]] but rather arose from the interactions between Preservation, Ruin, and Scadrial itself.{{wob ref|5269}} This Metallic Art has an inherent flaw: each spike creates holes in the mind, making individuals who have received spikes easier to manipulate. This damage to the soul also repulses [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] [[spren]].{{wob ref|4961}} The influence of Ruin and presumably emotional Allomancers can be reduced by aluminum.{{wob ref|14926}}

Damage done to a person's spiritweb by Hemalurgy will have implications for said person during the transition period between physical death and passing into the Beyond. These effects are lessened after they pass to the Beyond.{{wob ref|7232}}

Some binding oaths and vows will be stolen as well.{{wob ref|16291}}

After the spike pierces through the initial person and is Hemalurgically charged, the '''Law of Hemalurgic Decay''' states that the spike loses some of its potency.{{epigraph ref|mb3|36}} The longer a spike is outside a body, the weaker it becomes. Thus, when the [[Steel Ministry]] created an [[Inquisitor]], the spikes were outside of a person for as little time as possible. Additionally, spikes which are physically broken into several pieces will split the charge into the broken pieces, and more Hemalurgic power will be lost when spikes are split.{{qa ref|590|28}}
=== Hemalurgic Control ===
Due to the tear on the spiritweb creating "holes" in the recipient, they are left vulnerable to being manipulated by others. This includes [[Shard]]s, a sufficiently powerful [[zinc|Rioter]] or [[brass|Soother]],{{wob ref|2797}} or a [[duralumin|Connector]] [[Compounding|Compounder]].{{wob ref|10524}}

Coating a spike with blood can reduce the Hemalurgic decay significantly similar to having it placed inside a body. It is unknown how much blood is necessary to make that effect happen or, for how long blood will maintain this effect before needing to be renewed with a fresh batch.{{book ref|mb5|6}}
The level of control can range from whispers to full control.{{book ref|mb2|54}}{{wob ref|4961}} The control is exerted in the form of mental pressure, which changes the way the mind thinks, tricking the creature into doing exactly what they want.{{wob ref|8050}} Those in control are able to sense where the creature is, and must concentrate for direct orders. Otherwise, they will follow general orders.{{book ref|mb3|15}} Multiple Hemalurgic creatures can be controlled at once.{{book ref|mb3|37}}

It is currently thought not possible in-world for multiple attributes to be stolen from the same person.{{wob ref|date=2018-3-20|9463|General Signed Books 2018}}
The more spikes a creature has, the easier it is to take control.{{epigraph ref|mb3|67}} At least four spikes are needed before [[Harmony]] can take control of humans, but there are ways around this.{{book ref|mb7|25}} A kandra with one spike cannot be controlled by Ruin or Harmony.{{book ref|mb5|7}} Harmony can theoretically influence off-planet Hemalurgists, but Shards on those planets and other forms of interference can muddy this.{{wob ref|16371}}

Hemalurgy can be used anywhere in the [[Cosmere]]{{qa ref|691|27|Can Hemalurgy be used to steal magic attributes from any Shardworld?|date=may 2010}}, as long there is an Intent to create a Hemalurgic spike, and it has indeed shown up at least once on a different Shardworld, though in a subtle way.{{wob ref|date=2016-11-22|1716|Arcanum Unbounded release party}} Hemalurgy can also steal attributes from other forms of Investiture.{{qa ref|977|120|Hemalurgy crosses magic systems|date=23 September 2012}} Hemalurgy can be used on animals{{qa ref|727|64}}, however it can't be used on plants.{{url ref|url=http://faq.brandonsanderson.com/node/164|text=FAQ, Would Hemalurgy work on plants or animals?|date=N/A|site=[[Brandon]]'s website faq}}
Hemalurgic creatures can fight the control with mental fortitude.{{book ref|mb3|8}}{{book ref|mb3|72}}{{wob ref|5441}}{{wob ref|5597}} They are easier to subdue when they are feeling strong emotions.{{epigraph ref|mb3|67}} [[Sliver]]s are more resistant to being controlled.{{wob ref|15356}} The control of Hemalurgic creatures can be stolen by others, particularly if they are stronger.{{book ref|mb3|65}} When stolen, those in control will feel a powerful ripping sensation.

For some reason, Hemalurgic spikes don't cause infections.{{wob ref|date=2017-11-13|8273|Oathbringer release party}}
For emotional Allomancy, once controlled, the Soothing or Rioting is no longer required.{{book ref|mb6|5}} The control will last even while the Allomancer is sleeping or out of metals. This can be achieved by a single [[Allomancy|Mistborn]] or Hemalurgist burning [[duralumin]] and brass/zinc together, a combination of a [[nicrosil|Nicroburst]] and a Soother/Rioter, or a group of Soothers and/or Rioters working together, though in the early days of [[Final Empire]], when Allomancy was much more powerful, a single Soother or Rioter was able to do it.{{book ref|mb2|54}}{{book ref|mb3|3}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|21}}

== Hemalurgic Constructs ==
== Hemalurgic Constructs ==
{{image|Koloss.jpg|width=200px|side=right|Two koloss, one of the types of Hemalurgic constructs}}
[[File:Koloss.jpg|200px|thumb|right|A koloss, one of the types of Hemalurgic constructs]]
Any Hemalurgy warps the Spiritweb, but physical change is required for a subject to be classified as a Hemalurgic Construct.
Four types of Hemalugic Construct are known on Scadrial

* [[Steel Inquisitor]] are former humans with nine to eleven spikes, each charged with an Allomantic or Feruchemical power. Their characteristic eye-spikes give them enough Allomantic [[Iron]]/[[Steel]] to "see" in lieu of eyes. A linchpin spike, placed in the lower back, is required to hold their fraying spiritwebs together; removal results in death. An Inquisitor's tattoos signify the initial Allomantic ability they had as a human. The Steel Ministry prefers Seekers, [[bronze]] [[misting]]s, as their natural ability stacks with Allomantic bronze given by the spikes and results in Seekers strong enough to pierce [[Coppercloud]]s.
I guess what I’m saying is that you shouldn’t experiment too much with this aspect of Hemalurgy. It’s basically useless; there are a million ways to mess up for every one way there is to get a good result. Stick to transferring powers and you’ll be better off. Trust me.
| [[Spook]]{{book ref|mb6|6}}

Any Hemalurgy warps the spiritweb, but physical change is required for a subject to be classified as a Hemalurgic Construct.
Four types of Hemalugic Construct are known on Scadrial:

* [[Koloss]] are brutish monstrous beings, are created with four iron spikes, each charged with human strength. They lose their intelligence, but gain immense strength. They continue to grow until they die. After the [[Final Ascension]] Harmony changed them into a breeding race.{{qa ref|1097|8|Koloss reproduce naturally|date=6 December 2014}}
* [[Steel Inquisitor]]s are former humans with nine to eleven spikes, each charged with an Allomantic or Feruchemical power. Their characteristic eye-spikes grant them Allomantic [[iron]] and [[steel]] to "see" in lieu of eyes. A linchpin spike, placed in the upper back between the shoulder blades, holds their fraying [[spiritweb]]s together; removal results in death. Mistborn and [[Seeker]]s are preferred candidates to become Inquisitors, due to their ability stacking with spikes granting Allomantic bronze, allowing Inquisitors to pierce [[Coppercloud]]s.{{book ref|mb3|37}}{{book ref|mb3|45}}

* [[Koloss]] are brutish, monstrous beings created with four iron spikes, each charged with human strength. They lose their intelligence, but gain immense strength. They continue to grow until they die. After the [[Final Ascension]] Harmony changed them into a breeding race.{{wob ref|1381}}
* [[Kandra]] are former [[Mistwraith]] given sapience by two spikes, both charged with the same human attribute. To the Kandra this is known as a [[Blessing]]. It is possible for a [[Kandra]] to have sapience with only one spike.{{book ref|mb5|21}}

* [[Hemalurgic chimera|Chimeras]] were creatures created by [[Paalm]] to stall [[Waxillium Ladrian]] and were created with a single spike, charged with an unknown attribute. They were quadrupedal, with long fingers. The joints at the elbows and knees bent the wrong way. Their eyes were pure black, and their faces were twisted from human features into features more resembling canines. Their skulls were thicker than those of normal humans. The spike was made from a [[Trellium|metal]] not known to Harmony.{{book ref|mb5|21}}{{qa ref|1160|43}}
* [[Kandra]] are former [[Mistwraith]]s given sapience by two spikes, both charged with the same human attribute. To the Kandra this is known as a [[Blessing]]. It is possible for a [[Kandra]] to have sapience with only one spike, although their behavior will be more erratic as a result.{{book ref|mb5|21}}

The more spikes an entity has, the more their form and body can be changed.{{qa ref|675|22}}
* [[Hemalurgic chimera|Chimeras]] are former humans, and are created with a single [[Trellium|Trellium]] spike, charged with an unknown attribute.{{book ref|mb5|21}} Their single spike makes them invulnerable to [[Harmony]]'s control, which requires two. They are quadrupedal, and their features have been twisted in such a way that they now more closely resemble canines, in addition to having thicker skulls to resist modern firearms.{{wob ref|6303}}{{book ref|mb5|21}}{{wob ref|6300}} The Set has developed a strain of Chimera with two spikes rather than one.{{book ref|mb7|53}} This strain is informally known as "Metal Mutants".{{book ref|mb7|56}}

== Hemalurgic Properties of Metals ==
== Hemalurgic Properties of Metals ==
{{for|Metallic Arts|a table of all magical properties of the metals}}
{{for|Metallic Arts|a table of all magical properties of the metals}}
;[[Iron]]: Steals human strength

;[[Steel]]: Steals Allomantic Physical Powers
;[[Tin]]: Steals human senses

;[[Pewter]]: Steals Feruchemical Physical powers

;[[Zinc]]: Steals human emotional stability and fortitude
{| width=80% class=infobox style='text-align:center!;' align=center
;[[Brass]]: Steals Feruchemical Mental powers
! class=title colspan=3 style='background-color:#bbf;' | God Metals{{file ref|Hemalurgy_table.jpg|Table of Hemalurgic Metals}}
;[[Copper]]: Steals intelligence and memory{{book ref|mag|10}}
;[[Bronze]]: Steals Allomantic Mental powers
;[[Aluminum]]: Steals Allomantic Enhancement powers{{book ref|mb3|part=ars}}
;[[Atium]]: Steals any attribute, whether it be Allomancy, Feruchemy, or human{{qa ref|428|82}}
;[[Trellium|Unknown metal]]: A metal capable of stealing many attributes including Allomancy and Feruchemy. It is able to grant a Kandra Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities.
| '''[[Atium]]'''
| [[Ruin]]
| Steals any power. Must be refined.
| '''[[Malatium]]'''
| [[Ruin]]
| Unknown
| '''[[Lerasium]]'''
| [[Preservation]]
| Steals all abilities
| '''[[Harmonium]]'''
| [[Harmony]]
| Unknown
| '''[[Trellium]]'''
| [[Autonomy]]
| Unknown
| '''[[Raysium]]'''
| [[Odium]]
| Unknown

== Bind Points ==
== Bind Points ==
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| For all that it disgusts me, I cannot help but be impressed by Hemalurgy as an art. In Allomancy and Feruchemy, skill and subtlety come through the application of one's powers. The best Allomancer might not be the most powerful, but instead the one who can best manipulate the Pushes and Pulls of metals. The best Feruchemist is the one who is most capable of sorting the information in his [[coppermind]]s, or best able to manipulate his weight with iron.
|For all that it disgusts me, I cannot help but be impressed by Hemalurgy as an art. In Allomancy and Feruchemy, skill and subtlety come through the application of one's powers. The best Allomancer might not be the most powerful, but instead the one who can best manipulate the Pushes and Pulls of metals. The best Feruchemist is the one who is most capable of sorting the information in his [[coppermind]]s, or best able to manipulate his weight with iron.
The art that is unique to Hemalurgy, however, is the knowledge of where to place the spikes.</br>
The art that is unique to Hemalurgy, however, is the knowledge of where to place the spikes.
| The [[Hero of Ages]]{{epigraph ref|mb3|43}}
|The [[Hero of Ages]]{{epigraph ref|mb3|43}}

The points which can be used for Hemalurgy are known as "bind points" and there are between 200 and 300 in the human body with different points being useful for distinct sets of effects.{{book ref|mb3|42}} Seeing into the Spiritual Realm, perhaps by burning atium, helps with placing spikes.{{wob ref|545}}
The points which can be used for Hemalurgy are known as "Bind points" and there are between 200 and 300 in the human body which can be pierced depending on the effect needed.{{book ref|mb3|42}}

Another important aspect of Hemalurgy is spike location. The spike must be placed in certain locations on the human body in order to steal a power or attribute, and then placed in another point on the recipient to tap into their spiritweb. Most common attributes are stolen through the heart. If a spike is placed in the wrong location it can have unforeseen effects, such as killing the recipient, granting the wrong power, or possibly not granting any power at all.{{wob ref|12283}} Beyond that, bind points may function differently if the victim has a sufficiently altered spiritweb.{{wob ref|16322}}
Another important aspect of Hemalurgy is spike location. The spike must be placed in certain locations on the human body in order to steal a power or attribute, and then placed in another point on the recipient to tap into their Spiritweb. Most commonly attributes are stolen through the heart. If a spike is placed in the wrong location it can have unforeseen effects, such as killing the recipient or possibly not granting any power at all.

{| class=infobox width=100%
There are other ways to use spikes than to place them in bind points.{{wob ref|3529}}
{{row|Bind Point|Spike Types|Hemalurgic Effect|pre=!}}

{| class="infobox sortable" width=100%
{{row|Bind Point|Spike Material|Hemalurgic Effect|Seen in|pre=!}}
{{row|Interscapular Space|Varies. Also known as a linchpin spike.|Unknown; binds other spikes together to keep the receiver alive|Normal Inquisitors{{book ref|mb3|5}}}}
{{row|Left Eyesocket|[[Steel#Hemalurgic Use|Steel]]|Unconfirmed, likely [[Steel#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Steel]] and/or [[Iron#Allomantic Use|Iron]]|Normal Inquisitors{{book ref|mb3|5}}}}
#Allomantic Copper
{{row|Right Eyesocket|[[Steel#Hemalurgic Use|Steel]]|Unconfirmed, likely [[Steel#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Steel]] and/or [[Iron#Allomantic Use|Iron]]|Normal Inquisitors,{{book ref|mb3|5}} [[Kelsier]]{{book ref|mb7|40}}}}
#Feruchemical Steel}}
{{row|Between Ribs|[[Steel#Hemalurgic Use|Steel]]|Unconfirmed, likely [[Pewter#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Pewter]] and/or [[Tin#Allomantic Use|Tin]]|Normal Inquisitors{{book ref|mb3|5}}}}
{{row|Sternum|Steel|Allomantic Steel}}
{{row|Between Ribs|[[Bronze#Hemalurgic Use|Bronze]]|[[Brass#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Brass]], [[Zinc#Allomantic Use|Zinc]], [[Copper#Allomantic Use|Copper]], and [[Bronze#Allomantic Use|Bronze]]|Normal Inquisitors{{book ref|mb3|5}}}}
{{row|Eyesocket|Steel|Unconfirmed, likely Allomantic Steel and Iron}}
{{row|Between Ribs|[[Electrum#Hemalurgic Use|Electrum]]|[[Duralumin#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Duralumin]]|[[Wax]]{{book ref|mb7|69}}}}
{{row|Earlobe|Bronze|Allomantic Bronze}}
{{row|Between Ribs|[[Gold#Hemalurgic Use|Gold]]|[[Gold#Feruchemical Use|Feruchemical Gold]]|Normal Inquisitors{{ref|text=The early editions of the books said Feruchemical healing was granted by pewter spikes,{{epigraph ref|mb3|36}} even though the hemalurgy table says pewter spikes only give Physical Feruchemical abilities.{{file ref|Hemalurgy_table.jpg|Table of Hemalurgic Metals}} And the early editions didn't mention the health spike in The Hero of Ages chapter 5.{{book ref|mb3|5}} Later editions of the books changed that to a gold spike in both places.}}}}
{{row|Between Ribs|
{{row|Chest{{book ref|mb1|Epilogue}}|[[Atium#Hemalurgic Use|Atium]]|[[Atium#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Atium]]|Normal Inquisitors{{book ref|mb1|34}}}}
{{row|Heart|[[Pewter#Hemalurgic Use|Pewter]]|[[Steel#Feruchemical Use|Feruchemical Steel]]|The Inquisitor at Vetitan{{book ref|mb3|5}}}}
{{row|Heart|[[Bronze#Hemalurgic Use|Bronze]]|[[Copper#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Copper]]|[[Penrod]]{{book ref|mb3|34}}}}
{{row|Sternum|[[Steel#Hemalurgic Use|Steel]]|[[Steel#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Steel]]|[[Zane]]}}
#Unconfirmed, likely Allomantic Pewter and Tin
{{row|Earlobe|[[Bronze#Hemalurgic Use|Bronze]]|[[Bronze#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Bronze]]|[[Vin]]}}
#Allomantic Brass, Zinc, Copper, and Bronze}}
{{row|Upper Arm|[[Bronze#Hemalurgic Use|Bronze]]|[[Bronze#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Bronze]]|[[Quellion]]}}
{{row|Shoulders|[[Steel#Hemalurgic Use|Steel]]|[[Pewter#Allomantic Use|Allomantic Pewter]]|[[Spook]]}}
# Steel
{{row|Shoulders|[[Iron#Hemalurgic Use|Iron]]|[[Blessing of Potency]]|[[Kandra]] (Note, however, that [[Kandra]] do not consistently have shoulders)}}
# Iron, Tin, Zinc, & Copper
{{row|Shoulders|[[Tin#Hemalurgic Use|Tin]]|[[Blessing of Awareness]]|[[Kandra]] (Note, however, that [[Kandra]] do not consistently have shoulders)}}
{{row|Shoulders|[[Zinc#Hemalurgic Use|Zinc]]|[[Blessing of Presence]]|[[Kandra]] (Note, however, that [[Kandra]] do not consistently have shoulders)}}
# Pewter Allomancy
{{row|Shoulders|[[Copper#Hemalurgic Use|Copper]]|[[Blessing of Stability]]|[[Kandra]] (Note, however, that [[Kandra]] do not consistently have shoulders)}}
# Kandra Blessings}}
{{row|Upper Arm|Bronze|Allomantic Bronze}}
{{row|Between Shoulder Blades|Spike type varies. It is also known as a linchpin spike.|Unknown; binds other spikes together to keep the receiver alive}}

== Other Uses ==
== Side Effects of Hemalurgy ==
When an Allomancer can sense Allomantic pulses through a coppercloud (known as piercing a coppercloud), it is most usually due to a Hemalurgic spike. It's simply a matter of Allomantic strength to pierce copperclouds, so if a Seeker has a spike charged with Allomantic bronze, that essentially makes them twice as powerful, allowing them to overpower a coppercloud.
| I maintain, however, that the one of these with the largest potential impact on the cosmere is Hemalurgy. Usable by anyone with the right knowledge, this dangerous creation has proven able to warp souls regardless of planet or Investiture, creating false Connections that no Shard designed or intended.
| [[Khriss]] discussing Hemalurgy{{au ref|Scadrian}}
=== Allomancy and Feruchemy ===
Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities granted with Hemalurgy cannot be inherited.{{wob ref|12073}}

Hemalurgy is a destructive art. It twists the body into something almost inhuman. This twisting is how Inquisitors survive with spikes through their eyes and other vital places, and explains the physical deformation of the Koloss. In the case of the Inquisitors, it is known that their heart is in a different place and their brain is shaped around their eyes' spikes. Extracting the spikes of an inquisitor at such important places would invert the transformation, causing his death.
If an Allomancer attempted to burn a Hemalurgic spike, the Allomancer's spiritual DNA would be spliced to that of the person's contained in the spike. The consequences of this are as of yet unknown.{{wob ref|4616}}

Ruin constructed Hemalurgy with a flaw: each spike creates holes in the mind, making them easier to manipulate. Through powerful emotional Allomancy, one can Push or Pull on a spiked creature's emotions so hard that they literally come under the Allomancer's control. Indeed, the spikes in the koloss were what allowed the Lord Ruler to control them. Kandra also can be controlled in this way, but as Allomancers decreased in power, this knowledge was forgotten.
Allomancers cannot burn Hemalurgic spikes that have extracted powers from others; they would only be able to burn a spike that was used to steal power from them.{{wob ref|4413}}

== Other Uses ==
An atium spike granting Allomantic atium could be briefly burned by the recipient.{{wob ref|11493}}
=== Allomancy and Feruchemy ===
If an Allomancer attempted to burn a Hemalurgic spike, the Allomancer's spiritual DNA would be spliced to that of the person's contained in the spike. The consequences of this are as of yet unknown.{{qa ref|590|26}}

The same piece of metal can be Hemalurgically and Feruchemically charged at the same time.{{wob ref|4617}}
The same piece of metal can be Hemalurgically and Feruchemically charged at the same time.{{qa ref|590|27}}

When a Feruchemical ability is stolen, the spike's recipient is able to access any metalminds created by the donor.{{wob ref|872}} If that spike was split into two pieces and given to two different people, they would both be able to access their donor's metalminds but not those made by the other person, due to the recipients' own identities "muddying" the metalminds' keying.{{wob ref|872}}
When a Feruchemical ability is stolen, the spike's recipient is able to access any metalminds created by the donor.{{reddit ref|fantasy|3va8fw|cxqvkrw}} If that spike was split into two pieces and given to two different people, they would both be able to access their donor's metalminds but not those made by the other person, due to the recipients' own identities "muddying" the metalminds' keying.{{wob ref|date=2015-12-3|872|Worldbuilders AMA}}

=== Cognitive Shadows ===
Hemalurgy is able to hold a [[Cognitive Shadow]] to a body in the [[Physical Realm]] by spiking them through the right eye socket.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|4}} This also grants iron/steel sight for the spiked eye.{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}}

=== Elantrians ===
=== Elantrians ===
More could be taken from an [[Elantrian]] than most other beings.{{wob ref|6218}} Reod Elantrians can also be spiked. Two spikes would be required to steal an Elantrian's powers, with one spike stealing the powers and the other spike stealing the Elantrian's [[Connection]] to [[Sel]].{{wob ref|1361}}
More could be taken from an Elantrian than most other beings.{{17s ref|post|336723}}

=== Forgery ===
It is possible to steal Investiture a [[Forger]] has given someone (e.g. if a Forger made someone an Allomancer, a Hemalurgist could steal that ability and become an Allomancer without needing the [[soulstamp]]).{{wob ref|1560}}

=== Awakening ===
=== Awakening ===
It is possible for a spike to be [[Awakening|Awakened]], but it would be more difficult than Awakening metal without a Hemalurgic charge.{{wob ref|1803}} It is theoretically possible to spike a [[Lifeless]], if "there was enough of the soul left for the spike to take".{{wob ref|2863}} Hemalurgy can also be used to spike a [[divine Breath]] from a [[Returned]],{{wob ref|11389}} and the recipient would not need to consume a Breath a week.{{wob ref|14149}} Normal Breaths can be stolen using a nicrosil spike.{{wob ref|14896}}
It is possible for a spike to be awakened, but it would be more difficult than awakening metal without a Hemalurgic charge.{{17s ref|post|337201}}

It is theoretically possible to spike a [[Lifeless]], if "there was enough of the soul left for the spike to take".{{wob ref|date=2014-8-4|2863|London signing}}
=== Surgebinding ===
It is possible to steal [[Surgebinding]], but it is more difficult compared to other Investitures due to the [[Nahel bond]].{{wob ref|779}} Since a [[spren]] still has autonomy over the bond,{{wob ref|12562}} they can break the bond and the Hemalurgist could immediately lose the power.{{wob ref|12931}} A Hemalurgist can also spike spren{{wob ref|4359}}{{wob ref|9493}} and spike the Nahel bond from the spren.{{wob ref|10366}} Doing so would have weird ramifications.{{wob ref|5188}} In order to effectively steal Surgebinding, the Hemalurgist would need to spike both the Surgebinder and the spren.{{wob ref|3347}}

=== Shardblades ===
== Notes ==
It is possible to steal a dead [[Shardblade]], although Hemalurgic decay would lengthen the summoning time.{{wob ref|10696}}

{{17s ref|post|336723|text=Hemalurgic spikes would do very strange things to Elantrians.|date=Oct 8th, 2015}}
=== Old Magic ===
{{17s ref|post|337201|text=Can a hemalurgic spike be awakened, and if so would it be able to use its powers?|date=Oct 9th, 2015}}
It is possible to remove a boon and curse granted to someone else from the [[Old Magic]]. It is also possible, though much more difficult, to separate the boon and curse.{{wob ref|10445}}
{{17s ref|post|340620|text=The Hemalurgic constructs Wax and TenSoon fought don't have an official name. He's been thinking of them as Hemalurgic chimaeras.|date=Oct 13th 2015}}

{{qa ref|428|82|Why does Atium steal temporal powers?|date=Jul, 2009}}
=== Singers ===
{{qa ref|590|26|Burning a Hemalurgic spike would have the effect of splicing your spiritual DNA to that of the person's that is in the spike|date=10 January 2011}}
Hemalurgy can be used to replicate the transformation of a [[singer]]s Forms.{{wob ref|3471}} It can also be used to spike the ability to grow a [[gemheart]].{{wob ref|11387}}
{{qa ref|590|27|Can you both Feruchemically charge and Hemalurgically invest in the same piece of metal?|date=10 January 2011}}
{{qa ref|590|28|Hemalurgic power can be split among multiple spikes and reforged|date=10 January 2011}}
{{qa ref|675|22|More spikes are capable of changing form and body more|date=15 December 2011}}
{{qa ref|689|28|A spike does require you to rip pieces of a soul from the victim, but that does not mean they must die.|date=10 January 2011}}
{{qa ref|727|64|Would Hemalurgy work on animals?|date=October 2008}}
{{qa ref|979|89|I remember reading you answer earlier that a person being used to charge a hemalurgic spike does not necessarily have to die. Would that victim be similar to a Drab from Warbreaker?|date=15 April 2013}}
{{qa ref|1160|43|Paalm's spikes are made of a metal unknown to Harmony|date=Oct 12 2015}}

{{reddit ref|fantasy|3va8fw|cxqvkrw|text=If someone used Hemalurgy to take someone's Feruchemical abilities would they be able to use that person's personal metalminds?|date=Dec 8th, 2015}}
=== Dawnshards ===
Dawnshards, even Dawnshards without any other Invesiture, protect themselves, so a Hemalurgist attempting to steal a Dawnshard would have "a very bad time."{{wob ref|15937}}

{{tweet ref|695365263240212480|It IS possible to spike someone without killing them. But they'd never be the same. It would be worse than being a drab.|date=Feb 4th, 2016}}
=== Resonances and Savantism ===
Hemalurgically granted abilities will not create [[resonance]]s most of the time, though a person can still become a [[savant]] with them.{{wob ref|12024}} The extra abilities gained by a savant cannot be transferred through Hemalurgy.{{wob ref|6816}}

== Notable Hemalurgists ==
{{for|:Category:Hemalurgists|a full list|here}}
*[[Miles Dagouter]]
*[[Zane Venture]]
*[[Telsin Ladrian]]
*[[Edwarn Ladrian]]
*[[Waxillium Ladrian]]

== Trivia ==
* People using Hemalurgy have been to [[Roshar]] and have likely been seen "on screen" in [[The Stormlight Archive]]. However, their identities have not been revealed.{{wob ref|8665}}
* The early editions of ''[[The Hero of Ages]]'' said Feruchemical healing was granted by pewter spikes,{{epigraph ref|mb3|36}} even though the Hemalurgy table says pewter spikes only give Physical Feruchemical abilities.{{file ref|Hemalurgy_table.jpg|Table of Hemalurgic Metals}} Brandon indicated that pewter spikes could steal from the hybrid quadrant as well.{{wob ref|5508}}{{wob ref|10046}} However, later editions of the book changed the pewter spike mentioned to a gold spike and added an additional mention to a gold health spike in chapter 5.{{book ref|mb3|5}}

== Notes ==
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