
< User:LadyLameness
Revision as of 10:59, 21 February 2020 by LadyLameness (talk | contribs) (Roughly up to chapter 40)

{/{character |image=FM.PNG |aliases=FM (callsign) |world=Detritus |books=Skyward }}{/{update|book=Starsight}} {/{spoilers|book=Starsight}}

Freyja (callsign FM) is a pilot on Detritus.[1] During Flight School, she was the ninth member of Skyward Flight.[2] She is one of only two members of Skyward Flight who graduate and gain full pilot status.{/{cite}} She is from the Lower Caverns,[1] and was raised to believe and follow Defiant ideals.[3] She doesn't know the old stories from Earth.[3] FM has multiple sisters.[4]

Appearance and Personality

Freyja is tall[3] and skinny, around 185 centimeters in height, and has stylish[5],very short, blond hair,[1] that she will sometimes pin back with glittery barrettes.[6] Spensa thinks she looks Nordic.[1] Her name is a mythological name from Old Norse.[1] She wears new and pristine clothing, showing her wealth.[1] She has a slight accent which is associated with the people of the deep caverns.[7] She sometimes speaks in a very prim tone.[5] She enjoys reading.[4] FM can be a perfectionist and dislikes her own shortcomings, even when she is doing better than her classmates.[8]

Unlike her classmates, FM wears a tailored DDF uniform and polished boots for daily work at Alta Base.[3] She is very poised which makes her appear older than the rest of her flight.[3] When not in uniform she enjoys wearing feminine clothing such as skirts.[9]

She wears her emotions on her sleeve, and is good at reading others.[10] She's often the instigator of the group's trips out of the school.[9][11] She is more conservative when presented with risky choices, choosing to take the safer option.[12] She may also do this as a statement against the strong risk taking attitude promoted by the DDF.


Freyja self-identifies as a Disputer, a member of a movement that believes the Defiant culture is becoming too jingoistic and authoritarian and that the dictatorship ruling Detritus has too much power.[citation needed][13] She's highly critical of the military culture and the worship of First Citizens,[5][3] and isn't afraid to voice her opinions, even if her flightmates disagree with her. She is quick to notice any hypocrisies she perceives. However, for all her misgivings she is supportive of the continued war against the Krell and tries to become a pilot as hard as any other member of her flight.[3] FM will often complain that the other members of Skyward Flight are too aggressive.[3] FM thinks of herself as a hypocrite for wanting to be a pilot while also self identifying as a Disputer.[4] She likes being asked about her beliefs or why she identifies as something other than a Defiant.[4]


Freyja comes from one of the lower caves and a highly-merited family, allowing her to enter Flight School without attempting the test.[1]{/{dispute|is she actually a First Citizen}} Once there, FM was placed in Skyward Flight under the tutorledge of Cobb. She was roomed with the other female members of her flight, with the exception of Spensa, who was denied accomodation.[14]

Unlike many of the other members of Skyward Flight, FM successfully launched her Poco during the first lesson run by Cobb.[2] When the lesson was interrupted by a Krell attack, FM, along with the rest of Skyward Flight, were ordered to take to the sky and line up close to the battle to deceive the Krell into thinking there were more pilots ready to join the conflict.[7] When the Krell began to chase Jorgen, FM expressed her surprise that they wouldn't attack the weakest members of the team first.[14]

FM played it safe during the ring game where Skyward Flight practiced their light-lancing, believing that she could win the game by allowing everyone else to fail. She stuck to the easier rings in the first two rounds and avoided the rings entirely on the final round, regardless of their difficulty.[12]

A few days later, Skyward Flight was once again sent into battle against the Krell, this time fighting alongside full pilots. FM survived the battle, however, lost two of her other flightmates: Bim and Morningtide.[15]

FM approached Spensa the day after the battle to thank her for what she had said about Bim and Morningtide's death. As the two left the classroom for the day, FM introduced Spensa to the Disputer movement and explained how and why they opposed the Defiant leadership.[3]

When the shipyard began falling, the first time Skyward Flight had flown since Morningtide and Bim's deaths, FM, Arturo, Hurl, and Jorgen, ended up cut off from the other members of the Flight after they were attacked by Krell.[16] Eventually the members of the Flight were able to regroup and joined Riptide Flight as they headed back to base.[17]

The next week, FM, along with Kimmalyn and Hurl, devised a plan to sneak Spensa into their dormitory for the evening. Following the day's lesson, FM and Kimmalyn retired to their bunks before dinner, claiming to be unwell. Kimmalyn lead Spensa to their room, meeting up with FM near the door and smuggled Spensa inside where she found blankets piled as a makeshift bed and food waiting for her.[17] As the girls waited for Hurl to return, FM rambled about the militaristic Defiant culture, it's negative effects on their society, as well as the DDF's treatment of Spensa. She explained her motivations for why she had agreed to go to Flight School when signed up by her parents and how she hoped it would give her a platform which should use to push for change.[6]

Not long after the class was dismissed, Skyward Flight was called to action to help defend against a Krell attack. The flight took up position near one of Alta's AA guns away from the main fight to wait as backup. After the flight was given the green light to engage, FM tried to fall in behind Kimmalyn to try provide assistance when she was swarmed by Krell. Despite her best efforts, the Krell kept locking onto Kimmalyn even after they were driven away, leading to FM picking up a tail of her own, however, before long it disengaged to instead target Spensa.[18]

After the death of Hurl, FM, along with the other remaining members of Skyward Flight, were given a week of leave in order to recover.[19] During their week of leave, FM attempted to find Spensa, even asking Cobb if he knew the location of her cave, likely in an attempt to get the other girl to hangout with the members of Skyward Flight.[9] After meeting up with Nedd, Arturo, and Kimmalyn, FM returned to the barrack's at Kimmalyn's request to retrieve a necklace the other girl had accidentally left behind when she quit the DDF.[20] On her way, FM ran into Spensa and convinced the other girl to come with her to the restaurant where their flightmates had decided to meet.[9]

Once the pair had arrived, FM left Spensa with the group while she went to order the other girl food and a drink, knowing that Spensa had eaten not much more than rat for the last few months. ALthough the meal was paid for by Arturo, FM studiously continued to bring Spensa food, in order to treat her friend to food she had not been able to access since well before flight school began. After returning the necklace she retrieved to Kimmalyn, FM and her friends spoke of Hurl, remembering their friend and reminiscing about their time in flight school. When Bryn went to the bathroom, the members of Skyward Flight talked briefly about the strangeness of Krell tactics and the DDF's hesitancy to talk about these things.[20]

Before the end of their temporary break, FM and Arturo went to see a League game after being given tickets by Nedd.[21]

Several days later, FM and Spensa joined the other two cadet flights, Inkwell and Firestorm, in the dining hall and discussed the possibility of the three cadet teams being joined into one. FM dismissed the idea of joining the scouts when it was suggested by another cadet, as she believed it to be too much of the obvious choice.[11]

FM participated in all the battles that Skyward Flight did, and ended up being one of its two graduates, alongside Jorgen.[22] Afterwards, she was one of the pilots at the Second Battle of Alta, and aided in taking down the bomber carrying the second lifebuster.[23] She was one of the survivors of the battle.

Attributes and Abilities

As someone who has graduated Flight School, FM is a full pilot and highly knowledgable about piloting and starfighters. It is unknown as to whether she was required to sit the entrance exam or whether she is the descendent of a First Citizen and granted free admission. Depending on whether she was required to pass the entrance exam and whether she had previous exposure to starfighters and piloting, FM may have been less knowledgeable about flying than her fellow cadets when she entered Flight School. As she is unaware that the Krell traditionally attack the strongest pilot instead of the weakest, she may have less background knowledge than some of her flightmates.[14] However, she may have had prior experience in flying starfighters.[2] Ultimately she trains to pilot a Poco, perform aerial maneuvers, and use its weaponry.

Freyja is one Skyward Flight's best pilots. As she trained under Cobb, she has excellent control of her fighter's light-lance, making her one of the most agile pilots in the sky. She has a tendency to be overly cautious when flying, though this has made her very precise with her flying.[24] She is excellent at dodging, however, not as skilled with her destructors.[4]

She comes from a highly-merited family, giving her a large degree of freedom and influence.

FM is a good scout, although she is initially reistant to join the group, as it was the obvious choice that fit with her views on aggression amongst pilots.[11]

She is better in a smaller ship.[25]


It is possible she knew Jorgen, Nedd, and Arturo before beginning Flight School.

Following the revelation that Spensa's father was Zeen Nightshade, FM began acting more cautious around Spensa, although it is unclear if this was because of her parentage or her temper.[26]


Spensa admires FM for her fashion sense and outward appearance, finding the other girl to epitomize beauty standards.[3] FM finds a lot of Spensa's bravado to come from indoctrination of the toxic and aggressive culture promoted by the Defiants, however, appreciates the sincerity behind some of what Spensa says, particularly after the deaths of Bim and Morningtide.[3] She doesn't blame Spensa for her attitude, believing it to be ingrained in her from the society they live in.[3] Spensa doesn't understand FM's criticism of the DDF and the issue with agressiveness.[3] FM is dismissive of Spensa's concerns that she experiences fear, likely because she does not understand the underlying worry Spensa has about this meaning she is a coward.[4] During flight school, Spensa worries that FM will be pulled from the team in a similar vein as Arturo, as her parents are also influencial and wealthy.[11]


Rodge has a crush on FM. He finds her to be smart and cute, and thinks she has nice eyes.[27] Spensa, while playing matchmaker, asks FM about her dating preferences to see whether she would be interested in someone like Rodge, although her attempts to find out information do not go very far.[20]


FM: Nedd may have a crush on FM.[21] They have a playful relationship, often exchanging friendly insults and joking comments.[20] Quotes “Constantly amazed by the toxic aggression omnipresent in Defiant culture,” said the well-dressed girl. “That’s a new one.” Cobb wrote ch 13 “I figure these clowns will all get themselves killed, sir. I could probably win without any points at all.” Ch 15

“Well, most of what you say is utter nonsense,” FM said. “Windy bravado made as an excuse to tout jingoistic mantras instilled in you by a lifetime of Defiant indoctrination. But what you said earlier, that was from the heart. I…I needed to hear it. Thank you.” Chapter 21

“I was raised Defiant,” she said. “But I choose, now, to be what people down below call a Disputer—I raise objections about the way the war is being run. I think we should throw off the oppressive mantle of military government.” Chapter 21

“Wouldn’t a coward use, like, a really big bomb?” FM said. “Something you could launch from far away? Seems like you’d need to get close for poison.”

Chapter 23

“They removed the extra bed,” FM said, “so we piled some blankets on the floor. The trick is going to be using the lavatories—but we’ll run interference for you.” Chapter 27

“Being a Defiant,” she said, “isn’t just about our nationality. It’s always expressed as a mindset. ‘A true Defiant will think this way’ or ‘To be Defiant, you need to never back down,’ things like that. So, by their own logic, I can un-Defiant myself through personal choices.” Chapter 28

“I refuse to be trapped by bonds of autocracy and nationalism,” FM said. “To survive, our people have become necessarily hardened, but alongside it we have enslaved ourselves. Most people never question, and doggedly go through the motions of an obedient life. Others have increased aggression to the point that it’s hard to have natural feelings!” Chapter 28

“It’s an embarrassment to the DDF, what the admiral has done to you,” FM said. “But it’s a natural outgrowth of the totalitarian need for absolute power over those who resist her—the very example of the hypocrisy of the system. Defiance is not ‘Defiant’ to them unless it doesn’t actually defy anything.” I shot a glance at Kimmalyn, who shrugged. “She’s extremely passionate about this.” “We are propping up a government that has overreached its bounds in the name of public safety,” FM said. “The people must speak up and rise against the upper class who holds them enslaved!” “Upper class, like you?” I asked. FM looked down at her soup, then sighed. “I’d go to the Disputer meetings, and my parents would just pat me on the head and explain to everyone else that I was going through a counterculture phase. Then they signed me up for flight school, and…well, I mean, I get to fly. ” I nodded. That part I understood. “I figure, if I become a famous pilot, I can speak for the little guys, you know? I’m more likely to be able to change things here than down in the deep caverns, wearing ball gowns and sitting primly next to my sisters. Right? Don’t you think?” Chapter 28

“Yes, but you can’t help being a product of your environment!” FM said. “It’s not your fault you’re a bloodthirsty ball of aggression and destruction.” Chapter 28

See also


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