This page or section contains spoilers for Tress of the Emerald Sea!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.


Someone ought to add Harmony to the list of shards. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Special:Contributions/ 00:30, 3 March 2014 (UTC)

My understanding was that Sazed held Ruin and Preservation, and wasn't able to unite them due to their opposed nature. Thus Harmony is just a nickname for Sazed-as-Ruin-and-Preservation, not an actual united shard. -- 13:33, 16 August 2015 (MDT)
He describes mingling them in HoA and all creatures on Scadrial are mingling so it is likely that they have been mixed into harmony — Preceding unsigned comment added by User:Meditationform 05:57, 27 April 2016 (UTC)

New Shard Dominion

The sixth reference supposedly supports assertions about another shard being revealed (dominion). But the linked interview doesn't mention shards or dominion anywhere. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Special:Contributions/ 04:44, 7 July 2014 (UTC)

Splinters and Spren

Didn't we have WoB at one stage that Spren are Splinters of Honour? They're currently not listed in this section, so I'll try to hunt down the relevant interview, assuming it wasn't pre 17th shard and unarchived. -- 13:33, 16 August 2015 (MDT)

Spren are part Honor and part Cultivation (Save Voidspren), so they are not entirely of Honor (except perhaps the Honorspren). — Preceding unsigned comment added by Special:Contributions/ 14:52, 10 January 2023 (UTC)

"Ruin and Preservation can both whisper into the minds of humans."

According to SoS, only Ruin can whisper. Preservation can only read mind. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Special:Contributions/ 13:44, 18 January 2016 (UTC)

Shard for Cryptics

Do the Patternspren get a shard? Could that explain epigraph 11 in Way of Kings? — Preceding unsigned comment added by User:Mocpages 16:44, 29 June 2016 (UTC)

Domi as Dominion or Devotion

The article's suggestion that Domi is short for Dominion seems implausible, as Domi matches Devotion much more closely. (Jaddeth, on the other hand, is presumably based on Dominion.) Furthermore, it is explicit in the list of Aons that Domi comes from Aon Omi, meaning love. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Special:Contributions/ 00:36, 18 December 2016 (UTC)

Yeah I just removed that line. That's just plain wrong, and never should have been added.--WeiryWriter (talk) 19:31, 17 December 2016 (MST)


Is Trell a Shard? — Preceding unsigned comment added by User:Meep 22:27, 5 February 2017 (UTC)

Confirmed Splinters

The divine Breath that Returned hold ... and the Aon within a Seon ... are the only confirmed Splinters" - aren't spren also splinters of honor? — Preceding unsigned comment added by User:AllomancerJak 16:31, 11 September 2017 (UTC)


According to WoB, Threnody doesn't have a shard. So why is Ambition shown to be on Threnody?

Take a look:

— Preceding unsigned comment added by Special:Contributions/ 21:28, 3 November 2017 (UTC)

Ambition has been dead for a long time, so "world" should probably be N/A rather than Threnody. But I imagine that Threnody is listed because that's where Ambition fought Odium, and chunks of Ambition's power were ripped off and have probably had lasting effects on Threnody, and might still be lingering? --Shroom (talk) 18:37, 4 November 2017 (MST)
I'm not allowed to edit this page, but it could be something like "Unknown. Threnody (formerly)."? — Preceding unsigned comment added by User:Nyxen 00:48, 7 December 2022 (UTC)
Threnody is listed due to the fact that portions of Ambition's power were ripped out and Invested into Threnody causing "Disturbing effects", likely referring to Shades and the Evil, and a perpendicularity of "morbid origin". I feel it is safe to say Ambition is basically invested into Threnody, albeit in a strange manner. --Firesong (talk) 01:21, 7 December 2022 (UTC)

New Shard Patji

"Patji is a Shard of Adonalsium."

I saw this while reading WoBs, and attempted to add this. However, I couldn't figure out how the references work. Could someone more experienced add this as an eleventh known Shard?

— Preceding unsigned comment added by User:Tobbzn 13:51, 7 January 2018 (UTC)

Patji is an avatar of Autonomy, not a new Shard. --Jofwu (talk) 19:27, 26 April 2018 (MST)


For Odium, world should have a note saying "formerly Ashyn" — Preceding unsigned comment added by Special:Contributions/ 20:17, 9 December 2022 (UTC)

There's a lot of discussion going on with 'world' parameter at the moment as it has started causing some problems. Odium's page doesn't currently have this parameter on his infobox - at least for now, while we are figuring out how to proceed, it would be best to leave the page as it is (with the 'world' parameter blank). Although, if you have any suggestions about how we could improve the parameter and make it clearer/more efficient, please feel free to PM your thoughts through to myself or another Keeper on Discord (or on the Shard or a user talk page here). Cheers LadyLameness (talk) 21:25, 9 December 2022 (UTC)

Possible new shard

I have a guess about one of the unnamed shards. This guess was inspired by a single sentence from "Tress and the Emerald Sea". I'll only quote the first half of the sentence to avoid any other story details that may be spoilers but the full sentence was found on page 347 of the pdf ebook. I couldn't figure out how to put spoiler tags so, just in case, I'm going to put several returns so the sentence I partially quote will be far below: I'm sorry if this is not the right way to go about sharing this information I've never edited a wiki or posted in a wiki discussion before. The sentence starts "But if ever there were proof that Fate herself had placed long odds against [...]" The reason I believe this to be evidence for a new unnamed shard is the fact that "Fate" was capitalized as if it is a proper noun and is immediately followed by the pronoun "herself" as well as the context of the story in which this quote is found. -- 06:14, 11 January 2023 (UTC)

That is not enough to count as a new Shard, it is way, way too little. It also does not fit with the information we have of the other two. It is also, in context, clearly about Fate as a general concept, metaphorically embodied into a figure, rather than a Shard.--Firesong (talk) 22:20, 11 January 2023 (UTC)
I struck the bit about the quote being several lines down and placed a spoiler tag at the top of the page. Beyond that, while it's possible this is the finalized Intent for the Wisdom/Prudence/"hide and survive" Shard, I agree with Firesong that it's too thin a statement for us to consider it the canonization of a new Shard; there's lots of other things it could be (e.g., a personification of fate as a concept or some other non-Shard entity, like how Tress refers to "Death himself[, with] nails in his eyes"). --Stargazer (talk) 23:19, 11 January 2023 (UTC)
Also, I think the level of ambiguity, of "I think sometimes..." makes it seem like he wouldn't know. When he knew every Vessel before they Ascended, and has some form of contact with most (surviving) Shards even after it. Seems like it isn't a specific Shard, given that. --Firesong (talk) 23:59, 11 January 2023 (UTC)
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