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Summary pages have spoilers through the end of the book they summarize. However, they also have links to the rest of the Coppermind, which has full spoilers. To safely browse non-summary pages, consider using the Time Machine.

Part 1

Chapter 1


Jax and Hershel are gambling over a snickers bar in Galv. Jax wins, but then cuts the bar in half and splits it with Hershel. Jax claims entry #97 from the Bucket Book. The Fathom Radar alerts the two of Lux's arrival, and they go to the roof where their gear is waiting.

Chapter 2


Jax and Hershel prepare to execute the plan, marveling at the sheer size of the city of Lux. The five reckoners are waiting in small groups around the city. Hershal and Brigand launch groups of drones designed to burrow into the underside of lux and lay explosives in the tunnels there. Wingflare descends, alongside hundreds of Ravens. Because Lifeforce does not descend alongside his army, Abigail calls for the group to stand down and retreat. Jax protests, unsuccessfully, then launches Hershel's missiles against orders. The missiles bury the Ravens in rubble, but Wingflare lifts the rubble off easily. Jax gets on his motorcycle - equipped with a motivator that will let it drive in thin air - and takes off towards Wingflare. Jax convinces the gang to send the second volley of rockets to distract Wingflare. The reckoners detonate the drones buried in the underside of Lux, making tons of rock fall and breaking the city in half. Jax is almost crushed by a massive rock, but it is caught by Wingflare, who attempts to put Lux back together. Jax jumps onto a drone and flies towards Wingflare. He tries to attack her with his sword, but fails and is grabbed by Wingflare telekinetically. Abigail shoots Wingflare and Jax manages to get away while she is distracted. Jax reveals that he managed to cut some hair off of Wingflare. The team regroups at the rendez-vous point, though Brigand has been gravely injured.

Chapter 3

Seven years ago

A young Jax is visiting his brother Dan at his school, and they go out to breakfast. In the middle of their meal, Lovestruck appears. Jax runs to Lovestruck, not sensing the danger and Dan follows. Lovestruck blows a kiss towards Dan, killing him. The police appear and drive off Lovestruck. A team of paramedics show up and attempt to help Dan, but are powerless to help. Jax stays by Dan's body for hours before Prof arrives. Prof offers to drive Jax back to his family Houston, then reveals that it has been destroyed by Obliteration, and all of Jax's family with it. Prof lets Jax stay the night, then offers to take Jax to stay with some friends in New York. Jax accepts. They visit Dan's apartment once before departing, and Jax recovers Dan's sword. In the car, Prof tells Jax about the Reckoners, and Jax reveals that he wants to help others.

Chapter 4


Jax wakes up in Prof's car. Prof reveals that instead of going to New York, they are going to the Coop because Prof has decided that Jax is a perfect candidate for Reckoner training. Prof tries to dissuade Jax from being a hero, but Jax is determined.

Chapter 5


Jax and Prof arrive in Newcastle and meet Zeff. Prof convinces to take Jax to the Coop despite his young age, saying that a younger recruit could be more loyal, and that kids learn more easily. Prof leaves, and Jax goes with Zeff to the Coop. Zeff explains the rules of the Coop, and when Jax fails to comply, Zeff sentences him to two hours on the post. Jax falls off continuously, which only extends his sentence on the post. Zeff lets Jax off at sunset, then they enter the Coop. Zeff shows Jax to his room, and takes Shiloh, saying that Jax won't get it back until he knows how to use it.

Chapter 6


Zeff puts Jax back on the post, asking why he decided to come to the Coop while there. Jax says he doesn't know. In response, Zeff drives Jax out into the countryside and leaves him there, saying that he will bring Jax back once he has a satisfactory reason to be at the Coop. Jax decides that for him, being a hero isn't about having nice things, but about protecting the nice things not for himself, but for others. When Zeff comes back, he is satisfied with this answer, and shows Jax the supply cache, where there is a small motivator workshop. Zeff introduces Jax to the concept of Motivators. Jax is enamored and wants to work on them right away, but Zeff says that the prerequisite for working on them is reading dozens of texts on cell biology and microbiology.

Chapter 7


Jax describes his early training at the Coop, including "no-flinch" games that feel more like torture than training. Zeff explains that the fundamentals of being an assassin are not flashy skills like being able to shoot or use a sword, but more subtle ones, like being able to sit in a bush for days without moving. Jax asks to start training with a sword, and Zeff decides to teach him martial arts instead. Jax describes the other forms of training he undergoes, and his isolation among the much older trainees. Paige arrives at the Coop, and Zeff introduces her and Jax. Zeff antagonizes both Paige and Jax by describing how each of their families were murdered by Epics. Realizing that both Paige and Jax care more about other people than themselves, Zeff decides that any time one of them makes a mistake, the other will bear the punishment. Zeff starts training Jax in swordplay.

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22