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Raboniel was the one to suggest the [[Urithiru]] invasion to the [[Nine]], saying that she could use her abilities to turn the tower's defenses against the Radiants and suppress their powers.{{book ref|sa4|14}} She led a group, including [[Venli]], [[Rothan]], stormform Singers, and a group of [[Deepest Ones]], in the invasion.
Upon arriving at Urithiru, Raboniel began to corrupt the [[Sibling]] with [[Voidlight]]. This caused her great physical strain, but she managed to activate the tower's defenses as planned.{{book ref|sa4|38}} In the process, she also realized that the Sibling was not dead, only pretending to be, and began secretly listening in when the Sibling communicated with others, like Navani.{{book ref|sa4|72}} She ordered her team to only kill people who resisted, and to gather the Radiants, and gave the [[Pursuer]] permission to kill [[Kaladin]]. When [[Ulim]] found Navani, Raboniel directed him to keep her alive, seeing her as a useful resource.
Raboniel met with Navani and laid out her plans for Urithiru - Raboniel would gather the Radiants and allow all other humans to live in the tower, although they were all demoted to darkeyed status. She allowed the humans to continue trade, unlike most of the humans in [[Alethkar]], but not to carry weapons. Navani agreed to these terms when Raboniel said that if she did not agree, the singers would kill all the Radiants and be less accommodating in their rule.{{book ref|sa4|42}} During the occupation, she used fabrials with corrupted spren that were not suppressed by the Sibling.{{book ref|sa4|61}}
Navani, descending into feverish and obsessive research, was able to create a tone that repelled Voidlight using the bow and plate system. Although she tried to hide her breakthrough from Raboniel, the Regals could hear a difference in the tones and Raboniel came to investigate Navani's progress. Finding the new plate, Raboniel played it, realized what Navani had done, and convinced her to engage in collaboration again. Using a Thaylen vacuum tube and Navani's anti-Voidlight plate, they successfully created anti-Voidlight. When Raboniel touched the gemstone, she described it as a painful noise, but she was elated by the discovery, and as Navani left the room, Raboniel immediately tried to combine Voidlight and anti-Voidlight, which created an explosion in which she and her attendant were both injured, but survived. She then ordered Navani to fill another gemstone with anti-Voidlight, put the gem into a second raysium dagger, and altered the dagger so the anti-Voidlight would flow out of the blade. Using this blade, she stabbed her daughter in the chest, killing her. It was a painful death, and Raboniel expressed deep and genuine sorrow, cradling Essu's body and crying. She also revealed the true purpose of her experiments to Navani, which was not to find a way to kill Odium but instead to create a method of permanently killing spren. She gathered Navani's notebook and materials and used her work as a guide to create anti-Stormlight.{{book ref|sa4|97}} Unbeknownst to Raboniel, Navani picked up the dagger, which still had a small anti-Voidlight charge.
Moash suspected that Raboniel had known the location of the final node for a while, but had been stalling in order to continue researching with Navani. When Raboniel approached the pillar node to finish corrupting the Sibling, Navani primed her [[painrial]] trap with a magnet and planned to stab Raboniel with the Voidlight dagger. However, Raboniel gave Navani the chance to escape, which she did not take because her honor would not allow her to abandon the Sibling. Navani proposed a deal in order to lure Raboniel into her fabrial trap: they would wait in her rooms together, and if Moash defeated Kaladin, she would submit to him, and if not, then Raboniel would leave the Sibling alone. The plan succeeded, and Navani, who had felt the effects of the painrial before, was able to overpower Raboniel and stab her in the chest with the Voidlight dagger. She was weakened but was not enough Light to kill her, and she complimented Navani on the trick and urged her again to run and take the research with her. Navani realized that although Raboniel had wanted the singers to win, she would prefer Odium's forces to be defeated instead of allowing the war to continue on forever.{{book ref|sa4|106}}
Later, Navani used a [[fabrial]] trap to stop Raboniel, and then, with what remained of the weapon Raboniel used to kill her daughter, stabbed Raboniel. However, since there wasn't enough [[Anti-Voidlight]] Raboniel was left in a weakened state.{{book ref|sa4|106}}
When Navani was subsequently attacked by [[Moash]], Raboniel latched onto his foot and clawed at him to buy time for Navani. She also reversed the dagger to drain his Stormlight when she stabbed him.{{book ref|sa4|107}} Navani later returned and killedthanked Raboniel, treatingwho told Navani to kill her withbecause themost utmostof respecther soul was burned away, and if she returned she would be insane.{{book ref|sa4|113}}Navani did so reverently, holding her hand and attuning the Rhythm of War with Raboniel one last time as she died. She left a note on Raboniel's body sayingthat called her a hero and said it iswas not to be disturbed.{{book ref|sa4|113}}
== Relationships ==
{{image|Navani and Raboniel by Esther Schrader.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Working with [[Navani]]}}
=== Navani ===
Raboniel is impressed with the scholarly work that Navani has done, and she requests that Navani help her in developing [[Warlight]]. Originally, Navani resists and stalls, but Raboniel sees through her efforts. Venli remarks that Raboniel seems to enjoy the challenge of manipulating Navani.{{book ref|sa4|67}} With both their efforts, they manage to develop not only [[Warlight]], but also [[Anti-Stormlight]] and [[Anti-Voidlight]]. Raboniel is appreciative of Navani's scholarship and compliments her often and genuinely, although Navani usually deflects the praise.